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Ya little Levena is turning 16. But she's hiding something from her parents. Will she tell them or will they find out on their own. Tune in and find out.

Adam and Kaitlyn have been living in Hazzard for 9 years and their Daughter Carol Ann Duke is 9 and she just loves her grandpa Duke. She cals him Papa.

Jacob is 10 and he's a tiple Duke Boy. He lovess fast cars. he looks just like his father. and acts like his Uncle Bo.

Jesse and sarah Still live in Chicago and they have a 5 month old son Named Lucas Kyle Duke. Luke and Kathy haven't seen little Luke.

Brittney is a doctor and she is working at the Hazzard Hospital with her mother. And she's getting married to a state police officer named Josh. (WHO IS aDAMS PARTNER)


Levena and her best friend Renee where walking to class, Renee said Levi you need to tell your parents about what is going on.Levena looked at her frind and said No you don't know my father and brothers like I do they will kill Tom.

Levi he hits you. and just because he hasn't left any brusies doesn mean he will. Levina just looked at her and said we need to get to class.


Brittney was doing her rounds. when she saw her mother walke in and she smiled and she waled over to her mother and said How are things. Kathy smiled and said they are finebut Levena is not telling me everything. I know something is brothering her. Brittney said mom do uoi want me to talk to her maybe she will teel he big sister. Kathy smiled and said thanks Britney. and then they went to work.


Jesse was working at the hotel when he saw a filmler person. he smiled and he walked overto him and gave him a hug and said Hay Uncle Vance. Vance smiled and said Hay Jesse and Jesse said why don't you and Aunt Tina come over for dinner. Vance started to cry and said Jesse your Aubt Tina was in a car accident and she died yesterday. Courtney and calab was in the car with her but they are fine. Jesse looked at him and said did you call mom. Vance looked at him and said No I didn't. I will call her latter. right now I need to rest I need a room Jesse. Jesse looked at his Uncle and said No you are staying at ther house and don't arguee with me eath. Remember you always said I,m Just like my dad. Vance just smiled. Jesse looked over at his manger and said I will be right back. and then him and Vance headed for the house.

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Ya little Levena is turning 16. But she's hiding something from her parents. Will she tell them or will they find out on their own. Tune in and find out.

Adam and Kaitlyn have been living in Hazzard for 9 years and their Daughter Carol Ann Duke is 9 and she just loves her grandpa Duke. She cals him Papa.

Jacob is 10 and he's a tiple Duke Boy. He lovess fast cars. he looks just like his father. and acts like his Uncle Bo.

Jesse and sarah Still live in Chicago and they have a 5 month old son Named Lucas Kyle Duke. Luke and Kathy haven't seen little Luke.

Brittney is a doctor and she is working at the Hazzard Hospital with her mother. And she's getting married to a state police officer named Josh. (WHO IS aDAMS PARTNER)


Levena and her best friend Renee where walking to class, Renee said Levi you need to tell your parents about what is going on.Levena looked at her frind and said No you don't know my father and brothers like I do they will kill Tom.

Levi he hits you. and just because he hasn't left any brusies doesn mean he will. Levina just looked at her and said we need to get to class.


Brittney was doing her rounds. when she saw her mother walke in and she smiled and she waled over to her mother and said How are things. Kathy smiled and said they are finebut Levena is not telling me everything. I know something is brothering her. Brittney said mom do uoi want me to talk to her maybe she will teel he big sister. Kathy smiled and said thanks Britney. and then they went to work.


Jesse was working at the hotel when he saw a filmler person. he smiled and he walked overto him and gave him a hug and said Hay Uncle Vance. Vance smiled and said Hay Jesse and Jesse said why don't you and Aunt Tina come over for dinner. Vance started to cry and said Jesse your Aubt Tina was in a car accident and she died yesterday. Courtney and calab was in the car with her but they are fine. Jesse looked at him and said did you call mom. Vance looked at him and said No I didn't. I will call her latter. right now I need to rest I need a room Jesse. Jesse looked at his Uncle and said No you are staying at ther house and don't arguee with me eath. Remember you always said I,m Just like my dad. Vance just smiled. Jesse looked over at his manger and said I will be right back. and then him and Vance headed for the house.

Back In Smallvillle

Reba is taking care of the Smallville she had a nice wonderful man by the name of Jason about five years ago and they got married a year later. They have a four year old name Jason Jr. and he about to start Knidergarten in the fall now. Little Bo ain't so little he is attending Smallville High School and he's about to graduate and he understands what the Ewing's did to his Momma, and him and his cousins and he won't talk to Bobby Ewing still to this day. Savannah and Elly are fifteen and they're Sophmore's at Smallville High but their night and day for personatly thow. Marcus is ten like Jacob and everytime they get together something happens everytime and his little sister is about to turn nine. Reba's first five kids have a very strained relation with their father right now. Clark and Lois's Kathleen is ten as well and they have a little a boy name Jonathon Clark Kent and he's five years old and he loves anything car related.

Cue dukesrule2000



Levena is in 10th grade.She is hanging out with her best friend when her boyfriend comes over to them he's the head quaterback on The Hazzard High school football team. and He said Hay Levi come and watch me pratice. Levna said sorry I can't today Tom my sister Brittney is coming to pick me up and we are doing a sister after noon. Tom grabbed her arm and squesed and said cancle it. Levi looked at him and said Tom you are hurting me. and he whispers I will do a lot worse if you don't cancle. Levena said No I'm not cancling and then Tom backed handed her in the mouth.and Levina fell to the ground. and Tom walked away. her best friend ran to her/ and said Levi you need to tell your parents. Levi loked at her and said no. you don't know my father and brothers they will hurt Tom real bad. Her friend looked at Levi and said if you don't do something Tom will hurt you real bad.


Kathy was at home and she had noticed that Levna was quite. which was unsall for her. Brittney had told her that she was quite with her as well. Kathy said time to call in reinforments So she picked up her cell and called Clark.


Clark was at the daily plante when his cell phone rings. and he looked and he saw it was his Aunt Kathy and he picked it up. and said Hi Aunt Kathy.

Kathy said Clark I need your help. It's Levena Something is brother her and she won't tell anyone.

Clark smiles and says and seeing I'm her fravate cousin you think she will open up to me. Kathy smiled and said yes.

Clark said Ok I will be there in a few hours. Kathy said Thanks Clark.

Then she hung up the phone.

Lois looked at him and said we're going to Hazzard. Clark Smiles and said yup. Lois said I will get the kids ready. I know Kathleen will love to see Jacob.


Adam and Josh where in the police car when Adam saw some boys from Hazzard Hight school and one of them was Tom. and Tom was acting real strange. Adam watched them and then Tom saw them and he said the cops and they split. Adam though something strange is going on with them boys and he hope his sister was involved.


Levena is in 10th grade.She is hanging out with her best friend when her boyfriend comes over to them he's the head quaterback on The Hazzard High school football team. and He said Hay Levi come and watch me pratice. Levna said sorry I can't today Tom my sister Brittney is coming to pick me up and we are doing a sister after noon. Tom grabbed her arm and squesed and said cancle it. Levi looked at him and said Tom you are hurting me. and he whispers I will do a lot worse if you don't cancle. Levena said No I'm not cancling and then Tom backed handed her in the mouth.and Levina fell to the ground. and Tom walked away. her best friend ran to her/ and said Levi you need to tell your parents. Levi loked at her and said no. you don't know my father and brothers they will hurt Tom real bad. Her friend looked at Levi and said if you don't do something Tom will hurt you real bad.


Kathy was at home and she had noticed that Levna was quite. which was unsall for her. Brittney had told her that she was quite with her as well. Kathy said time to call in reinforments So she picked up her cell and called Clark.


Clark was at the daily plante when his cell phone rings. and he looked and he saw it was his Aunt Kathy and he picked it up. and said Hi Aunt Kathy.

Kathy said Clark I need your help. It's Levena Something is brother her and she won't tell anyone.

Clark smiles and says and seeing I'm her fravate cousin you think she will open up to me. Kathy smiled and said yes.

Clark said Ok I will be there in a few hours. Kathy said Thanks Clark.

Then she hung up the phone.

Lois looked at him and said we're going to Hazzard. Clark Smiles and said yup. Lois said I will get the kids ready. I know Kathleen will love to see Jacob.


Adam and Josh where in the police car when Adam saw some boys from Hazzard Hight school and one of them was Tom. and Tom was acting real strange. Adam watched them and then Tom saw them and he said the cops and they split. Adam though something strange is going on with them boys and he hope his sister was involved.

Reba says "Hey Jason, that was Clark on the phone let's bring kids to Hazzard. Something is bothering my little cousin I just know it right now?"

Jason says "Okay, will wait for them all to get back home you know that your oldest might not want to go with us. He's been seeing Tabatha alot and you know she is always around the farm lately."

Jamie is home and says "Mom and Dad what's wrong you look upset you know what are we going to Hazzard I love to go with ya's."

Cue dukesrule2000


Kathy saw Jacob walking home and Levena was with him. and Jacob went right to the barn. Kathy looked at Luke and Luke left and headed for the barn


Jacob was hitting the bunching bag. and Luke said Son if you hit the bag that way you can break your hand. and Jacob stopped and looked at his father and said Dad I wish I was bigger like Jesse and Adam. Luke looked at him and said you wil son. you have alot of growing to do. Jacob said No Dad I want to be big now. Luke said Ok Jake whats going on . Jacob looked at him and said Sorry dad I can't tell you I promised. and Jacob walked away.

Kathy walked in the barn and Luke said something is defenlty going on. Kathy said I have called Clark and him and Lois and the kids are on their way.I though that clark could get threw to Levena. and I had ask her about he 16th birthday party and she said she didn't want one. Luke looked at Kathy and said Kath that doesn't sound like our litle girl.


Reba and Jason's were had all the kids in the car except for Little Bo, and they knew that he wanted to spend time with Tabatha. She just hoped that all this he was spending with her wouldn't result in a her first grandchild, she was too young to be Grandma and she knew that both her son and Tabatha aren't ready for this. She wasn't ready when her first born came she had all the Ewing's help with that baby if it wasn't for them except for J.R. and Billy Bob she didn't know what she would've done about it.

Cue dukesrule2000



Levena was in her room tring to put make up on to cover her lip. when she heard some cars pull in and she looked out her window and she saw her cousin Clark and she smiled and Yelled CLARK. Clark looked up and he smiled and she ran out of her room downstairs and out side and into her cousins arms. and Clark could tell something was bothering her.


Leventa and Clark where walking and Clark said ok what have you been hiding. Levena looked at him she could never hid antthing from him and she said ok and she showed him her lip and her arm where Tom had grabbed her. and Clark got mad and said Levi how come you haven't told your parents and brothers. Levi looked at him and said Cause I know dad and adam and Jesse would kill Tom if they found out. Clark said and what makes you think I won't. Levena said I don't know but i could always open up to you.

Clark smiles and said I will handle this. and Levena didn't know what to think and they both went to the house and then he saw Jesse and Adam and said come with me and theyfollowed and they got in the general and headed to find Tom and his friends.


Tom and his friends where drunk and when they saw Jesse Adam and Clark coming to visit them. Tom smile and he got all cocky with them. Clark picked him up by his jacket collar. Jesse said hay claerk calm down. Clark but him down and he said if you ever lay a hand on my cousin again(picking up a football) This will be your head.(squeezing the foodball till it poped)


Levena was in her room tring to put make up on to cover her lip. when she heard some cars pull in and she looked out her window and she saw her cousin Clark and she smiled and Yelled CLARK. Clark looked up and he smiled and she ran out of her room downstairs and out side and into her cousins arms. and Clark could tell something was bothering her.


Leventa and Clark where walking and Clark said ok what have you been hiding. Levena looked at him she could never hid antthing from him and she said ok and she showed him her lip and her arm where Tom had grabbed her. and Clark got mad and said Levi how come you haven't told your parents and brothers. Levi looked at him and said Cause I know dad and adam and Jesse would kill Tom if they found out. Clark said and what makes you think I won't. Levena said I don't know but i could always open up to you.

Clark smiles and said I will handle this. and Levena didn't know what to think and they both went to the house and then he saw Jesse and Adam and said come with me and theyfollowed and they got in the general and headed to find Tom and his friends.


Tom and his friends where drunk and when they saw Jesse Adam and Clark coming to visit them. Tom smile and he got all cocky with them. Clark picked him up by his jacket collar. Jesse said hay claerk calm down. Clark but him down and he said if you ever lay a hand on my cousin again(picking up a football) This will be your head.(squeezing the foodball till it poped)

Lois was talking Kathy and Luke, and says "You know our kids have all of Clark's strengths and weekness as well. You know, when he finally told me I was shocked but I got over it he feels that naming our son after Mr. Kent is good way to honor him back when he we had him. But I got a surprize in for my husband the docter just told me were having another baby right now. Has anybody heard from Lana and Ross lately or Micheal's kids as well you know when Lana had the triplets she had her work cut out for her I wonder if it ever go any easier for her."

cue dukesrule2000



And I also want you to appolise to Levi. and I never want you around her again ig you see her in the hall I want you to go another way.

Jesse and Adam just smiled they never seen this side of clark before.

Adam said Oh Tom Clark may be leaving soon and so will Jesse but I will be here and beleive me you don't want to mess with me. Tom looked at the boys and said yes I will never touch Levi again. and he took off. and Jesse and Adam started to laugh and Jesse said you know clark if I didn't know anybetter I thought you where serous with Tom. Clark just gave Jesse a look. and then they walked back to the general and headed back to the farm


And I also want you to appolise to Levi. and I never want you around her again ig you see her in the hall I want you to go another way.

Jesse and Adam just smiled they never seen this side of clark before.

Adam said Oh Tom Clark may be leaving soon and so will Jesse but I will be here and beleive me you don't want to mess with me. Tom looked at the boys and said yes I will never touch Levi again. and he took off. and Jesse and Adam started to laugh and Jesse said you know clark if I didn't know anybetter I thought you where serous with Tom. Clark just gave Jesse a look. and then they walked back to the general and headed back to the farm

Clark says "I was serious with him, I don't want him messing with Levena ever again besides I wanted to run away like that. I've been practacing for when Kathleen starts dating."

Cue dukesrule2000



Jesse stopped the General Lee and Levena came running out the door to her brothers and cousin. and Clark said don't worry Levi we didn't hurt him. Jesse said Ya sis we didn't hurt him Just scared him a little. Adam said he won't be touching you again. Jacob came out of the house and he saw his brothers and cousin and he walked over to him and said how did you scare Tom Jorden He's big. Jesse said we are bigger. jACOB SAID i WISH i WAS BIGGER sO i CAN PROTECT Levi. Clark smiles and said keep punching that punching bag . come on we will show you some moves then the 4 of them went to the barn.


Levi walked in and said mom I want a huge birthday party I want all of my friends and family here. Kathy looked at her and said ok lets plan it.


Jesse stopped the General Lee and Levena came running out the door to her brothers and cousin. and Clark said don't worry Levi we didn't hurt him. Jesse said Ya sis we didn't hurt him Just scared him a little. Adam said he won't be touching you again. Jacob came out of the house and he saw his brothers and cousin and he walked over to him and said how did you scare Tom Jorden He's big. Jesse said we are bigger. jACOB SAID i WISH i WAS BIGGER sO i CAN PROTECT Levi. Clark smiles and said keep punching that punching bag . come on we will show you some moves then the 4 of them went to the barn.


Levi walked in and said mom I want a huge birthday party I want all of my friends and family here. Kathy looked at her and said ok lets plan it.

Lois went in the barn, she was happy that Clark's Aunt and Uncle was happy and he comes in and says "Hey Clark, can we talk the kids are talking with your Aunt and Uncle right now it's important can you come in the house a minute?"

Cue dukesrule2000

Clark looked at her and said Sure honey,(looking at Jesse,Adam and Jake)I will be right back.

Once they get in the house and all the kids were around Lois says "I'm pregant, any questions and don't worry kids it doesn't mean we don't love you any less there will be just one more child in about eight months to love as well."

Kathleen says "Well Mom, are you taking requests because I want a baby sister. I have a baby brother allreadry!"

Jonathon says " Hey I'm not a baby anymore Kathleen. Mom, I want a baby brother I have a big sister and that's enough sister's for me!"

Cue dukesrule2000


Meanwhile out in the barn

Jesse and Adam was showing Jacob some moves. When Luke walked in.and he saw what Adam and Jesse where doing. Luke just smiled AND Then Luke walked over and Joined in.

JUST then a car pulled up and out stepped Judd and his wife Kris and their Two childrEN WHO WHERE TWINS. Kristine and Kevin. and they are 17.

Luke saw his brother and walked out to then Levena ran out to greet them She hugged Kristine and they went to her room. Luke looked at Kevin and said Jesse Adam and Jacob are in the barn. Kevin smiled and said Thanks Uncle Luke.



Kristaine said so did you tell your parents about Tom and what he was doing to you. Levena smiled and said no but I told Clark and he handled it today and you know Tom called me and said he was sorry and I broke it off with him.So I free. I just pitty the next girl he goes out with.

Kristane sai we will be here for your birthay where are you going to have it?

Levena smiled and said right here on the farm. right by the lake on the farm. Wow that is a perfect, far away but not to faraway. Kristine said Levena smiled.


Levena and Tammy where walking when a boy bumped in to Levena and knocked her books out of her hands. Levi looked at him and smiled. It was Scott Bradford. he was in the 11th grade. and Scott smiled and said Sorry Levi I'm Late for Baskeball pratice and he helped her pick her books and said see you later. and he ran off.

Tammy saw that look and said Oh Levi. Levena just smiled. and they went out side Tammy got on the bus to get home and Levi was waiting for her dad to come in the general to pick her up.

30 minutes later Levi was still waiting for her dad so she decided to get up and walk to her Uncle Cooter's garage. When Scott saw her and he walked over to her andsaid missed the bus. Levi said No My dad was suppose to pick me up we had a date. I guess he forgot I was just fixing to walk ove to my Uncle cooter's garage and shee if i could call my mom. Scott said Ok I will walk ove with you Cooter is looking at my car and he said he would have it done by the time I got off pratice. So Scott and Levi where walking towards Cooters when she saw the General Lee come speeding around the cornor and Levi smiled. and Scott saw it too. and Luke saw them walking towards the garage and he pulled into the garage and he got out and he waited and when Levi and scott got to him and Luke said Oh Levena I'm so sorry. Levi smiled and said it's ok SCott kept me company. Luke smiled at the boy and said Thanks. Scott walked over to the General Lee and said So this is the Legaigery General Lee. My father said that he had raced agaist the General and lost. Luke said who's your dad. Scott smiled and said it's Brian Bradford. and Luke smiled and said BB. With a smile.

Levi smiled and said Oh Scott I planning my 16th birthday party it's going to be 2 weeks and I would like you to come. Scott smiles and said I wouldn't miss it. and then Cooter came out and said Scott your car is ready. Scott said thanks and he paid cooter what he owned him and he looked at Levi and said see you monday. he went to his cat and Luke and Levi went to the General and Scott yelled hay Levi want to go on the hay ride with me tomorrow night. Levi looked at her father and then she said sure. Ok I will pick you up at 5. and Levi said I will be ready. and then they left.

Meanwhile out in the barn

Jesse and Adam was showing Jacob some moves. When Luke walked in.and he saw what Adam and Jesse where doing. Luke just smiled AND Then Luke walked over and Joined in.

JUST then a car pulled up and out stepped Judd and his wife Kris and their Two childrEN WHO WHERE TWINS. Kristine and Kevin. and they are 17.

Luke saw his brother and walked out to then Levena ran out to greet them She hugged Kristine and they went to her room. Luke looked at Kevin and said Jesse Adam and Jacob are in the barn. Kevin smiled and said Thanks Uncle Luke.



Kristaine said so did you tell your parents about Tom and what he was doing to you. Levena smiled and said no but I told Clark and he handled it today and you know Tom called me and said he was sorry and I broke it off with him.So I free. I just pitty the next girl he goes out with.

Kristane sai we will be here for your birthay where are you going to have it?

Levena smiled and said right here on the farm. right by the lake on the farm. Wow that is a perfect, far away but not to faraway. Kristine said Levena smiled.


Levena and Tammy where walking when a boy bumped in to Levena and knocked her books out of her hands. Levi looked at him and smiled. It was Scott Bradford. he was in the 11th grade. and Scott smiled and said Sorry Levi I'm Late for Baskeball pratice and he helped her pick her books and said see you later. and he ran off.

Tammy saw that look and said Oh Levi. Levena just smiled. and they went out side Tammy got on the bus to get home and Levi was waiting for her dad to come in the general to pick her up.

30 minutes later Levi was still waiting for her dad so she decided to get up and walk to her Uncle Cooter's garage. When Scott saw her and he walked over to her andsaid missed the bus. Levi said No My dad was suppose to pick me up we had a date. I guess he forgot I was just fixing to walk ove to my Uncle cooter's garage and shee if i could call my mom. Scott said Ok I will walk ove with you Cooter is looking at my car and he said he would have it done by the time I got off pratice. So Scott and Levi where walking towards Cooters when she saw the General Lee come speeding around the cornor and Levi smiled. and Scott saw it too. and Luke saw them walking towards the garage and he pulled into the garage and he got out and he waited and when Levi and scott got to him and Luke said Oh Levena I'm so sorry. Levi smiled and said it's ok SCott kept me company. Luke smiled at the boy and said Thanks. Scott walked over to the General Lee and said So this is the Legaigery General Lee. My father said that he had raced agaist the General and lost. Luke said who's your dad. Scott smiled and said it's Brian Bradford. and Luke smiled and said BB. With a smile.

Levi smiled and said Oh Scott I planning my 16th birthday party it's going to be 2 weeks and I would like you to come. Scott smiles and said I wouldn't miss it. and then Cooter came out and said Scott your car is ready. Scott said thanks and he paid cooter what he owned him and he looked at Levi and said see you monday. he went to his cat and Luke and Levi went to the General and Scott yelled hay Levi want to go on the hay ride with me tomorrow night. Levi looked at her father and then she said sure. Ok I will pick you up at 5. and Levi said I will be ready. and then they left.

Reba arrived a day after she left and she had Jason her hubby and their son Jason Jr.(Jason wanted to be a Quaterback for the Dallas Cowboys, all through college but he got a pretty good injury and he couldn't enter his name in the NFL Draft.) Elle and Savannah are fifteen years old, Marcus is almost twelve and Jamie is ten just like Jacob and Kathleen is as well. Jason Jr is four years old, and Reba just found out she is three months pregant but her oldest Bo at eighteen years old decided not to come along with them.

Reba says "Hey kids, look it's Uncle Luke's and Aunt Kathy's farm coming up and it looks like Uncle Luke is home cause the General is parked right there."

Cue dukesrule2000


Back In Smallville, it seems that Bo and Tabatha was getting along great since his parents weren't there. He was having her stay at the farm, behind his mother's back he made her breakfest and she loved it and he was acting like the man of the house. He just hoped that one of his Mom's cousin's or brothers or sisters decide to drop in they might not understand and tell his mother what he was up to right now.

Reba arrived a day after she left and she had Jason her hubby and their son Jason Jr.(Jason wanted to be a Quaterback for the Dallas Cowboys, all through college but he got a pretty good injury and he couldn't enter his name in the NFL Draft.) Elle and Savannah are fifteen years old, Marcus is almost twelve and Jamie is ten just like Jacob and Kathleen is as well. Jason Jr is four years old, and Reba just found out she is three months pregant but her oldest Bo at eighteen years old decided not to come along with them.

Reba says "Hey kids, look it's Uncle Luke's and Aunt Kathy's farm coming up and it looks like Uncle Luke is home cause the General is parked right there."

Cue dukesrule2000


Levena ran to her cousin Reba and she told her all about Scott Bradford.


Luke looked at Jesse and said How come sarah and Little Luke didn't come with you. Jesse looked at his father and said Dad. I think my marage is over. Ever sence Sarah had Luke She had been different all she talks about is going back to California to be with her parents. Dad I don't want to live in California. Chicago is my home now andf I love it. and I thought sARAH LOVED IT TOO.

Luke smiled and said Son, I remember wher we had you. Your mother missed her parents also. SHE WANTED TO BE CLOSER TO THEM. but dad mom didn't move to Chicago. Jesse said, Luke smiled and said No we didn't cause we lived in chicago sence we got married and we decided to move back here to Hazzard because we didn't want to raise our children in the city. Maybe you should visit with here parents a while. cause Jesse she hasn't seen here parents as offten as you see us. Jesse though about it and he smiled and said Dad you are right i'M GOING TO GO AND cALL sARAH AND ASK her if she wants to come here for Levi's Birthday Party and then after we can go to California to see her parents. Luke smiled and said that sounds like a good idea son. Then Jesse left the barn and called Sarah.


Sarah liked the idea also. and her and Little Luke where leaving in an hour in the Spencer Jet. Jesse walked over tohis dad and said Dad CAN I borrow the General Lee I need it to go and pick my family


2 Hours later Sarah and Jesse walkked in the house with Little Luke Kathy got up and she hugged Sarah and Sarah Handed Luke to her Kathy took Little Luke and she smiled and said You look just Like your grandfather. Your going to break alot of hearts. and she sat him in the Craddle that Said Duke. and He fell right to sleep . Jesse looked at his mother and said Mom did I sleep in that. Kathy smiled and said Yes you did and so Did Levena and Jacob and Your father.

2 Hours later Sarah and Jesse walkked in the house with Little Luke Kathy got up and she hugged Sarah and Sarah Handed Luke to her Kathy took Little Luke and she smiled and said You look just Like your grandfather. Your going to break alot of hearts. and she sat him in the Craddle that Said Duke. and He fell right to sleep . Jesse looked at his mother and said Mom did I sleep in that. Kathy smiled and said Yes you did and so Did Levena and Jacob and Your father.

Back In Smallville, Little Bo and Tabatha are getting along great and it seems that nothing could go wrong right now.

Back In Hazzard

Reba walked over to see her cousin's new baby and she looked and says "Oh Ya, he's cutie pie he going to break hearts he reminds me of Little Bo when he was little Jesse."

Cue dukesrule2000

Back In Smallville, Little Bo and Tabatha are getting along great and it seems that nothing could go wrong right now.

Back In Hazzard

Reba walked over to see her cousin's new baby and she looked and says "Oh Ya, he's cutie pie he going to break hearts he reminds me of Little Bo when he was little Jesse."

Cue dukesrule2000

Back In Hazzard

Lucy Jackson was approaching the Duke farm, and where her daughter-in-law was at with five out of six kids with her. She glad that she didn't look the same way that she did when Reba was growing up and she had the biggest shock of all to tell her right now.

Lucy puts her rental car in park, it sure has been a long time since she's been in Hazzard and now she thinks of about all the rotten things that J.R. Ewing did to the Dukes and her son Jason Julius Jackson. Was there with his wife and and he had told her that Reba was three months pregant right now.

Lucy gets out and she wanted to tell her what she hadn't told her for six years now and she quite know how she was going to react. Lucy see's Reba with everybody and she says "Reba, I've got to talk to you about something real important and it's kinda of a shocker right now?"

Reba turns around and says "Ok Mama Jackson, it seems that we haven't talk it quite some time so what is it?'

Lucys says "You know, Jason told me how you was three months pregant and everything but there is something you ought to know about me and Jason well oh heck here goes. You see my maiden name is Ewing and you grew up around me and I even got to see your little Bo as a baby even. So, here's the difficult thing here I want Jason to help me run Ewing Oil with me in Dallas and if you want you can move there with him. But I'm leaving it up to the two of you. I know how you feel about us Ewing's and how your Daddy's feel about us as well."

Reba looks and Lucys says "You mean I married a Ewing and my son is a Ewing why didn't you ever tell me about this before why keep this a state secret?"

Lucy says "Well, I wasn't too proud of what my Uncle and his cousin did to your father, and family and you as well. And when you met my Jason you was just so happy I didn't want to ruin it for you."

Cue dukesrule2000


Reba was up set and said you do know that my Cousin Adam is really a Ewing also. He is Aunt Kathy's and Your Uncle Bobby son. That Jr had stolen from them and Brittney Rose is Uncle Luke and Aunt Kathy's Older Daughter That Jr had Taken from them and Had the doctor say she was dead. So yA There is a lot of Bad Blood between the Ewings and The Dukes. Hay and Did you Date My father at one time?


Lucy says "Reba when you didn't know I was Lucy Ewing you never acted like this before in fact you was quite nice to me. You know I love all your kids like they was my grandkids and I don't where this mean streak comes from now."


CUE dukesule


Kathy heard the comation and she walked outside and she renised Lucy right off. And she said Reba calm down and Reba Told her what had Just happened. Kathy smiled and said Reba That all happened yeard and Jr is paying of what he has done and Adam and Brittney are back in this family where they belong.and Reba don't let this come between you and Jason. Jason is a great guy and he loves you and the kids. and I know he loves you.

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