TimDuke Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 No need to be sorry General Grant. You are just as passionate about KITT as I am about General Lee.Plus I agree with you and I wasn't a huge fan of KR. Go on the Knight Rider message board once. They are none too happy there either.The filming activity in Florida? Could be any number of things. I know Lee 1 has recently been moved to Florida to it's owner so maybe it was a promotional thing with it. There is guy in the movie industry(He was in the first Dukes movie) that post on another Dukes board and he usually gets the first lowdown on any new thing on the horizon. So far zero.As I pointed out WB got rid of all vehicles needed to do a major production. So if rumors are true it is going to be very,very low budget which will probably mean more tarnishing of the Dukes legacy. Quote
RogerDuke Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I agree Tim, I wouldn't want it done unless it was done right. Defining "right" is the tough part since people have a variety of tastes. I do think they could pull it off with an new General Lee (NOT painted like the old one) and a new set of young Dukes. They could keep the boys and Daisy around with the OLD General (and occasionally involve him in some non-jumping action since '69 Chargers are too expensive to ruin) The original Dukes would be a cross between their former selves and an Uncle Jesse character. The big problem is what many of us recognize...they'd probably turn it into soft-core porn. Society is ruining (almost) everything in the entertainment industry that used to be good. Quote
Cowboy Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I thought the New KNIGHT RIDER WAS AWESOME! I recorded it tonight and I dont regret one second of it!!! It was utterly fantastic! I thought the writers did an excolent job addapting it to modern day times, both in technology and the aspect of drawing in an audience. It was tasteful and kept you on the edge of your seat, it was even enjoyably funny at times. I love the upgrades on Kitt, and the Shelby potrayed him with great grace! Three Cheers for the new KNIGHT RIDER!~Chet Quote
DaneyDuke Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Watch it on premiere night if you wanna see it for yourself and not have a hundred tv reviews about it first. If ya can't watch it on premier night, then watch it the next week.I think what's happened is twofold: available broadcast content is lean due to the long-runnign writer's strike - and also, a lot of the KR buzz is just starting to "catch." NBC is making a huge push on this show and Ford is backing it with serious money.Dukes fans could only dream of WB ever giving Dukes of Hazzard such good promotion. It's enough to piss ya off. Yet in a way this does help the chances for more Dukes. We posted a new homepage article on all of that, along with a couple pics and a YouTube promo vid.The homepage article was nice. Those who did watch it tonight... can enter the Ford Knight Rider giveaway. Begins at 8:00 p.m. ET on 2/17/08 and ends at 10:59:59 p.m. ET on 2/18/08. Limit 4 entries per person. http://www.nbc.com/Knight_Rider/Ford/sweepstakes/open.shtml Knight Rider 2008 Tv Movie Review: This passing of the torch continuation worked as a two hour movie. There was one scene, perhaps they could have handled differently than it was written. Which would have changed the next to last scene. All in all, it was alright for the reason it was made. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I watched the new Knight Rider tonight, and I thought it sucked beyond all expectation. It was nothing more than an unapologetic two hour commercial for Ford products. With more Ford commercials thrown in. Sadly, the commercials involving Mike and the new KITT were more interesting than the actual program. The commercials were the only time we saw any rapport or banter that was reminiscent of the original series.The new KITT's main talent was changing color so that you could see a number of available paint options for your next Mustang. Other than a few spinouts there were no car stunts to speak of. Tho' I enjoyed the early chase scene where the bad guy let loose with a "yeehaa" while pursuing KITT. Wonder what crowd that was aimed at, eh?In the closing chase scene, KITT takes on an SUV. (Ooooo. *yawn*) Come on, couldn't the bad guys drive a Ferrrari or something and give us a real run for the money? No, they couldn't, because this was Ford's show. Mike eventually stops the SUV by throwing KITT in it's path and making the SUV t-bone into it. At the end, Michael Knight makes a short cameo appearance. Any KR fans who were hoping to see just a glimpse of the old KITT along with him, were disappointed. Time will tell if the new Knight Rider gained enough viewers to get the go-ahead for the fall season. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Brian, I think your being to hard on the show. Yea could have more stunts and more bantering with kit and michael. But other wise it was good. It would be something I let my kids watch. I let them watch it then those 2 jokes of a Duke's movies. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Brian, I think your being to hard on the show. Yea could have more stunts and more bantering with kit and michael. But other wise it was good. It would be something I let my kids watch. I let them watch it then those 2 jokes of a Duke's movies.Well, the lesbian scene in the beginning with the Federal agent would probably go right over a kid's head. And later when KITT asks Mike if he's gay, while flashing rainbow flags on his graphics screen and showing two guys holding hands, might also go over a kid's head. Other than that, it wasn't as violent as most other shows on TV and overall it's harmless. It fell short of it's potential, in my book, but that's just me.I am interested in everybody's opinions, so if you don't agree with me - good! Fire away. Quote
Cowboy Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I am not sure of your age Jessi so excuse me if I offend you. I, like I said enjoyed the new Knight Rider despite Brian's review of it. To each there own opinion. Though I would like to say that I think you will see that a 'younger' generation will have enjoyed it more then the older generation that was looking to be impressed by a passing of the torch. It is 2008 after all, its a completely new time eara and its possibly that this generation may very well enjoy the old Knight Rider episodes but face it, it cant compare to the technology of today. Kitt was awesome in his day, he was perhaps 20 years ahead of his time. Now, the new Kitt is 20 years ahead of THIS TIME. Am I alone when I say, I as a younger generation enjoyed the new Knight Rider? ~Chet P.s. I have no intention of insulting an older generation of viewer, it is simply a different aspect to be considered. I apologize if anyone is offended. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I am not sure of your age Jessi so excuse me if I offend you. I, like I said enjoyed the new Knight Rider despite Brian's review of it. To each there own opinion. Though I would like to say that I think you will see that a 'younger' generation will have enjoyed it more then the older generation that was looking to be impressed by a passing of the torch. It is 2008 after all, its a completely new time eara and its possibly that this generation may very well enjoy the old Knight Rider episodes but face it, it cant compare to the technology of today. Kitt was awesome in his day, he was perhaps 20 years ahead of his time. Now, the new Kitt is 20 years ahead of THIS TIME. Am I alone when I say, I as a younger generation enjoyed the new Knight Rider? ~Chet P.s. I have no intention of insulting an older generation of viewer, it is simply a different aspect to be considered. I apologize if anyone is offended.I have to throw in that I don't think it's an age thang. I can handle KITT being modernized, but for all the pretty buttons he didn't do much. Quote
dukefan Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I saw the 2 hour pilot of the new KnightRider, and let me tell you, it sucked big time.First off, it was more of a gimmick for ford to sell their mustang(which is an awsome car, but is not KITT!This car sucked, and it changed colors from black to silver to camouflage itself(copy cat of the tv show VIPER) and it had nothing for capabilities like KITT did.The story line was rather boring and I only got excited at the end(which last 2 minutes or less) I am not even gona watch the series, they be lucky to get 5 episodes out of it.Like I said, it's an awsome car, looks great, but it don't look like KITT, didn't feel like KITT and wasn't as classy as KITT Quote
dukefan Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Brian, I think your being to hard on the show. Yea could have more stunts and more bantering with kit and michael. But other wise it was good. It would be something I let my kids watch. I let them watch it then those 2 jokes of a Duke's movies.Let me tell you, brian was right on the money, the new knightrider was a total bomb, as in no good, sucked a complete disgrace to KITT and any Knight Rider fan.Come on jessi, that would be like using then new camaro to be painted up as the general lee when they come out with the new dukes series, it would suck major big time Quote
dukefan Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I thought the New KNIGHT RIDER WAS AWESOME! I recorded it tonight and I dont regret one second of it!!! It was utterly fantastic! I thought the writers did an excolent job addapting it to modern day times, both in technology and the aspect of drawing in an audience. It was tasteful and kept you on the edge of your seat, it was even enjoyably funny at times. I love the upgrades on Kitt, and the Shelby potrayed him with great grace! Three Cheers for the new KNIGHT RIDER!~ChetYou're obviously not a real Knight Rider fan like some of us are, imagine now if they started a new dukes of hazzard series on tv and used a 2009 camaro painted up as the general lee, it would suck big time Quote
dukefan Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Well, as a KITT replica owner, I obviously would have loved to see the old Transam back on teh screen, and as a cameo, we will.The Hoff and "KITT" will make a very brief appearance, but I shall reserve my jusgement until I've actually seen it, but not holding out much hope, smells like a rush job to me. Glen Larson, the original series creator, is making a Knight Rider movie which should be out in 2009. His script is nearly finished but cannot complete it due to the writers strike.He is making a modern day version of his Pilot Episode, so, again there will be no 82 transam, or no Hoff either. Maybe William Daniels voice will make it into Glen's film???? For a knight Rider fan, it is what we have been waiting for, a TV series and a film, I just hope it's worth the wait, but I doubt it. Nothing ever matches the original.you can say that again, I am a knight rider fan too, have have 4 seasons, and I saw the new pilot show, it sucked behond my belief.... Quote
dukefan Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Heres my idea of a Kitt... even though I still say the Shelby aint all that bad. But Im a Chevy Fan so I gotta post this here.Yes my author did this, she aint much for photoshop but it dont look too gawd aweful. This is a 2009 Yenko Camaro~Chetyou can keep it cowboy, unless it's a pontiac, which now I know it isn't, since I saw the movie on tv, no car other then a pontiac firebird should be KITT!That would be like painting up the camaro 2009 as The General Lee, a total bomb(no good) Quote
dukefan Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I totally agree that KITT should stay a Pontiac. Ford ponied up the money, however, to make KITT a Mustang. Sadly...General Motors didn't have any current Pontiacs with the kind of muscle and eye-catching style the show was hoping for. So that sorta clinched it.Still, they coulda used a Corvette or something. The only thing I'll give the Mustang deal, is that the 'Stang has a retro-look that "feels" more muscle car-ish, even if it's not how I think KITT would look. On an aside, I wish Dodge wouldn't have botched the modern-day version of the Charger so bad. Ford, at least, got it right when they brought back a classic name. They didn't try to make the Mustang a 4-door sedan that was basically a Taurus with a different front end. Unlike Dodge's effort at crossbreeding a Stratus and an Intrepid and then hacking off the nose.Yeah I agree, dodge frigged up when they came out with the new charger, sucks so badly, they even had the never to paint it up like the General Lee, man was I peeved.Dodge must have realised their mistake, 'cause ford and chevrolet have the real muscle car, so dodge came out with the 2008 Challenger, now that car is worthy of the name challenger!!! Quote
AlexJackson Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 I havent had a chance to watch my recording of Knight Rider. I chose instead to watch Tom Wopat in a Sci-Fi Channel movie called, The Hive. From what you all are saying, seems like it was a double stink night at the movies, but to be fair I'll go ahead and watch the Knight Rider movie and then post my own review, along with my review for The Hive.Alex Quote
Cowboy Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Geeze DukeFan post a couple more times, repeat it again I dont think I got ya point. No, Im not and have never been a 'die hard' Knight Rider fan. I love the Dukes but am I die hard fan because Im willin to give a new series a chance? I wasnt old enough to even watch Knight Rider when it was on TV, but I still liked it when i got older, thought it was cool.But i gotta say that theres a hell of a lot worse TV shows on right now then the movie/series of Knight Rider. And I think I'll watch it over some of the other crap. I dont have cable or Satelite, so Im limited to about 5-6 channels of alotta crappy TV shows, full of serious violence, profanity, rape and gruesome murders. So what if Ford tried to make a few bucks on it, everyones out to make money somehow, no matter how half ass it is. Far as makin General Lee into a Camaro, hey ya never know. Atleast its a sporty muscle car, and not a Dodge again.(Dodge dont make good cars no more.) The new Dodges are a piece of crap, lookit the new Charger.... I wanna know who stuck out there hand and got the pay on that piece of crap. Sure the performance was ok, but THAT was an insult to the Charger name. The Challenger... looks pretty but lets see what it can stand up to... I wont hold my breath. ~Chet Quote
Julieduke Posted February 18, 2008 Author Posted February 18, 2008 The homepage article was nice. Those who did watch it tonight... can enter the Ford Knight Rider giveaway. Begins at 8:00 p.m. ET on 2/17/08 and ends at 10:59:59 p.m. ET on 2/18/08. Limit 4 entries per person. http://www.nbc.com/Knight_Rider/Ford/sweepstakes/open.shtml Knight Rider 2008 Tv Movie Review: This passing of the torch continuation worked as a two hour movie. There was one scene, perhaps they could have handled differently than it was written. Which would have changed the next to last scene. All in all, it was alright for the reason it was made.Hey I got to level 2 on the 6cylinder challenger beat that./ Quote
TimDuke Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Didn't watch it. I watched the Tom Wopat movie which wasn't that good. I couldn't buy super intelligent killer ants. What was this about a 3 way and lesbian action? That's enough for me not to want to see it. Why do all the remakes of classic shows they gotta put some sort of sex angle in them? They did it in both Dukes movies now Knight Rider. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Dukefan,You took my point totally out of context. I said it was good. So what that Kitt was a mustang. This was not about Michael Knight. It was about his son and how he became the driver of the new kitt. Let me tell you, brian was right on the money, the new knightrider was a total bomb, as in no good, sucked a complete disgrace to KITT and any Knight Rider fan.Come on jessi, that would be like using then new camaro to be painted up as the general lee when they come out with the new dukes series, it would suck major big time This was no way like the 2 dukes movie. Those two had no right to be called Dukes of Hazzard. Everyone knows the only one car can be the General Lee and that's a 69 dodge chager. The new Knight Rider movie was about them making a second Kitt car. No where did they try to take anything a way from the first Kitt or Michael Knight. They never down grade them or made out to be a joke. Unlike the writers of the 2 dukes movie. Those writers where trying to make fun duke and degrade it. The writers of the New Knight rider movie made so we could see how this this new Michael was tied into the old Michael. It doesn't matter if it would have the same kind of car that old kit was or the mustang. People would have had problems with it no matter. People don't like change no matter what form it takes. Quote
Cowboy Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Yeehaw, you go Jessi. *Applauds Jessi Duke.* Quote
General Grant Posted February 18, 2008 Posted February 18, 2008 Okay, y'all... I may be a little biased here, but I'll try not to be. Here goes.I think there is only one word I know of to adequately describe the Knight Rider show, and that is this: YUCK!!!I didn't like it, I thought it was horrible. And Brian is right, the commercials were more interesting than the actual storyline.It seems to me that even at the half way point, there wasn't much action. I was still waiting to get to the highpoint of the show and then the end credits were rolling. Plus, in my opinion, they totally killed the theme song! I was almost forced to break out the emergency box of kleenex! I thought that a couple of the scenes were questionable and was wondering why they were put into the show. As was mentioned earlier, there were a couple "sick" jokes/scenes that had absolutely nothing to do with the plot, which there wasn't much of a plot...I was a little upset because the original Michael was in the show for maybe thirty seconds, and that was it... But, I don't think him having a longer appearance would have helped the show at all. Not only did they deface KITT, they turned him into a self-righteous sissy, with a very strange (if any) personality and a creepy voice. I apologize if I offend anyone by saying any of this, but I thought that the voice alone was just awful. It was almost creepy.I didn't like some of the graphics, like the bullets bouncing off of the car, and it's changing colors. Everyone who knows Knight Rider gets the basic idea that the car is bullet proof. They really didn't need to waste their time (or money) to show us throughout the show. After that, I will never look at a mustang the same way... I was ready to take the baseball bat to the TV!!At least the rest of the family had fun watching me watch the show! Anyway, I agree with dukefan and Brian Coltrane, it was horrible. To me, the announcer for Knight Rider should not have sounded so proud of the show. Anyway, I apologize for going on. I really do appreciate everyone's opinions, and I find it great that some of you enjoyed it. That is great that you had a nice time watching it! Hope to hear more discussion on the subject, you all have such great input!General Grant Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 Okay, I need to jump in with my two cents on this show. I admit, I didn't like it. But it wasn't about the car so much as it was about what they did (or didn't do) with the car and the storyline. I've read fanfic that was better written. A lot better written.The plot, what there was of it, was confusing, where it wasn't trite. They were twenty minutes in and I was still trying to figure out what the main point of the story was...gripping, it wasn't. There were extra scenes and wasteful ones...reference the two women in bed. I don't care if they show something like that if it advances the storyline somehow, but I couldn't see that it had any relevance whatsoever. There were no car stunts to speak of. I could get an old beaten up whatever and learn to do the few stunts that they did do. There was nothing worthy of the supercar that KITT is supposed to be. The fancy color trick was great....if you're into that sort of thing. But if that's the extent of KITT's abilities then they don't have much to work with for a new series.Now, on the plus side. I enjoyed the very last scene of the movie - and not because it was almost over! I thought it was well-written and well done. There was a bit of cohesiveness among the characters which seemed to be missing through the rest of the movie. With that scene, I could see them making a go of a new series...and I might even watch. Unfortunately, that cohesion was missing through the rest of the movie - which is just too bad. Quote
General Grant Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 Well written, lost_sheep3For me, the show is about KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand!) and I thought that was a horrible representation of him. I know that it is supposed to be a continuation, but it was still bad... But, I do respect all of the opinions of everyone, even if I do tend to have a different opinion sometimes. I do appreciate them! Keep the thought comin' y'all!I didn't care much for the color changes. I thought it just looked pathetic. But, I understand that some people liked that, and I hope that my disagreement does not upset you in anyway. If it does, I sincerely apologize. I'll agree with you on that point, lost_sheep3, that scene between Michael and mike was a nice scene. Although I don't like the show, that was probably the highlight of the entire two hour run, excluding the commercial breaks, of course!Anyway, in my world there are only two KITTs. The Knight Industries Two Thousand, and my cat, KITT! That is it, there isn't room for a third, esspecially one so... (I don't know the right word to use, so for lack of a better one) Fake! Okay, sorry for rambling and getting all worked up. Thank you EVERYONE for your input.General Grant Quote
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