Julieduke Posted January 26, 2008 Author Posted January 26, 2008 Balladeer: I think Julie is worried about getting out of Hazzard, but why does she want to leave so darn fast I thought she loved this county that she lives in right now.Flashback: A Year ago at this time, Julie was excited about getting over her attack and Uncle Jesse has told her that she thought that she could make that visitation at Ohio State University that was coming up. She looks at her Uncle as says "What about the farm, this weekend and the crops coming in that need to be gathered and all that stuff. I was wandering something Uncle Jesse I know mine and Bo's parents died when I was three months but what they like. All I have is the Cameo with Mom, Dad and Bo when he was just a toddler in the necklace but that picture doesn't answer alot questions that I have."Uncle Jesse says "Well Julie, your dad was stubborn and he always said that he could make and never wanted my help about anything. He was facing some hard times when he found your mom was pregant with their second child her third and he had two boys to take care and his crops didn't come in and he resorted to running shine for Boss Hogg because he told him that he could make it worth his while. Well, that worked out for a while and things came up and the revunuers were getting smart and he told J.D. Hogg he couldn't keeping doing this forever. And then he came home and also your mother this and she told him that everything would work out for the best and he had no idea what she meant by this."Julie says "Wait a minute Uncle Jesse you mean I have another brother besides Bo and what happened to him exactly."Jesse says "Well, when you was born three months too early the docter said that you wouldn't make it through the night. Then the docter said you wouldn't make through the first week, but you did and then you started improving and you was getting bigger but they concerned because your breathing was getting any better. Well your Daddy, came to me and told me that he had feeling that he was going to have to plan a funeral instead of setting up a nursery. Well you made it but you had some problems and your parents understood, some city docter came up and said to your father and told him that he didn't think him and your Mom couldn't afford to raise and that they should give up for adoption well he didn't give in to the docter's request. Well pretty soon you was three months old and that same city docter said to your parents that pretty soon they will be able to take you home and the night before their was this drunk driver that hit your parents car and they had your brothers in the car with them at the time. Well both boys made but seeing how the older wasn't your Momma's son from before I couldn't raise him and he went into foster care he cried when he realized your Mom was gone."Julie says "Thank You, Uncle Jesse I wish there was someway of finding him and meeting him again."End of FlashbackCue Bo's Crush or LoriDavenport or i1976
Julieduke Posted January 26, 2008 Author Posted January 26, 2008 Julie says "Hey Lori, do you know me and Bo have another brother that's older than both of us and the last time he had been with the family was the crash that killed my parents."Cue Bo's Crush or LoriDavenport or i1976
Dusty Rose Duke Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 Dusty Rose Duke-Sloan arrived with her husband ad father-in-law in tow. Well you could say a very pregnant Dusty Rose Duke. She and Steve had been married for 5 years and she was expecting their first child or as this case may be, their first set of twins. Dusty's family didn't know yet and Dusty wanted to tell them in person."I never realised how hot it was down here sweetheart." Steve as he grabbed there bags and walked towards the rental car."Yea I know, and it gets even hotter baby. All I care about is getting home to my family." Dusty said with a grin as she got in the back seat. She sat back relaxed as they started down the road. Dusty couldn't believe how much she missed Hazzard. She looked at the fornt seat and noticed a cb radio. With a grin she leaned and tapped Mark on the shoulder."Hey Dad, can you hand me the mic plaese?" Dusty asked with twinkle in her eyes. Mark chuckled."I suppose you my dear daughter-in-law, have something up your sleeve?" Mark teased which caused Steve to burst out laughing. Dusty gave her husband a playful slap on the arm."Oh hardy ha Mr. I-Don't-Know-Which-End-To-Talk-In-A-Walkie-Talkie! Just watch wise guy and you might be able to learn something." Dusty said with a teasing grin. Steve chuckled and shook his head."Breaker One, breaker one, I maybe Red but I'm sure ain't dumb, Littttle Red Riding Hood comein at ya'll. Any Dukes home on the Hazzard Net, com'on?" Dusty asked with a grin as she tried to to reach her Uncle and cousins.Cue: Julieduke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport or i1976
Bo's Crush Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 Luke says "whats up little red riding hood , you got lost sheep, glad youre back in hazzard but we just had to bust out Shannon from a charged up charge that rosco put on her what are you up to?cue Dusty Rose, Julieduke,Loridavenport ori1976
Dusty Rose Duke Posted January 27, 2008 Posted January 27, 2008 Dusty chuckled and shook her. "Jeez Luke! Rosco trying to do something or another to arrest either you, me, Daisy, Bo and now Sharron. Well it wouldn't be if he did something good for a change." Dusty said with a grin."Luke listen, tell Uncle Jesse and the rest of the family that were heading for the Duke farm right. And also tell Uncle Jesse that I've brought an old buddy of his to visit with me. I'm gone." Dusty said with a chuckle as she hung up the mic again.Cue: Bo's Crush, Julieduke, LoriDavenport or i1976
Julieduke Posted January 28, 2008 Author Posted January 28, 2008 Dusty chuckled and shook her. "Jeez Luke! Rosco trying to do something or another to arrest either you, me, Daisy, Bo and now Sharron. Well it wouldn't be if he did something good for a change." Dusty said with a grin."Luke listen, tell Uncle Jesse and the rest of the family that were heading for the Duke farm right. And also tell Uncle Jesse that I've brought an old buddy of his to visit with me. I'm gone." Dusty said with a chuckle as she hung up the mic again.Cue: Bo's Crush, Julieduke, LoriDavenport or i1976Julie says "Hey Lori, my cousin Dusty is back with her husband and father-in-law and you know I don't know about anything but I sure would like to meet my oldest brother, even if Bo doesn't approve of it right now."Cue Dusty Rose Duke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport of i1976
Dusty Rose Duke Posted January 29, 2008 Posted January 29, 2008 Dusty, Steve and Mark drove in complete silence as they ment to the Duke farm. Every once in while Steve would look in the rear view mirror to check on his very pregnant wife. He smile when her absetly rubbing her very pregnant belly and grin as they drove by places she knew. "Sweetheart where's the turn off for the Duke farm at?" Steve asked as he broke his out of her revarie. Dusty leaned forward and looked. It took a minute but she spotted it."It's that way Steve." Dusty said as she pointed to the turn off. Steve turned wheel and headed down the road Dusty indicated. Dusty sighed contently and leaned back against the back seat.Mark turned and watched his daughter-in-law with a grin. He knew all about Dusty's history, how she lost her parents in a car crash and how she had to go live with her uncle Jesse."So Dusty, are you glad to be home?" Mark asked with smile which caused him to chuckle when Dusty's face took the form of a little kid at christmas."Yea, I really miss this place. Don't get me wrong, I really love LA, but Hazzard is my home. I was born and raised here. I could never forget this place. Oh My God! Dad, Steve we're her." Dusty said as her childhood home came into view.Steve pulled up and stopped the car. He and Mark got out and helped Dusty. She turned and look at everything. It hadn't changed. Dusty figured Uncle Jesse and Daisy were home because she spotted their vechicals in the drive way.Cue: Julieduke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, i1976
Julieduke Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 Dusty, Steve and Mark drove in complete silence as they ment to the Duke farm. Every once in while Steve would look in the rear view mirror to check on his very pregnant wife. He smile when her absetly rubbing her very pregnant belly and grin as they drove by places she knew. "Sweetheart where's the turn off for the Duke farm at?" Steve asked as he broke his out of her revarie. Dusty leaned forward and looked. It took a minute but she spotted it."It's that way Steve." Dusty said as she pointed to the turn off. Steve turned wheel and headed down the road Dusty indicated. Dusty sighed contently and leaned back against the back seat.Mark turned and watched his daughter-in-law with a grin. He knew all about Dusty's history, how she lost her parents in a car crash and how she had to go live with her uncle Jesse."So Dusty, are you glad to be home?" Mark asked with smile which caused him to chuckle when Dusty's face took the form of a little kid at christmas."Yea, I really miss this place. Don't get me wrong, I really love LA, but Hazzard is my home. I was born and raised here. I could never forget this place. Oh My God! Dad, Steve we're her." Dusty said as her childhood home came into view.Steve pulled up and stopped the car. He and Mark got out and helped Dusty. She turned and look at everything. It hadn't changed. Dusty figured Uncle Jesse and Daisy were home because she spotted their vechicals in the drive way.Cue: Julieduke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, i1976Lori and Julie are getting back they notice a car following them, and Julie glances back at them and says "Oh my god, they have guns Lori now what are we going to do what in the world do they want there right on your tail I think there trying to be your bumper sticker at the moment. I sure I don't get Dusty in the middle of this she has enough to deal with right Uncle Jesse tells me she is carrying twins."Cue Bo's Crush, Dusty Rose Duke or LoriDavenport or i1976
Julieduke Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 Lori and Julie are getting back they notice a car following them, and Julie glances back at them and says "Oh my god, they have guns Lori now what are we going to do what in the world do they want there right on your tail I think there trying to be your bumper sticker at the moment. I sure I don't get Dusty in the middle of this she has enough to deal with right Uncle Jesse tells me she is carrying twins."Cue Bo's Crush, Dusty Rose Duke or LoriDavenport or i1976Shannon had found something else that Julie had left in the General and she looks and waits till Bo parks and him and Luke get out and she watchs at he opens the letter to him and his sister than she allreadry has opened and read.It reads (Dear Bo and Julie Ann , I am addressing you because I am your older brother and the last time I had seen you was the day our mother and your father was in the fatal crash caused by my father. I still remember olding Julie when she was just three months old and when the docter told Mom, that she might not make to past the night and then she made it past the week. There was your father and mother just about in tears because their little girl was three months premature and barely over two pounds. And Mom looked and me and Bo and says to us to say goodbye to our baby sister and she says "I'm naming her after my grandmother Julie Ann and maybe the lord will look down on us and not so much. At least I know there will one little angel watching out for my two little boys. Let me explain something my father was so jealous when Mom divorced him that he didn't want to let go and he saw them leaving the hosptial the night of the crash that he had a few too many at the Boars Nest and he decided that he would follow well he got ahead and he caused the crash. I still don't talk to my father for taking away my mother he got arrested on the spot and even though Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane had tried to make it easier he looks at me and said "There is no way around this Jesse." I still remember him getting you and me out Bo and then we made sure we was allright and he called your Uncle Jesse. But with my father not being the same as yours well I got stuck in foster care well a real nice family from California came and adopted me. Well I'm docter now at the same hosptial as Dr. Mark Sloan and I know your cousin Dusty Rose Duke-Sloan and her husband Steve Sloan. Your Brother, Jesse."Luke and Shannon and never seen Bo so serious before now and it seems that he needed to show something to Uncle Jesse he looks at Dr. Mark Sloan, Steve Sloan and his cousin Dusty and says "Dr. Sloan I need to talk to you and Uncle Jesse and show you something very personal and I Julie didn't tell me untils this got left in the General eariler."MeanwhileLeaman and Hammer was right on the Black Charger's bumper and Hammer says "Ya, that's right it's Bo Duke's Baby Sister and Luke Duke's sweetheart just back from the Marines boy won't this bring those two plowboys to their kness knowing we have woman close to them how come that Shannon couldn't rode with Lori instead of Julie now. Oh one good like Arthur says she is a Duke at least."Cue Bo's Crush, Dusty Rose Duke or LoriDavenport or i1976"
Julieduke Posted January 30, 2008 Author Posted January 30, 2008 Shannon had found something else that Julie had left in the General and she looks and waits till Bo parks and him and Luke get out and she watchs at he opens the letter to him and his sister than she allreadry has opened and read.It reads (Dear Bo and Julie Ann , I am addressing you because I am your older brother and the last time I had seen you was the day our mother and your father was in the fatal crash caused by my father. I still remember olding Julie when she was just three months old and when the docter told Mom, that she might not make to past the night and then she made it past the week. There was your father and mother just about in tears because their little girl was three months premature and barely over two pounds. And Mom looked and me and Bo and says to us to say goodbye to our baby sister and she says "I'm naming her after my grandmother Julie Ann and maybe the lord will look down on us and not so much. At least I know there will one little angel watching out for my two little boys. Let me explain something my father was so jealous when Mom divorced him that he didn't want to let go and he saw them leaving the hosptial the night of the crash that he had a few too many at the Boars Nest and he decided that he would follow well he got ahead and he caused the crash. I still don't talk to my father for taking away my mother he got arrested on the spot and even though Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane had tried to make it easier he looks at me and said "There is no way around this Jesse." I still remember him getting you and me out Bo and then we made sure we was allright and he called your Uncle Jesse. But with my father not being the same as yours well I got stuck in foster care well a real nice family from California came and adopted me. Well I'm docter now at the same hosptial as Dr. Mark Sloan and I know your cousin Dusty Rose Duke-Sloan and her husband Steve Sloan. Your Brother, Jesse."Luke and Shannon and never seen Bo so serious before now and it seems that he needed to show something to Uncle Jesse he looks at Dr. Mark Sloan, Steve Sloan and his cousin Dusty and says "Dr. Sloan I need to talk to you and Uncle Jesse and show you something very personal and I Julie didn't tell me untils this got left in the General eariler."MeanwhileLeaman and Hammer was right on the Black Charger's bumper and Hammer says "Ya, that's right it's Bo Duke's Baby Sister and Luke Duke's sweetheart just back from the Marines boy won't this bring those two plowboys to their kness knowing we have woman close to them how come that Shannon couldn't rode with Lori instead of Julie now. Oh one good like Arthur says she is a Duke at least."Cue Bo's Crush, Dusty Rose Duke or LoriDavenport or i1976"Leeman and Hammer are still right behind Lori and Julie in the Black Charger and it seems their right behind and it seems that they have vengance on their mind right now. They was sent back to federal prison by the Duke Boys and now they are going take something that really matters to them right now.Julie grabs the cb mike and says "Everybody got the ears it's me Little Sister and it seems that their a late model blue sedan on Lori's bumper and their shooting at us right now they seem to know who in the world we are. Lori doesn't seem to worried right now but I am and it's not a good feeling right now how is Dusty and her husband Steve doing right now. Oh it's okay if Bo reads the letter I got from Doc Walker it's from somebody name Jesse from California and he claims he our brother as well."Cue Bo's Crush, Dusty Rose Duke or LoriDavenport or i1976
Dusty Rose Duke Posted January 30, 2008 Posted January 30, 2008 Dusty sighed and handed the letter to her husband just the cb went off. She listened carefully and realized it was Julie. Dusty rushed over and grabbed the mic."Lil Sis you have Little Red Riding Hood here, and to answer your question I'm fine and so are the twins. Now I have a question for you little cuz, how close are those shots? and And can you shake them off your tail in anyway?" Dusty asked in her police tone?Cue: Julieduke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, or i1976
Julieduke Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 Dusty sighed and handed the letter to her husband just the cb went off. She listened carefully and realized it was Julie. Dusty rushed over and grabbed the mic."Lil Sis you have Little Red Riding Hood here, and to answer your question I'm fine and so are the twins. Now I have a question for you little cuz, how close are those shots? and And can you shake them off your tail in anyway?" Dusty asked in her police tone?Cue: Julieduke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, or i1976Julie says "Well your going to have ask Lori she is driving her car right now and I'm the passenger my idea. I thought I do some catching up but this is pretty scary right now."Cue Dusty Rose Duke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport or i1976
Julieduke Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 Julie says "Well your going to have ask Lori she is driving her car right now and I'm the passenger my idea. I thought I do some catching up but this is pretty scary right now."Cue Dusty Rose Duke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport or i1976Julie says "Well, it seems that they are right behind us like a bumper sticker but wait it seems that Lori pulled some fancy move and they didn't like that all Dusty."By Now, everybody on Hazzardnet is hearing about what the fellows following Lori and Julie and they here some chatter after she hangs up.cue Dusty Rose Duke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport or i1976
Julieduke Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 Julie says "Well, it seems that they are right behind us like a bumper sticker but wait it seems that Lori pulled some fancy move and they didn't like that all Dusty."By Now, everybody on Hazzardnet is hearing about what the fellows following Lori and Julie and they here some chatter after she hangs up.cue Dusty Rose Duke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport or i1976Balladeer: It seems that Lori is trying to ripoff her bumper sticker of her car she don't like them anyways she says they hide the beauty of the car, and these guys look familier as well."Cue Dusty Rose Duke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport or i1976
Bo's Crush Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 shannon says bo are we going to help Julie leave hazzard or is she staying?Bo says hey sweetheart we will help Julie but lets talk to her on the cb ok.shannon says ok.cue Julieduke, Loridavenport Dudty Rose and i1976
Julieduke Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 shannon says bo are we going to help Julie leave hazzard or is she staying?Bo says hey sweetheart we will help Julie but lets talk to her on the cb ok.shannon says ok.cue Julieduke' date=' Loridavenport Dudty Rose and i1976[/quote']Julie says "hey Big Brother, these guys are getting really close oh shoot I think that was Lori's taillight now I really don't think it was tire I really hope it wasn't."Cue Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, Dusty Rose Duke or i1976
Bo's Crush Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Bo: well julie i think youll stall them me luke and Shannon and dusty will all pitch in.cue julieduke
Julieduke Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 Bo: well julie i think youll stall them me luke and Shannon and dusty will all pitch in.cue juliedukeJulie says "Well Okay, but it seems there getting impatient with Lori's best moves she just, oh no there still back there. These guys are like fly paper Big Brother."Cue Bo's Crush
Julieduke Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 Julie says "Well Okay, but it seems there getting impatient with Lori's best moves she just, oh no there still back there. These guys are like fly paper Big Brother."Cue Bo's CrushBalladeer: You know I know a very good place for that fly paper, does anybody else agree with me right now.cue Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, Dusty Rose Duke or i1976
Bo's Crush Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 shannon laughs theyre even worse theyre like glue.cue anyone
Julieduke Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 shannon laughs theyre even worse theyre like glue.cue anyoneJulie says "You know Lori just chuckled she is wondering anybody have any gliue remover right now she really don't like them back there. Oh and you can elimate the tire her car is doing fine right now."Cue Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, Dusty Rose Duke or i1976
Bo's Crush Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 Bo says ok i got an idea julie and luke just jump out and get Lori out of her car and shanno and me will be in the general.cue anyone
Julieduke Posted January 31, 2008 Author Posted January 31, 2008 Balladeer: Folks, is that going to work right now and who is going to drive Lori's car I heard it all now I've to got to see this right here.Julie looks at Lori and explains and says "So, what do you think you want to give that try or do you like them back there for some unknown reason. They are sure are difficult to get rid of who is going to drive your car afterwards. Do you have Autopilot and not telling anybody."cue Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, i1976, Dusty Rose Duke or
Dusty Rose Duke Posted February 1, 2008 Posted February 1, 2008 "Julie, what's happening? What is going on out there?" Dusty asked to her little cousin.Cue: Julieduke, Bo's Crush, LoriDavenport, or i1976
Bo's Crush Posted February 2, 2008 Posted February 2, 2008 Julie says" Lori's being tagged" Shannon says "yeah me and bo are helping." Julie says " you need to help we can do it alone."cue anyone
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