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Daddy Duke (continuation of Why is it)

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Luke la back his head and sighed. It was true things were getting to him but more true was the fact that he felt like a failure. He had thought he could andle the farm with Jesse being ill, but as becoming obvious, he couldn't. He had thought he had done the right thing keeping it from Bo, and Jesse had thought that too, but now Bo was angry at him, which hurt the Duke boy far more than his broken foot. The issue with Troy had brought up some hard memories for him also and they bothered him more than he cared to admit. It was simply too much...

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(Whose been listening to some John Schneider songs then? lol I found the title of one John Schneider song in your post Daisy, can you see which one it is?)

Jaime watched Luke for a little bit. She knew Luke wouldn't tell her anything that was bothering him, she expected that them being father and daughter and everything...but still she wished sometimes he would treat her like the friend she had started out to be to him too.

Nodding softly, she leant over and kissed her Daddy's cheek before getting up and wandering out the room to find something to do.

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(lol yup)

Jaime looked around the farmhouse for something to do. Daisy had gone to work and Bo...was doing whatever he was supposed to be doing. Biting her lip, she glanced to the clock and saw it was going to be a few hours before Jenni arrived. She smiled and headed over to the phone, picking up the reciever and dialling her boyfriend's number.

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Several hours later, Jenni pulled up into the Duke Farm drive way. Jaime was making Luke a coffee in the kitchen, Bo was still gone and hadn't called since he had yelled at Luke over the phone, Daisy was due back from work soon and Jaime didn't know when Jesse was going to be back.

Jenni smiled as she got out her car and looked the farm over...it hadn't changed much over the years...she had spent a lot of her childhood here, just hanging out with Luke, and occasionally Bo, after school and trying to figure out a way to get out of doing her homework...as did Luke. They never came up with anything, but they had come up with some pretty funny excuses that ranged way past the traditional 'My Dog ate it'.

Smiling, she headed up to the old farmhouse and knocked on the door.

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Jenni nodded a little, figuring with everything that she had seen going on with Bo at the hospital, she knew Luke wouldn't be far behind him in the emotional scale...if not already way surpassed him. She started to head to his room before stopping.

"Oh I forgot...this is for you..."

She pulled out a small tub of cream and handed it to Jaime.

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