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Daddy Duke (continuation of Why is it)

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"I know that Daddy...but you not a bit protective your a lot protective...and its not sometimes its all the time...I come home from school an' yer nearly always at the window watchin' fer me if not outside waitin'..."

Jaime answered earnestly, not trying to hurt Luke but trying to make him see how she was feeling. She loved him so much, and she could never be thankful enough for all that he had done for her and would continue to do...it was just...too much...

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Luke swallowed the lump in his throat. It was getting harder and harder to feel like he was any good at this "daddy" thing. Had Jaime understood how much her words were hurting him she would have stopped. But now the fat was in the fire.

People who didn't know Bo and Luke well assumed that because they were together all the time that they were almost the same person. That theory was wrong. True a lot of their interests were the same, but they were opposites in many areas. It was this opposition in personalities that complimented one another so well. Bo tended to do things on a whim, while Luke needed to think things over thoroughly. Bo wore his heart on his sleeve, while Luke's, though just as tender, was hidden away to be shown only to the few people he knew and loved...and that rarely. When hurt or backed into a corner, Bo lashed out, not willing to go down without a fight. Luke by turns would shut down. It was a coping skill he had learned the hard way in Nam.

Now, Jaime was lashing out at him, and he couldn't move away quickly. He refused to lash back, because deep inside, he knew that she was right. That did not, however, make it hurt any less. So here was Luke, hurt and unable to move away, unable to lash out. He did the only thing he knew to do in that situation and he did it instinctively.

His body tensed a little, and with a tear escaping his eye, Luke said nothing.

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Jaime swallowed seeing him doing it, knowing she had hurt Luke when she hadn't meant to. As much as Luke felt like he wasn't being a good enough dad, Jaime equally felt that she wasn't holding up to be much of a daughter, let alone a Duke.

Luke hadn't raised her from a baby, when they had met and Luke had adopted her, she had been 14 - already grown up and experience a lot of things that kids should never have to, divorce, lonlieness, entrapment, hurt...in many ways she was more grown up than she should be at 16...but in other ways she was very immature and just how to tell people things that were of a sensitive issue without hurting there feelings was not something she was good at. She told people how it was, straight with no wishy washy things to it.

"Daddy....Daddy please...I didn't mean to hurt you....I just....I love you so much Daddy an' everythin' we've been through together the few years we's been together...its been so great Daddy it really really has an' I love havin' ya as my daddy...im tryin' to be the best that I can be for ya, I really am..."

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