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Daddy Duke (continuation of Why is it)

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"Your stressed...an' that's probably also down to a lack of rest as well as what's goin' on around you which has probably caused said lack of rest...'sides the darkening circles under those beautiful blue eyes tell a different story..."

Jenni replied in a firm but gentle tone, running a hand down the side of his face softly.

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Jenni then helped him lay down properly and put Luke's foot in a better position on the pillow that would be more comfortable to sleep with before covering him up.

"There...now I got other patients I gotta get to...but i'll be back maybe tomorrow or the next day, I aint sure yet...you rest up real good an' i'll know if you aint been cause Jaime'll tell me..."

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Luke watched her go with a sigh, looking at his foot with disgust. He longed to get up and move around, too upset with things to sleep as Jenni had asked him to. Too many things were going on...things beyond his control...he longed to talk to his uncle and tell him his troubles but he didnt dare...the last thing he needed was more things to worry about. With a long sigh he stared up at the ceiling and started counting tiles, one by one.

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****Later that Night****

Bo walked into the kitchen, whistling happily as he shut the door behind him and going straight to the refridgerator for some lemonade and something to eat. He had been too busy getting everything sorted with Troy and finding out about Uncle Jesse to eat anything but now things were better, he was starving.

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