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Do You think James and Emy are going to get away?  

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  1. 1. Do You think James and Emy are going to get away?

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Frank had his gun knock right out of hand by the approaching James and he wasn't expecting that move. He was for the least part stunned by that and he says "I should've snatched Julie, she wouldn't be this much trouble she look smaller and weaker as well."

In Town

Julie could see that right now it seemed her brother and cousin was determined to find James and Emy and it seemed that she didn't want to be alone she didn't who she had for company. She would even sit at the Bluebird Cafe with Rosco if Uncle Jesse wasn't here right now.


At the cabin:

"Well to bad. You got me to deal with." James said, crossing his arms.

In town:

Bo and Luke ran outside and climbed in the General. Starting it up, Bo sped off.


Jesse says "Well, it seems that Emy is still cute but what if me would do something againist your little cousin here boy."

In the Car

Bo says "Luke, I'm worried they have my twin brother and their sister neglected my niece as well and just left her at the farm. I'm wandering how she found in the first place."


Jesse says "What if we did kid, and you know what you was a easy mark for Angelena you fell for her like a rock. What I see you have Frank's gun there are you going to shoot me as well we don't we know where were at in this county."

Frank says "Well it looks you have the upperhand here ,but geez kid I got a feeling you know this area for some strange reason lately."

Jesse says "What if we did kid, and you know what you was a easy mark for Angelena you fell for her like a rock. What I see you have Frank's gun there are you going to shoot me as well we don't we know where were at in this county."

Frank says "Well it looks you have the upperhand here ,but geez kid I got a feeling you know this area for some strange reason lately."

Balladeer: I wonder where Bo and Luke are at right now.

Julie looks at her brother and cousin and this little baby that somebody just left and she was still holding little Jamie and she says "Bo, we got to deal this little girl and our cousins kidnapped we should tell Uncle Jesse about this little baby as well when you talk to him. I don't think she looks anything like our brother and Angelena didn't admit to leaveling her in hot car as well. I was thinking here, Boss wouldn't be behind this right here but you know that Hughie Hogg never had no love for the Dukes as well. And he was upset the last time around."

Jamie starts crying and it seems that Julie looks down and says "Oh my goodness Bo, listen I don't who's baby this is but she's burning up with fever right now. I wonder is being in that hot car has effected her at all. That such a mean thing to do how she care for this baby, James told me he doesn't have no girlfriend so I think Angelena is lying but why leave this baby with us or even for that at all."

Meanwhile it seems that Emy and James are in a pickle and neither one knows who's behind this right here as well.

Frank says "Hey Jesse, I think we contacted the wrong person and I still think we should look for that blond haired girl driving that Pontiac as well. She seen what happened she's a witness as well, I don't like witness's to anything."

Lizzy pulls in at the farm and can hear a baby wailing as soon as she shuts her car off. She hurries inside and is greeted by the site of Julie holding a baby looking at Bo. "Awww, cute kid there Julie where'd you get her and why's she cryin' like that?" Lizzy asks.

Cue anyone.

Lizzy pulls in at the farm and can hear a baby wailing as soon as she shuts her car off. She hurries inside and is greeted by the site of Julie holding a baby looking at Bo. "Awww, cute kid there Julie where'd you get her and why's she cryin' like that?" Lizzy asks.

Cue anyone.

Sorry about that y'all if you would ignore that I'd be grateful.

Anyway what it should have said was.

Lizzy was sitting on the hood of her car in Cooter's garage watching her father fix up an old Roadrunner, munching on some popcorn until Cooter looked up.

"Girl get off your butt and give me a hand would ya?" Cooter asks.

"Oh alright what do you want me to do?" Lizzy asks looking at Cooter.

Cue anyone.

Posted (edited)

Julie walked in Cooter's and she looks at Lizzy and says "Hey there Lizzy, there is so much I got talk to you about and I'm so scared. I could tell while your working on whatever it his. First of all, James and Emy was kidnapped and these two guys but I got away from then they shot out my taillight. I seen the whole thing as well. Then by the time I got home some girl named Angelena drops off and baby girl and says it's James. Lizzy, your not going to believe this but she let her and James daughter in a hot car while she went to the Boars Nest to wait for him. At first we didn't believe her but then we started and that's not all, when she came in they made a ramson call to Bo and he could believe what they said and he still won't tell what they told him on the phone. She named the my niece Takula Jamie, and I know that James is going to change that well I found out through Rosco that there is a Frank and Jesse Jamison and they have a little sister named Angelena and she's a car thief. Well before the kidnapped my cousin and brother they robbed the gym that Boss started as well. It amazing they didn't know that Rosco was the Sheriff or he would be trouble right now instead. Just eariler Little Jamie started with fever so Bo and I drove her to Doc Appleby's and were waiting to see what he says. I can tell that Bo and Luke are looking for James and Emy right now, if your curious those bad guys are driving a Big Brown Truck with Texas Plates of "SNAKE".

Cue anybody

Edited by Julieduke
"Yeah I know the area. I grew up here." James said, picking up the gun. He pointed it at Frank.

Frank says "Jesse untie that kid right now, I can deal with this one right here but this has never happened before. I've never been outsmarted this is a first but what are you planning on doing after you get out of here."

Jesse says "Frank, I really don't want to know what he's planning to do but he did get the upperhand I told you we should kidnapped his sister. She was getting off her shift at the post office and it would've been so much easier than this right here."

Frank says "I know, but what am I supposed to do that what Hughie told us to do and I'm going to get after him if I ever get out of this situation here."


Jesse says "Well, It ain't my fault your older than me Frank and this was supposed to simple and now look what's going on right now. I don't like the way this going to end as well."

Posted (edited)
*sticks her tongue out at him and throws another vase at Jesse

Jesse says "Hey kid, this isn't funny you better watch out" and he sneaks up and tries to grab little Emy.

Frank says "this just ain't worth the money that Hughie paid us, I thought this was going to be easy Jesse."

Edited by Julieduke


Frank says "I thought you can handle the girl Jesse!"

Jesse says "She's thrown a vase at each of us, and she kicked me in the shin like eariler she is fiery as something else."


Frank says "I would've hated to run into your father then, I didn't appreciate that you threw something at me as well. What manners your family as what happens when you get really mad at somebody then."

Jesse says "We got enough probelms right now, this embrassing a ten year old kid got the best of you Frank."

Julie walked in Cooter's and she looks at Lizzy and says "Hey there Lizzy, there is so much I got talk to you about and I'm so scared. I could tell while your working on whatever it his. First of all, James and Emy was kidnapped and these two guys but I got away from then they shot out my taillight. I seen the whole thing as well. Then by the time I got home some girl named Angelena drops off and baby girl and says it's James. Lizzy, your not going to believe this but she let her and James daughter in a hot car while she went to the Boars Nest to wait for him. At first we didn't believe her but then we started and that's not all, when she came in they made a ramson call to Bo and he could believe what they said and he still won't tell what they told him on the phone. She named the my niece Takula Jamie, and I know that James is going to change that well I found out through Rosco that there is a Frank and Jesse Jamison and they have a little sister named Angelena and she's a car thief. Well before the kidnapped my cousin and brother they robbed the gym that Boss started as well. It amazing they didn't know that Rosco was the Sheriff or he would be trouble right now instead. Just eariler Little Jamie started with fever so Bo and I drove her to Doc Appleby's and were waiting to see what he says. I can tell that Bo and Luke are looking for James and Emy right now, if your curious those bad guys are driving a Big Brown Truck with Texas Plates of "SNAKE".

Cue anybody

Lizzy wiped her hands on a towel and then wrapped her friend in a bear hug. "Hey dad have you seen my bowing knife?" Lizzy asks.

"No why?" Cooter answers.

"Because I'm going to kill that girl if I get my hands on her. You don't ever leave a kid in a hot car it's like the first rule of parenting. Secondly don't worry Julie, I have full confidence that Bo will find them and he'll get them out of there. And lastly where is Jamie and is she alright." Lizzy states.

Cue anyone.

Lizzy wiped her hands on a towel and then wrapped her friend in a bear hug. "Hey dad have you seen my bowing knife?" Lizzy asks.

"No why?" Cooter answers.

"Because I'm going to kill that girl if I get my hands on her. You don't ever leave a kid in a hot car it's like the first rule of parenting. Secondly don't worry Julie, I have full confidence that Bo will find them and he'll get them out of there. And lastly where is Jamie and is she alright." Lizzy states.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "She's at Doc Appleby's he said he wanted to check her out, she's so small and she doesn't even look healthy even. How could she do that to my niece like that and plus if you want to know her name. Well, it's Angelena Jamison and it seems that she's a car theif as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody

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