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Well said everyone!

You know, this is such a great group of people on here. I, for one, am very lucky I found HazzardNet. There's just such a warmth here. Plus, I really like the fact that even though I totally disagreed with all of you, there was no judging, just understanding.

I have a lot of respect for each and everyone of you, and proud to call ya'll cousins (hey, everyone's family on the Dukes of Hazzard).

As for Coy and Vance, I'll have to give it another try, who knows? I might just someday enjoy watching them(well.....I don't think I'll like them that much!)

It really makes you wonder why everyone isn't a Dukes of Hazzard fan! I agree with General Grant "the world would be a better place" Really makes you stop and think about it, doesn't it?

Laura Duke


Sorry y'all, but another long one!

Boy, if only everyone could be like this group of people here. I love what you said, Laura Duke, "Even though I totally disagreed with all of you there was no judging, just understanding." I wish life were that way. It really makes you stop and think that if we all pull together like family should, then, despite the differences, we can come to an understanding with one another, and a deeper respect for those around us. I simply cannot say enough how proud I am that all of you patiently listened to one another and responded with the greatest respect for everyone's opinions. I truly am thankful that this site was shown to me. I really like what you said, Rogerduke, about the Dukes fans being a second family and that you model your lifestyle around the Hazzard County residents but don't put them above God. I feel pretty much the same way (although I just love those car jumps, Khee!) I know exactly where you are coming from when you say that, and I also got a big ole' Bo grin on my face! It is funny how I have gotten this far with the Dukes. It started as a kind of joke. For my sister's birthday, I bought the first Dukes season because while on vacation I saw one of the episodes and thought it was the dumbest thing(bear with me, I changed my opinion!) So, after watching the first episode I was shocked when Bo went up to Daisy and put his arms around her and said, "you know, if we weren't cousins I'd marry you." To which Daisy replied, "That never stopped anyone in this family before." And Bo grins and and says "You got a point there" followed by his famous HA HA laugh! Shock and Horror filled me as I looked over at my sister(now remember, I got this as a gift for her) and saw her face the phrase OH MY! was written all over her face! I simply said we'll exchange this tomorrow and you can just take the money! But, trying to be polite, she said no, she would just watch a few more episodes. And, before you know it, season two came out and we rushed to the store to buy it. And, along came season 7 (my sister just about cried on the last episode) But, I must say, I truly am lucky to have seen that show. It really has shown me HOW to live. Being in the country, I always veiwed life as boring and somewhat dull, but now there is no where else I'd rather be than home, in the country, and able to have all of the excitement and adventures that city folk miss out on. I mean, how many city people can go out and have thier horse pull them on a sled, or ride a hay wagon down the street, or drive around in the back 40(even if we used to do that with teh Lumina, now we have a JEEP!) or have that same intense thrill of staking hay over you head in an over cramped, overheated hundred year old barn. Not many! Anyway, thank you all for helping me to truly see that I really am blessed to live in the country and to truly understand the values that are so clearly presented in the Dukes of Hazzard. I cannot express my gratitude enough to all of you, or how proud I am to be a Dukes fan and to live and learn from the best!

I'll catch y'all later.

Having shared my opinion on a very delicate subject for Dukes fans (Coy and Vance) and seeing the remarkable amount of enthusiasm with which you replied, and the generosity, patience, and kindness y'all shared, I cannot help but thinking that I must be one of the luckiest people! You have proven right here what it is all about. You have shown what the Dukes of Hazzard have been trying to tell us all along, Dukes don't fight Dukes! All we have is family!

General Grant


That's a great post General Grant. Here's another reason to like Coy and Vance. (I admit we have to struggle to find them).....If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have this thread. This thread sure is providing some of the best tributes to the show I've ever read!!!!!! Despite our occasional (very minor) disagreements, I sure do love all my cousins on the Hazzardnet. I'm gone.


Thank you Rogerduke. You are right about us all bein' cousins. I must say it sure feels like you know everyone on here! Coy and Vance sure did a lot and didn't get much credit for any of it.

General Grant

What do ya know... I actually kept it short this time! Khee!


Let me throw up one more tribute while we're on the subject. Thanks to all the folks who began the Hazzardnet and maintain it. You people are awesome and so many of us appreciate it. Let's all head down to the Boar's Nest so I can by y'all a buttermilk. Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.


Wow! I must say that I always enjoy reading your posts General Grant and RogerDuke! You both have such a way of putting things so great, that I wish that I could do!

Yes, we owe the moderators a HUGE thank you. They have put in countless hours of work on this site so that Duke fans could have a place to meet other Duke families around the world. Without these moderators, I would have never met such great people. Thanks, guys!

Again, I can't tell you how much I enjoy this site, and all the new family members I didn't know I had. Thanks everyone!

Laura Duke

Oh, and General Grant, great story on how the Dukes came into your life-I really liked it!


Hey y'all!

Great point Rogerduke and Laura Duke, we really do owe a lot to the moderators of this site (hopefully they read this) any way, I know I am real thankful! Rogerduke, I'll take you up on that offer, but I'll take mine in a frosted mug! (I just did the Bo laugh!)

Catch y'all later!

General Grant


I really enjoy all your posts Laura and General. Whenever someone new comes into town, it's always nice....but quite often they don't stay long. I have a feeling you two are going to be around for awhile. It's always cool to log on and see a lot of new posts up by a wide variety of folks. Before you know it, you both will be old timers at this thing. Good folks (like you two) settling here in Hazzard County will make this great place even better. By the way, you can just call me Roger.


Well, thank you very much Roger! I must admit, I always love reading your posts, they are always so great! You are definately like the Uncle Jesse of the group, you keep everyone in line, but you always do it with class! :wink:

I plan on sticking around until everyone gets sick of me! Hopefully that will be a while. :lol:

Maybe we'll bump into each other at the Boar's Nest sometime! :) Until then, keep it 'tween the ditches, ya'll!

Laura Duke


Hey y'all!

I can't believe that people wouldn't stick around! I can't imagine why. It is really fun here and I enjoy reading y'alls posts. Esspecially you, Laura and Roger. I agree with you, Laura that Roger is like the Uncle Jesse of the group. You really do keep us all in line. Uncle Jesse is a really great person! So, I really like him too! I hope to see y'all at the Boars Nest too. But I'll take an apple juice... In a frosted mug! Khee!

I'll Catch y'all later! Khee! Khee! I love it! I'm Gone!

General Grant

Hey, an afterthought!! I've got a question for you Laura Duke and Roger...

Would you like to set up a chat time sometime?


That sounds like fun but I've never done it before so I'll need some instructions. I'm well known on the Hazzardnet for not having computer skills. If something is more complicated than feeding the chickens, I need help. Actually feeding the chickens ain't so bad, it's milking the chickens that gits complicated....and even that's easier for an old redneck than trying to figure this contraption out.


Thank ya'll for your kind words about HazzardNet and the staff here! We do appreciate it. We also appreciate YOU for making HazzardNet the top-ranked Dukes site on the web. It's your posts, your photos, and your participation that make the difference. So give yerselves a round of applause, and sal-ute!



Hey y'all!

Thank you BrianColtrane! Without you, or the other moderators, we couldn't be here! Thanks!

Well, Roger, I am no expert, but I'll give this a shot.

Right under the HazzardNet pictures at the top of the screen, there is an orange bar that says User CP, FAQ, Members List, etc...

Then, find the word chat, and click on it. (At least that is how I think it is done! I've never done it either!) Is this making any sense?

Don't worry, I am the same way with computers. I have to think pretty hard to get something done on this thing! I hear ya! I also find milking to be pretty easy, but gettin' them cows to lay an egg is a whole other story! Khee!

Talk to you soon, y'all!

General Grant


Hi Everyone!

First of all General Grant, I would love to set up a chat time! When did you have it in mind?

Roger, I don't blame you for not knowing how to get in a chat room, this is the first time I've done this, too! Even though General Grant did a great job explaining it, sometimes it's a little easier to understand if two people explain it, that way one person can explain what another person missed! :lol:

If you are on the main forum page, you will see a list of things. One of them says "Chat". Click on that. Once you click on it, that's pretty much it. You then just have to click on "Chat in forum web page" Then it brings you right to the chat room. Don't worry, I know that you can do it! :-P

Thanks Brian Coltrane, but you are really the ones that put a LOT more work into it than I realize. It's great to have such caring people that go to a lot of time and trouble to do this for the rest of us! Thanks a million! :)

Boy, I always love reading these posts, they are just so funny!

Well, I hope that ALL of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Laura Duke:lol:


Sorry, Roger, but I just wanted to make this easier yet! If you scroll to the top of this screen, right below the HazzardNet picture. Under the "Reply to Thread" There's a bunch of commands, look for the "Chat". It's the 5th command, with the small little upside down triangle. Then just follow the rest of our previous messages. Hopefully that makes sense. But, please don't do that until we set up a time to do this, otherwise you'll be talking to yourself!:) If you have a day and time that you would like to do this, let me know!

Thanks, and I hope that it helped. I still know that you can figure this out! :-P

Laura Duke


I think I can handle it. If I get in trouble, my wife will probably be able to help. Thanks for the advice. Somebody suggest a time.

Once again, with Thanksgiving coming up, Brian Coltrane is one of the things I have to be thankful for. (no LOL, I'm being serious here)


Hey y'all!

I am not sure what day y'all have in mind. Wednesday's won't work for me, though. As for time, it don't matter, as long as it is not too late at night. Otherwise I'll get up late and the animals will let me know how mad they are 'cause I made 'em wait for their breakfast!

Hey, that is a great thought Roger about what you're thankful for.

Well, it's Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for y'all on the Hazzardnet, as well as my family to keep me in line, friends to help me through the hard times and to share the good times with, neighbors to help and to teach me the value of helping one another, and my animals to remind me how lucky I am- and to teach me the value of hard work!

Catch y'all later!

General Grant

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