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Levena's 16th Birthday

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Brittney cleaned off the baby and handed him to Reba. and she smiled and said he is a healthy baby Boy. Jason came threw the door. and Reba smiled at him and Kathy. Little Bo and Brittney walked out of the room.

Kathy looked at everyone and said it'a a boy and Mother and Son are fine.

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Brittney cleaned off the baby and handed him to Reba. and she smiled and said he is a healthy baby Boy. Jason came threw the door. and Reba smiled at him and Kathy. Little Bo and Brittney walked out of the room.

Kathy looked at everyone and said it'a a boy and Mother and Son are fine.

Bo was glad and just looked and Says "I think the new parents have the time with their brand new son as well."

Jason Jr looked up and Says "How come Mom was screaming Aunt Kathy now is it painful or something to have a baby."

Little Bo smiled and Says "Little brother we can only imagine right Grandpa.Geez Mom has a strong grip during contraction funny thing my wife something different she got my shoulder later and I actually seen a bruise later on."

Cue dukesrule2000

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Kathy just smiles. and Luke walked over to her and said you ok? Kathy smiled and said I'm fine.


Bobby was tring to think of a way to get Kathleen to give him her stocks. Maybe if he puts a wedge in Luke and Kathy's marrage. that will get her to come to him.

Little Bo Says "Uncle Luke, I worried that Bobby Ewing will try to use someway to get Aunt Kathy's stock and he knows that Mom and I have stock in the company right now as well. I wandering something to both of you is it normal for your wife to punch you in the shoulder during labor now. How is it always our fault now?"

Jason Jr. looks up and Says "What's Labor Grandpa and Uncle Luke and does it hurt or something?

Cue dukesrule2000

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Luke said Bo yes it is normal, you should have seen what your Aunt did and said to me. and he laughed. Then he looked at his little nephew and said I can't tell you for sure, But I think it does.

Jason Jr. Says "I hope I never have to go through that now?"

Little Bo, Bo, Luke and Kathy are all laughing by this little Duke's comment and he looks up and Says "Did I say something funny now?"

Little Bo Says "You'll get it little brother someday!"

Cue dukesrule2000

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Kathy Cell phone rang and she looked at it and it was Bobby and she said hello, and Bobby said I have secruled an emerencey board meeting for tomorrow morning and you need to be here. and then he hung up and she looked at Luke and said Luke Bobby is up to something and she told him what just happened.

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Jason Jr. Says "I hope I never have to go through that now?"

Little Bo, Bo, Luke and Kathy are all laughing by this little Duke's comment and he looks up and Says "Did I say something funny now?"

Little Bo Says "You'll get it little brother someday!"

Cue dukesrule2000

Reba Says "Jason meet your brand new son Jock Beaugreard Jackson, he's named after your great-grandfather which I had met and was a great man honey. And after my father and my oldest son as well you ought to go out there and annouce our son's name now as well. Oh and listen I'll call your Momma and tell her she has another grandson right now and this will be great I sure hope that Bobby doesn't pull nothing on Aunt Kathy now."

Cue dukesrule2000

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Kathy Cell phone rang and she looked at it and it was Bobby and she said hello, and Bobby said I have secruled an emerencey board meeting for tomorrow morning and you need to be here. and then he hung up and she looked at Luke and said Luke Bobby is up to something and she told him what just happened.

Reba had fallen asleep which Jason had understood she had just delivered their second son right now and he was happy right now he was holding Baby Jock right now and he understood that she just might be tired right now as well.

Cue dukesrule2000

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Luke looked at her and said Sweetheart go.Kathy looked at him and said Baby he's up to something. Luke took Kathy in his arms and said I know sweetheart, but it's for the best of Ewing Oil. they need someone there that has a head on her sholders. and that doesn't want hurt the little guy. Kathy kissed him and said I love you Luke Duke. Luke smiled and said and I Love you Kathy Duke.

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Meanwhile in Dallas...

Bobby new that Kathy would come alone. and he would get her to deside to move to Dallas without Luke. and then Her, him and Adam could be a family that they nerver had a chance to be because of his brother. But first he would have to get rid of Luke.

Jason Says "Listen Reba, I got to go and help out Aunt Kathy she helped you out with Little Jock and I got a say so and it's time I make my presence known as well."

Cue Anybody

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Kathy was packing when Jason came in the room and he said Aunt Kathy can we talk for a minute and Kathy looked at him and she smiled and said Sure.

Jason Says "Listen you need me there, and I don't know what Bobby Ewing is going to pull right now but he's up to something just like when Reba and Adam disappered I just got a feeling right now."

Cue Anybody

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I don't know Jason but he will be some surprised maybe we should call your mother and tell her about the emerency board meeting cause after all she dose have Ewing stock and the more we get that is on our side the better.

Jason Says "Okay, but first she has to know about her newest grandson thow it's more important Aunt Kathy she want to be there as well."

Cue dukesrule2000

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Kathy looked at him and said well call her and tell her. about the baby.a nd then lets go. Kathy grabbed her suit case and left.

Jason had went with her and Said "Dad can you take care of Reba and the kids I'm needed in Dallas. Reba is asleep right now, and I'm so proud of my brand new son even if he did come a little eariler than planned now."

Cue dukesrule2000

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Bo Smilled and said I will watch over them. and I have Luke here too. Bo Looked at Kathy and said If you need me. Kathy said I will call. Bo said I will get ahold of Walker and tell him you are on your way and I want you to stay at my house so you won't be at the mursey of Bobby Ewing. and he handed her the keys to his house and he said use my truck too. Kathy said Thanks. and Luke took her and Jason to the airport and Lucy said she will met them in Dallas.

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Bo Smilled and said I will watch over them. and I have Luke here too. Bo Looked at Kathy and said If you need me. Kathy said I will call. Bo said I will get ahold of Walker and tell him you are on your way and I want you to stay at my house so you won't be at the mursey of Bobby Ewing. and he handed her the keys to his house and he said use my truck too. Kathy said Thanks. and Luke took her and Jason to the airport and Lucy said she will met them in Dallas.

Lucy was waiting for Kathy and her son with her and she brought her cousin as well along for good measure he told her that he had real good news for her and pictures as well.

Cue dukesrule2000

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Bobby was getting ready for Kathy cause he thought that Kathy will have no choise but to stay at south fork. he had forgotten that Bo Duke lives in Dallas.


The spencer plane landed and Kathy and Jason got of the plane and Lucy was there waiting for them. and Lucy hugged her son and Lucy looked at Kathy and said I have also called my father Gary Ewing he is here in Dallas and Uncle Bobby doesn't know any of are here. well except you Kathy. Kathy smiled and said That is what I want till the meeting. I'm going back to Bo's house and get freshedn up.

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