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I just realized, there's no thread for bloopers with the General Lee (if there is, I don't know where).

Now I have come across pictures with bloopers in them: Case and point there is a picture of the General Lee somewhere with the 01 backwards. It has a cast member standing infront of it. Somehow, I wonder if it was a publicity photo (those General's actually didn't have the numbers on them) who someone tried to fill in the numbers and had dyslexia or something.

Now on to what I noticed today. I just finished watching 'Happy Birthday General Lee' and I caught something peculiar when they did the junk yard scene where that worker is being grilled by those two criminals. I just barely caught it and had to rewatch the scene, but I was right.

He did not refer to the General Lee before he was the General Lee as a '69. No siree bob. He refered to it as a SIXTY EIGHT. :rofl:

And here I thought junk yard owners were supposed to know their cars.

Now I know there were General Lees on the show that were modified from '68's however, this would most definitely be considered a blooper considering the General was supposed to be a '69.


Great topic!!

And good ears! I didn't notice the 68.

The funniest thing I ever saw was a production blooper rather than an actor's bloopers.

There is one shot where you see the General jump over the creek. You also see the camera mounted on the side of the car plain as day. The scene cuts to the view from said camera then back.

It's hilarious! Although I realize those stunts are expensive, nowadays that shot would have been scrapped.

I also noticed that in the episode with the race horse the General doesn't have a roll bar.


Also if you notice in some earlier episodes, the General Lee's windows are up, but when they go to a scene with the boys getting out or what ever, the windows are down without any indication they were up in the first place. Ordinarally, if that were me, I woulda stopped before putting the windows down, or would have waited as long as possible to do so if it was cold out... which during some of the filming in Conyers, it was pretty cold out! At least, that's what I hear.

There's also a scene i know of in one episode, can't remember which one, where it looks like Tom got in through the window, but got in through the door and you can hear the door slam shut. Audio Blooper.



What a great thread to start, it's a wonderful idea. I never caught any of those. I think that I did catch one where Luke opens the car door!

I just love the behind the scenes threads, so this is great!

Thanks for starting this one up, countrygirl1986!

Laura Duke:D


Behind the scenes thread? We're talking accidents that made it into the show! *angelic face*

I know what ya mean, just yankin' ya chain. I started this thread because I was watching Happy Birthday General Lee and just barely caught the part about it being refered to as a '68... and I never seen that listed in any bloopers lists before. It got me wondering if anyone else had ever noticed it before.


Oh I remember other stuff!

There are quite a few times when the General lands you can see the front end it crumple and when it cuts to the boys or another view of the car continuing on it's way, it is magically fixed. LOL

They did use pieces of footage brilliantly tough. Once the General didn't quite make the landing and the back hit the water. They had Bo say "Dang it! I got the tail end wet!"

Another time Boss Hogg was in the patrol car with Rosco. When Rosco spun the car and stopped the Boss dummy (it was sometimes obvious when they used them) lost his hat out the window. You hear Boss say something like "Oh my hat! I lost my hat!" and it cuts to Boss Hogg opening the door and picking up the hat.

Lastly when the General landed in one episode the stunt driver sunk in the seat upon impact and you could clearly see he was wearing a white helmet.

I wish I would have noted the episode titles when I saw all that stuff. Too bad.


there is also an episode where you can tell the General Lee is going to land on it's side... which it did so they redid the landing. I believe it was the one with the boys jumping through the barn, and they used a clip of it in the first Reunion movie as well. I don't think they did ANY new jumps for that one. I think they were all clipped from the show.

Speaking of the first reunion movie... you can really tell what stunt driving was done then and what was done during the show. The spot by the lights is black in the show, orange in the stuff filmed for the first Reunion. that drove me nuts!

  • 2 months later...

dunno if this is considered a general lee blooper, but, in the episode Baa Baa White Sheep, you can actually see the dummy with the wig that was suppose to be Daisy, in the passenger window plain as day.

Now this is one, I cant tell if its a camera or what, And I belive it might have been in the reunion movie anyways, im pretty sure it was, but you could see the camera or something sticking way out on the right side.


this isn't a general lee blooper but in the ghost of general lee, there is a scene right after boss sees the general w/ bo and luke driving where you hear rosco talking on his cb to boss and he says "you seen it too, the ghost of general lee?" and then a while after that, you see rosco saying the same line and it also almost looks like he is reading it off a paper. just wondering if anyone else ever noticed that.

  • 2 months later...

Ine the episode Dukes of Hazzard 4x2 ~ Double Dukes, after the Dukes escape from the warehouse, they fly past Rosco and Daisy's Jeep. You can see the Rosco's car and Daisy's jeep are at a full stop, but the next scene that shows them, there slowing down to make a stop even though they had already made a complete stop a few seconds earlier

(Sorry for double posting but I couldn't edit my first post.)

  • 6 months later...

Here's one that I just found today.

The General Lee's odometer reads 32,047 on Carnival of Thrills (part 2).

The General Lee's odometer reads 32,047 on The Rustlers.

I'm certain this is a blooper and not simply a faulty odometer. There's no way Cooter would let the General go 20 episodes without fixing him!!!!

  • 1 month later...

another one i noticed in daisy's song when they are parked out front of the recording studio and bo,luke and daisy are talking about how to go back in if you look in the car there is no roll cage in the car

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