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Bo bit his lip to stop himself from grinning. He and Luke had both gone through that phase when they were teens, when they'd stay out knowingly later than they were meant to just because they could...seeing as they thought Uncle Jesse couldn't possible switch them anymore...something he had rectified very quickly.

Jesse sighed and shook his head.

"Well Luke no it ain't funny when your kids think that they can get away with things just because they's gettin' older but every parent goes through it with a teenager...its just a part of growin' up and unfortunatly you just gotta ride it out with a firm hand and negotiation."


Luke shook his head. "Negotiate..." He didn't like the sound of that. "No girl of mine is gonna dress like that. When she is Daisy's age I can't do nothin' bout it but right now..." He chuckled almost catching himself saying the "as long as you live under my roof you'll do as I say "speech that Jesse had given to him so many times.


"Course not..not to you...ain't your daughter... maybe if it was you wouldn't be so anxious to go around in short shorts and low cut tops either..." It sounded mean and he knew it, but he didn't take it back.


Daisy shook her head and stood up, going to Jaime's room and pulling her out by her wrist, making Jaime stand beside her.

"Luke...my top is low cut...Jaime's doesn't show hardly anything...the shirt stops above her belly button and the shorts start underneath it...my shorts comes down to just below my butt...her shorts go half way down her theighs...your over reacting..."


To say you could hear a pin drop was putting it mildly. As happy as Luke had been 2 hours before, he fell from his cloud and fell hard. Without another word, he set down his napkin and walked out the door.


Jaime moved forward, shaking her head, about to speak when Daisy put her hands on her shoulders and shook her head softly, pulling Jaime into a hug. She knew that Jaime hadn't meant that at all...

Bo instantly took his cue as Jesse looked at him and nodded, running out the door and calling out as he ran after his cousin.

"Luke! Luke, don't you walk away from me..."


Bo groaned and ran across the yard, grabbing Luke by the shoulders and stopping him, standing in front of him.

"You know I oughta give ya a slap for that...you know I hate runnin', it makes me look like a duck.."


"She's right Bo..." he choked out. "I ain't a dad...what was I thinking....I don't know nothin bout raisin a daughter...and she knows I don't." He slid down beside the towering oak tree beside him and hid his face in his hands.


Bo sighed and sat down next to him.

"Luke...she tried to come right out after ya to tell ya she didn't mean it but Daisy stopped her...she loves ya Luke an' if the social services didn't think you were gonna be a good daddy they wouldn't have let ya adopt her would they? And Jaime sure has heck wouldn't have stayed this long..."


"It ain't the same..." said Luke with a sigh, not knowing how to explain how it was different for Bo. "I love Uncle Jesse...and I'm grateful for all he done fer me...and if I hadn't already had a daddy, I'd be proud to consider him mine....but it ain't like that..." he choked a little ashamed of the way he was carrying on.

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