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well i guess the value of them would only go up by 10 bucks of so, if the 1987 USA version of the " take the long way home" cd where to be signed, im guessing it would be worth $55 - $65, cause the version of the cd is pritty rare. I will posting pics of my john stuff soon for your entertainment.

Your avaitor is from Smallville right I thought it looked familier. It's from the episode called Exposed when Tom Wopat guest Starred and he takes his buddy's car for a spin.


As of now i dont have his "worth the wait" "hell this aint heaven" or his " aucustic christmas" but fortunetly i have other contacts who have these albums, i will be purchasing "hell this aint heaven" and " aucustic christmas" off johns ebay store in time, i saw someone trying to sell "worth the wait" on ebay for something like $100, and i cant see anyone buying that to be honest.

Do you have his "Worth The Wait" album that one goes for 37.95 on Amazon.com now. I had a chance to buy it seven years ago, but I didn't have the money to buy it when I met him in person.

I just have the rare cover left, how much would my cover go for.

As of now i dont have his "worth the wait" "hell this aint heaven" or his " aucustic christmas" but fortunetly i have other contacts who have these albums, i will be purchasing "hell this aint heaven" and " aucustic christmas" off johns ebay store in time, i saw someone trying to sell "worth the wait" on ebay for something like $100, and i cant see anyone buying that to be honest.

I have "Hell, This Ain't Heaven" and Accoustic Christmas" and the first one the title song is his deut with Johnny Cash.

As of now i dont have his "worth the wait" "hell this aint heaven" or his " aucustic christmas" but fortunetly i have other contacts who have these albums, i will be purchasing "hell this aint heaven" and " aucustic christmas" off johns ebay store in time, i saw someone trying to sell "worth the wait" on ebay for something like $100, and i cant see anyone buying that to be honest.

It's the same as "Hell, This Ain't Heaven" it has a few less songs on that's on but I like the cover I have a copy of album from the internet printed up saved in a Scrap book because he's wearing a hat in the picture. In which many of John's cover he never where's a cowboy hat. There's another album he produced called "John Schneider and Friends" and he has a song that he wrote back in 1996 called "What Would Grandpa Say" and somebody told me he wrote the song about Uncle Jesse A.K.A. Denver Pyle. The cd is from the Citizens Flag alliance and hard to find as well.

If your refuring to a rare cover of "worth the wait" i wouldnt know, im guessing it would be the same as "take the long way home" about $60, cause all the songs that are on "worth the wait" are on "hell this aint heaven"

Don't you think John looks sexy in that hat now.

I cant say ive ever heard of that album, il have to keep my eyes pealed

I have another picture printed up from the library where him and David Hasselhoff are both in Tuxedo's and there posing together, that's in one of Photo albums as well.

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