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Howdy Howdy Y'all. Hows y'all doin? Im new here n I aint sure on what Im doin...Any help I can use it...There is one thang that I would really like to know...what is John Schneider's official fan club n how can ya join? I really would like to know ASAP if anyones knows! Please help...lol...Just a couple weeks ago I got to meet Ben Jones (Cooter) n git my pic w/ him n the General Lee n git a whole bunch of stuff signed...It was awesome the smile wouldnt come off my face fer a week! and then on Wednsday I got to meet John Schneider(Bo) That was awesome to! Unfortunatley he stop signin stuff bout 20 mins til 6 so we went n bought one that he previously signed...n then I got my pic w/ him n shook his hand..n then we went back through n I got a hug!!!!!Now the smile really won't come off my face...I so happy! Anyways if any of y'all know how to join his oficial fan club please let me know! please and thank you! ;):lol::-P


Welcome to Hazzard County Redneck Girl. Anybody who would smile that long after meeting a Davenport and a Duke, sure belongs here with the rest of us hicks. Welcome to the party and buckle up for safety.

"What this world needs is a few more rednecks" --Charlie Daniels


Hi Redneck girl 01!

Welcome! It's always so exciting to get a die-hard Duke fan! I had a smile on my face-it's so exciting meeting the original cast. A week ago I met my first Dukes character-Ben "Cooter" Jones. So, I know exactly what you are talking about when you say that you were smiling for weeks.

I do apologize, because I have no idea as to how to sign up for John Schneider's fan club. I wish you luck, and I sure do hope that someone will be able to tell you how to do that. If you find out, please let everyone know, I'm sure that there are others who would like to know how to sign up, too.

Again, welcome. I sure do hope to see you around. If there's ANYTHING I can do to help you out with navigating this site, please let me know. You can also give me a private message, too.

Have a great weekend.

Laura Duke


Hey Redneck girl 01!!

First off, Welcome... to Hazzard County!!

Secondly-- About your question how to join John's Fan Club... If you go to johnschneider.tv, you could hit the contact button and write to him and ask about your qestion. If anyone knows, he has to seeing as how it is his fan club. Hopefully that helps, I apologize if it doesn't. If you want any help, Feel free to ask. I'd be more than happy to at least try and help you!

Again, welcome and I hope that you enjoy your stay!!

General Grant

Howdy! Ok I know bout joinin the movie fan club fer Collier & Co. But thanks y'all fer the warm welcome! Anyways...is the myspace: http://www.myspace.com/collier_and_co really him or someone that is actually associated with him or someone just makin it? Sorry if that is a dumb question but yea. So if anyone knows please let me know...and still cant find his fan club.:(

That is the link for the official myspace page for his movie.

Are you referring to the John R. Schneider #1 Fan Club? I don't believe John has an official fan club like that any more.

I do agree with General Grant that John's official website is the place to ask.

Welcome to Hazzardnet!


I'm sure that the Collier & Co MySpace page is genuine.

The behind the scene videos where posted there before the movie came out. In one of the clips John is seen typing a response and he mentions MySpace.

Sometimes Breet and Derek (Executive Producers of the movie) post blogs instead of John.


Ok y'all...I will try to use proper english this time...key work TRY...anyways thanks for all the help. And DaneyDuke how long ain't he had the John Schneider #1 Fanclub? n u sure he dont, only the movie one? N I went to his official website and when I went to the contact page it gave an address but said that this was only for website related questions, this is not John Schneider's address so please only send website related stuff....I hope that makes sense. Just wonderin has anyone else know anything bout the fan club thing? N to Jessie Duke....who is Allen? Like I said I new here so I dont know much bout this site. Hmmm maybe since everyone is pertty sure that it is his real myspace page...I could ask him on there I'd probably never get an answer back...one problem I ain't got a myspace.lol. N Howdy Emy-Rae Duke! I am a John Schneider fan to! That is a lil obvious though...One more question...Did he sell the General Lee finally or what is going on with that.

DaneyDuke how long ain't he had the John Schneider #1 Fanclub? n u sure he dont, only the movie one?

It's been a few years. Checked with a friend - Kristy, who has never lied to me. No information for the JRS#1 fanclub listed anywhere on his official website. Yes, pretty certain the JRS#1fan club is defunct at this time.


Hello again, Redneck girl!

It seems like you are beginning to settle into the swing of things here on HazzardNet and have met some really helpful people. All of us here love to help everyone else out, so please don't feel silly when you ask us a question-chances are most of us have already asked the questions you're asking now. Plus, I know that you will have some really interesting info to share with us someday!

As for John Schneider and his General Lee, yes I do believe he sold it. I thought it was sold around $200,000. Now, that's what I thought. If I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me. :wink: Nothing worse than giving wrong information!

Well, that's all for now. Again, welcome Redneck girl!

Laura Duke


Howdy! Hope y'all had a great Easter! N DaneyDuke thank you I have gotten a couple people sya that it no longer exixts so after I write to the people at his official web site and see what they say...cause I cant find nuttin bout it anywhere else. Anyways yep I findin my way around thankfully...I wanna thank y'all fer the help I apprecitae it a lot! I hope I have somethang interestin for y'all someday!:p

Anyways bout the Genereal Lee...I hadn't heard the 200,000...but that very well may be...he sure must have a lot of em is all I have to say...I know that he sold one to someone in West Virginia for 4.5 million along with the bat mobile, hazzard ocunty cop car, barney fiffs(sp) deputy car and a couple others for the same amount. N then if he sold one fer 200,000 and then I read somewhere else that hold on I will go find it again..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Ok found it it said that at the Barrett-Jackson auction it was sold for $450,000 found at: http://carsplusmovies.com/2008/01/21/bos-general-lee-sold-for-450000/ and at www.tv.com/.../show/684/john-schneiders-general-lee-sold-for-450000/topic/696-942730/msgs.html

I wonder just how many of them cars he has?...I know Ben 'Cooter' Jones has one with his at all the car shows...I want one! lol. If anyone watched Regis and Kelly this mornin March 24, 2008 I think they came back out with the Charger n it looks almost like the 69 charger...I thought it was the new challenger but my mama said it was a charger...if anyone knows please let me know! I gonna go see if I can find anythang bout it!


Wow! You sure know a lot about this! I didn't know all of that, see-you taught me something new already!

But, I didn't think that John Schneider sold the car on ebay for $4.5 million. I thought that someone said that they would pay that, but it was a scam and a joke. So, it screwed up the whole ebay sale, and he took the car off that market, and sold it at an auction, which must have been for $400,000? Am I right on this? Or am I stuck out in a pond? :p

I like the sound of your mama, she sounds really smart!

Laura Duke;)



Ok here let me rephrase what he said...on ebay he put it up fer bid n then some uy bidded almost 10 million for it...but then backed out of payin it. So I guess he took it off ebay n sold it at that one auction for 450,000...I think...n the 4.5 million wasn't the one on ebay(that was the 10 mil one) the 4.5 is the one that a car dealer in West Virginia got (the general lee n them other cars)...the only reason I know that is cause that is where I went to meet John! (I got a hug!!!)lol...Does that make sense? Let me know...

Anyways yea she is pertty smart! But Im 99.9% sure it was he new challenger...I was all excited it was gonna be a charger I had a chance of makin it look lk the general lee...cause my chances of gittin a 69 dodge charger are very very very very slim! But I think it was the new challenger...if Im wrong someone please correct me!

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