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Sweating For The County

Do You think James and Emy are going to get away?  

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  1. 1. Do You think James and Emy are going to get away?

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Balladeer: I sure hope that Emy is okay now.

Julie woke up and got dressed and brushed her hair and such and grabbed her purse and her car keys and she slipped out her window and went to her car. She needed some air, and she's been at home way too long and everybody was getting on her nerves right now and she didn't even leave a note. Besides she was going to be right back anyways it's just her brother called her a baby and that was just too much right now. Besides they won't miss her much right now, beside Jamie is going to keep them busy right now. Julie had no idea where she was going, but she thought about the pond and it seems that she wanted a place to think.

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Julie woke up and got dressed and brushed her hair and such and grabbed her purse and her car keys and she slipped out her window and went to her car. She needed some air, and she's been at home way too long and everybody was getting on her nerves right now and she didn't even leave a note. Besides she was going to be right back anyways it's just her brother called her a baby and that was just too much right now. Besides they won't miss her much right now, beside Jamie is going to keep them busy right now. Julie had no idea where she was going, but she thought about the pond and it seems that she wanted a place to think.

It was a while later before Bo or Lizzy woke up and noticed that the house was still and empty. "Wonder where they went." Bo says.

"Who knows." Lizzy replies.

Cue anyone.

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Balladeer: Hasn't anybody notice that Julie is gone as well yet.

Julie was driving along and she was getting really tired and she knew this wasn't very good and she stopped at the caves that her and brother and cousins would play hooky at from school.

Back at the House

Bo says "Listen Lizzy, I'm going to see how my sister doing she's been really quiet and this ain't normal maybe I could find out why nobody's home."

Bo walked to Julie's door and walked in her room after knocking and not hearing not response and he surprized to find she was gone along with her pursed as well. And when he look out her window so was her car as well. And he says "Lizzy, Julie left she must be really mad at me right now doesn't she realize she's sick that's who everybody is looking for. And geez I shouldn't said what I said that wasn't very nice comment I made oh boy that was one huge oops!"

Cue Anybody

Edited by Julieduke
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Julie was driving along and she was getting really tired and she knew this wasn't very good and she stopped at the caves that her and brother and cousins would play hooky at from school.

Back at the House

Bo says "Listen Lizzy, I'm going to see how my sister doing she's been really quiet and this ain't normal maybe I could find out why nobody's home."

Bo walked to Julie's door and walked in her room after knocking and not hearing not response and he surprized to find she was gone along with her pursed as well. And when he look out her window so was her car as well. And he says "Lizzy, Julie left she must be really mad at me right now doesn't she realize she's sick that's who everybody is looking for. And geez I shouldn't said what I said that wasn't very nice comment I made oh boy that was one huge oops!"

Cue Anybody

"Bo just sit down. The only way you're going to go find her is if you take my car and let's not go into the last time you borrowed my car. Just sit back down until we feel better and we hear from everyone. I'm sure they're out there looking for her anyway." Lizzy says sitting up slowly.

Cue anyone.

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"Bo just sit down. The only way you're going to go find her is if you take my car and let's not go into the last time you borrowed my car. Just sit back down until we feel better and we hear from everyone. I'm sure they're out there looking for her anyway." Lizzy says sitting up slowly.

Cue anyone.

Bo says "But she's my baby sister, and she took off being sick as well doesn't she know what of danger she just put herself into right now. Hey, I just thought of something one us should see how Jamie is doing and since your a girl I elect you Lizzy."

Balladeer: Isn't Bo real fair about his niece and Lizzy right now folks.

Jamie was fuzzing real loud by now, and trying to get somebody's attention in the house not caring who's.

cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Edited by Julieduke
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Bo says "But she's my baby sister, and she took off being sick as well doesn't she know what of danger she just put herself into right now. Hey, I just thought of something one us should see how Jamie is doing and since your a girl I elect you Lizzy."

Balladeer: Isn't Bo real fair about his niece and Lizzy right now folks.

Jamie was fuzzing real loud by now, and trying to get somebody's attention in the house not caring who's.

cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"You're not as sick as I am Bo I volunteer you. At least just go get her and bring her here." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

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"You're not as sick as I am Bo I volunteer you. At least just go get her and bring her here." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Bo walks in and picks up Jamie and says "Oh kid, just you and me again you know what your pretty special I don't know why your Mama didn't want to take care of you. Your going to be a heart breaker. Oh by the way, here's Lizzy she knows what to do with babies more than I do."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Bo walks in and picks up Jamie and says "Oh kid, just you and me again you know what your pretty special I don't know why your Mama didn't want to take care of you. Your going to be a heart breaker. Oh by the way, here's Lizzy she knows what to do with babies more than I do."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"What's wrong little one? Are you hungry?" Lizzy asks rocking the baby.

Cue anyone.

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Bo says "Lizzy, thats sweet as sick as you are your taking care of Jamie there I hope Julie is doing okay."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Julie is sitting outside of her car and she feeling so sick right now but she doesn't even know is she can drive back when she hears another pull up.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Bo says "Lizzy, thats sweet as sick as you are your taking care of Jamie there I hope Julie is doing okay."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"I'm sure she is now get in that kitchen and get me a bottle. There should be one on the counter." Lizzy says. Bo rolls his eyes and grabs the bottle before sitting next to Lizzy and wrapping an arm around her.

Down the road.

Luke looks into Julie's window and smiles.

"Can you tell me why you can't stay put?" Luke says.

Cue anyone.

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"I'm sure she is now get in that kitchen and get me a bottle. There should be one on the counter." Lizzy says. Bo rolls his eyes and grabs the bottle before sitting next to Lizzy and wrapping an arm around her.

Down the road.

Luke looks into Julie's window and smiles.

"Can you tell me why you can't stay put?" Luke says.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "Listen Luke, my brother called me a baby and Lizzy called my book trashy and I can't stand not doing nothing I just don't if I can drive back home. I know your probaly thinking I ain't got no gas but it's fine I just don't feel very well and besides with Jamie there nobody will notice I wasn't there in the first place."

Julie rolls her eyes and walks aways and faints, I guess she was as sick as Uncle Jesse said she was now.

Cue Anybody

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Julie says "Listen Luke, my brother called me a baby and Lizzy called my book trashy and I can't stand not doing nothing I just don't if I can drive back home. I know your probaly thinking I ain't got no gas but it's fine I just don't feel very well and besides with Jamie there nobody will notice I wasn't there in the first place."

Julie rolls her eyes and walks aways and faints, I guess she was as sick as Uncle Jesse said she was now.

Cue Anybody

Luke rolled his eyes and picked up Julie putting her in the passenger seat of her car. "Come on darlin' you need to get back to bed." Luke says starting Julie's car to drive back to the farm.

Cue anyone.

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Luke rolled his eyes and picked up Julie putting her in the passenger seat of her car. "Come on darlin' you need to get back to bed." Luke says starting Julie's car to drive back to the farm.

Cue anyone.

Balladeer: I think somebody ought to keep her keys after that she sure is sick and oreny right now.

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Balladeer: I think somebody ought to keep her keys after that she sure is sick and oreny right now.

Luke reaches the farm and puts Julie to bed. Luke then takes the keys and puts them into his pockets. When he reenters the living room he spots Lizzy and Bo curled up on the couch with Jamie in Lizzy's arms. He notes it would be a cute family picture before he goes to the CB to call to everyone who was out looking.

Cue anyone.

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Luke reaches the farm and puts Julie to bed. Luke then takes the keys and puts them into his pockets. When he reenters the living room he spots Lizzy and Bo curled up on the couch with Jamie in Lizzy's arms. He notes it would be a cute family picture before he goes to the CB to call to everyone who was out looking.

Cue anyone.

Uncle Jesse says "That girl, doesn't even know how sick she is right now I think we should call the docter and have him check on everybody Daisy."

Bo wakes up and says "Hey Luke, where's Julie at right now you know one thing she sure can be a pain in the but when she's sick can't she."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Uncle Jesse says "That girl, doesn't even know how sick she is right now I think we should call the docter and have him check on everybody Daisy."

Bo wakes up and says "Hey Luke, where's Julie at right now you know one thing she sure can be a pain in the but when she's sick can't she."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"Definitely Little Cousin. You behave while we were gone?" Luke asks.

Cue anyone.

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"Definitely Little Cousin. You behave while we were gone?" Luke asks.

Cue anyone.

Bo says "In between my niece and being sick nothing funny was going on between us.But just for record Luke, what did my sister do this time as if I had to ask I seen you had put her keys in your pocket."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Bo says "In between my niece and being sick nothing funny was going on between us.But just for record Luke, what did my sister do this time as if I had to ask I seen you had put her keys in your pocket."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"It's my fault Luke I kept him in line I promise." Lizzy says. "I bet she took off didn't she?"

Cue anyone.

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