Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 Uncle Jesse says "Lizzy, Julie said this is Bo's niece right here and she is a cutiepie I have to agree and she doesn't even know how her mother and Uncle didn't ever take care of her properly."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Uncle Jesse says "Lizzy, Julie said this is Bo's niece right here and she is a cutiepie I have to agree and she doesn't even know how her mother and Uncle didn't ever take care of her properly.""Well then we'll just have to change that won't we? She's with Dukes and Davenports now and she'll have all the love and care she'll ever need." Lizzy replies. Cue Anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 "Well then we'll just have to change that won't we? She's with Dukes and Davenports now and she'll have all the love and care she'll ever need." Lizzy replies. Cue Anyone.Uncle Jesse says "I got to admit one thing she looks like Julie, when she was that little I'm little concerned about her. I tried to stop her from going to work but she told she was okay you know how stubborn she gets and Bo, James and Luke didn't say nothing. And Daisy, allreadry left for the day as well."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Uncle Jesse says "I got to admit one thing she looks like Julie, when she was that little I'm little concerned about her. I tried to stop her from going to work but she told she was okay you know how stubborn she gets and Bo, James and Luke didn't say nothing. And Daisy, allreadry left for the day as well.""She'll be ok Uncle Jesse, she's a Duke don't worry." Lizzy answers. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 "She'll be ok Uncle Jesse, she's a Duke don't worry." Lizzy answers. Cue anyone.Doc gets Julie to wake up and she says "What Happened and really I'm fine why is everybody looking."Doc says "I don't think so Julie Ann Duke, you got the Flu and you shouldn't went to work today how did you make it through the day you look terrible and your buring up with fever and you always have been stubborn let's go back and get you all checked out and see what else is going on. Your going to need stitches the way he hit that table and I've been reminded you about that tetanus shot for the longest time now."Julie says "Oh, I don't need that now I'll be okay."Jesse says "Julie, you need that tetunas shot and your not going to give Doc Appleby a hard time about it right?"Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Doc gets Julie to wake up and she says "What Happened and really I'm fine why is everybody looking."Doc says "I don't think so Julie Ann Duke, you got the Flu and you shouldn't went to work today how did you make it through the day you look terrible and your buring up with fever and you always have been stubborn let's go back and get you all checked out and see what else is going on. Your going to need stitches the way he hit that table and I've been reminded you about that tetanus shot for the longest time now."Julie says "Oh, I don't need that now I'll be okay."Jesse says "Julie, you need that tetunas shot and your not going to give Doc Appleby a hard time about it right?"Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"Of course she won't, she's a good girl and she'll hold still and get it over with. Set a good example for your niece Julie." Lizzy adds. Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 Doc looks at Lizzy and says " hey my records indicate your overdue for the very same thing, how come you haven't returned any of my phone calls you to maybe the to of the most stubborn but when it comes to needles your both chickens."Julie says "Allright doc, just as long as I don't see the needle I'll be fine and besides it just a shot Lizzy it could be worst right Uncle Jesse. Like, a blood test that worst now I really don't like them now."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Doc looks at Lizzy and says " hey my records indicate your overdue for the very same thing, how come you haven't returned any of my phone calls you to maybe the to of the most stubborn but when it comes to needles your both chickens."Julie says "Allright doc, just as long as I don't see the needle I'll be fine and besides it just a shot Lizzy it could be worst right Uncle Jesse. Like, a blood test that worst now I really don't like them now.""Umm, shots no I don't think so. I think I just got the shot a bit ago. I'm good." Lizzy said. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 Doc says "No you didn't Lizzy, you said you come in last week but you never did I wandering who's the biggest chicken between you and Julie right now. Jesse, we seem to have a bit a problem. You know what, I wish I could change your mind right now."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Doc says "No you didn't Lizzy, you said you come in last week but you never did I wandering who's the biggest chicken between you and Julie right now. Jesse, we seem to have a bit a problem. You know what, I wish I could change your mind right now.""Fine you don't have to make me feel guilty about it." Lizzy says handing the baby to Jesse and hoped up on the table and rolled her sleeve up. "Just get it over with." Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 "Fine you don't have to make me feel guilty about it." Lizzy says handing the baby to Jesse and hoped up on the table and rolled her sleeve up. "Just get it over with." Cue Julieduke.Julie says "Hey Doc, she can first and I'll come back tomorrow it can wait it's not that important right Uncle Jesse."Doc says "Listen Julie Ann Duke, your getting the shot as well I've been as patient as a docter can be but I tired of waiting on you lately."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Julie says "Hey Doc, she can first and I'll come back tomorrow it can wait it's not that important right Uncle Jesse."Doc says "Listen Julie Ann Duke, your getting the shot as well I've been as patient as a docter can be but I tired of waiting on you lately."Cue LizzyJackson-DavenportLizzy gets her shot then hops down to look at Julie, "Girl if you don't get this shot I will hold you down until it's over with. It's just a shot and it's nothing you barely feel it." Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 Lizzy gets her shot then hops down to look at Julie, "Girl if you don't get this shot I will hold you down until it's over with. It's just a shot and it's nothing you barely feel it." Cue Julieduke.Julie looks at Lizzy and says "You wouldn't I just don't believe besides that's not fair but yes I'll get my shot and jeez the doc says I need stitches as well that's really going to hurt as well. Can you take my place Lizzy, I guess not you know somedays it doesn't pay to get out of bed Uncle Jesse."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Julie looks at Lizzy and says "You wouldn't I just don't believe besides that's not fair but yes I'll get my shot and jeez the doc says I need stitches as well that's really going to hurt as well. Can you take my place Lizzy, I guess not you know somedays it doesn't pay to get out of bed Uncle Jesse.""You're right Julie it doesn't pay most of the time. Hey I know it'll hurt a bit but I'll be right here with you." Lizzy says. Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 Julie says "Well okay, I'm ready but I want you hear when I get those stitches can a I hold on to ya I've heard those really hurt now."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Julie says "Well okay, I'm ready but I want you hear when I get those stitches can a I hold on to ya I've heard those really hurt now.""Sure, here." Lizzy says offering her hand. Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 "Sure, here." Lizzy says offering her hand. Cue Julieduke.Doc had given the shot to Julie and she was holding Lizzy hand and she really squeezed and she was wandering why her friend lied to her to hurt like hell when she got it.
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Doc had given the shot to Julie and she was holding Lizzy hand and she really squeezed and she was wandering why her friend lied to her to hurt like hell when she got it."It's alright Julie, see the shot's over with, now we just got to wait for the stitches. If you want to know the truth, they hurt like hell but I was trying not to scare you too much." Lizzy says. Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 Julie looks at Lizzy and says "Oh thanks alot Lizzy, but I appreciate it atleast I'll won't need another one of these for a five years or so."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Julie looks at Lizzy and says "Oh thanks alot Lizzy, but I appreciate it atleast I'll won't need another one of these for a five years or so.""True, so tell me about one of Bo's stupidest stunts he's ever pulled." Lizzy says. Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 "True, so tell me about one of Bo's stupidest stunts he's ever pulled." Lizzy says. Cue Julieduke.Julie says "Oh you mean, the time he didn't think anybody would notice the fact that he forget to fix the tallight and Luke found out the hard way Lizzy."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Julie says "Oh you mean, the time he didn't think anybody would notice the fact that he forget to fix the tallight and Luke found out the hard way Lizzy."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"What was wrong with the taillight to begin with?" Lizzy asks.Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 "What was wrong with the taillight to begin with?" Lizzy asks.Cue Julieduke.Julie says "It's was broken and Rosco warned him three times, and last time he told he was going to give him a ticket for it if he didn't fix the dang thing Lizzy. If I didn't know any better I would swear that your kinda sweet on my brother lately."
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Julie says "It's was broken and Rosco warned him three times, and last time he told he was going to give him a ticket for it if he didn't fix the dang thing Lizzy. If I didn't know any better I would swear that your kinda sweet on my brother lately.""I don't know what you're talking about, just cause he's kinda cute and sweet to me doesn't mean that I like him as more than a friend." Lizzy said blushing red. Cue Julieduke.
Julieduke Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 Julie says "Lizzy, your blushing it's okay if you like my brother and I'm going to tell him when he gets home for ya. You'll appreciate it later, trust me about this right here."
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