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When we were little...


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Daisy smiled and held her hand out to look at it, to which Bo responded by handing her the small boat with a warning to be careful with it. Daisy smiled as she could see that even when Luke was only little, he was still a fine craftsman with his hands...some of the things Luke had created over the years were really beautiful and so much better than you could buy in any shop. Luke had a way of making any piece of wood into something completly beautiful.

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Bo shrugged and sat down again, watching Jesse and Daisy handle the boat protectivly, almost as if it contained the rarest jewels in the world.

"I kept practically everything you gave me Luke..." He said softly.

Daisy shook her head.

"Seriously Luke, you could make things and earn a lot of money...you didn't HAVE a talent for it...you still do have it now..I mean look at that beauitful Jewlery Box you made for me..."

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Daisy sighed and shook her head

"Luke you have talent because it takes you so long...the different between what you make and what those companies manufacture is that you actually care what the finished result looks like...Luke you could put up an advertisement saying you'll make birthday presents for people but you need the order months in advance...you don't have to make something in a day to be good at it...everyone who has seen my jewelery box has commented on how well made it was and they ask me where I got it from...when I tell them you made it, they can't believe it...one girl actually asked if you could make her one...you have such a talent for it Luke..."

Bo silently nodded in agreement, looking over the little boat in his hands.

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