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Daddy Duke (continuation of Why is it)

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Bo and Daisy were listening in the hallway, Bo already flinching at Luke's tone. He knew that tone...Luke was not happy....if Jason made one wrong move, he would get it full blast for sure.

Jason swallowed a little, his arm still around Jaime.

"We were just talkin' an'..havin' a lot o'fun...we watched the sunset up at kissin' cliff...but we were safely back from the edge I swear...then we got to talkin' some more an'..we just lost track o'time like Jaime says...I brought her straight back once we realised...an;' I came to tell you because i'm as much to blame for Jaime bein' late as she is...more so because I was supposed to be lookin' after her an' bring her home on time...so I figured that I should be yelled at an' punished too...if you see fit to do so..."

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Bo bit his lip and closed his eyes, whispering under his breath.

"Oh god Jason be careful..."

Jason swallowed hard before looking to Jaime, just looking at her for a moment before saying without even thinking about it seriously...just speaking from his heart.

"I see...a beautiful...intelligent young woman...whose had it hard in her life...she deserves to be treated like the princess she is...needs to be loved, cared for...and yet needs her independence too...she's strong minded...strong willed...an'...I love her...sir..."

He said, without taking his eyes off of Jaime, smiling softly to her.

Bo bit his lip and looked to Daisy.

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Jason nodded a little, not talking, just listening. He knew it would be unwise to interrupt but he also didn't want to. His daddy had always raised him to respect his elders and how to treat women and their daddies. Heck he had a sister, he knew how protective dad's could be and what could get a guy slaughtered with them in under two minutes...he didn't say things to keep him out of trouble, he said them because he meant them.

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Jason nodded gently.

"Yes Sir...I really didn't mean to keep her out so late...and like I said...I brought her straight back here as soon as I realised we were late...I didn't try to persuade her to stay or anythin'...in fact I was the one that realised...I didn't have to come in and face you sir but I did...because I love Jaime...an' I want to earn your trust an' your friendship...I know without that...I can't be with Jaime...and I want to be with Jaime...i'll do whatever it takes to be with her..."

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Jaime bit her lip.

"I know that...and I aprpeciate it...but don't think I'm overly impressed with it. I know your daddy. Yer just followin after the good raisin' he done. You SHOULD show me respect in my own house...if ya bring my girl home late, you dang well SHOULD apologise... and next time...you double damn better have her back 5 minutes early. You got me?" said Luke looking him straight in the eye.

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Jason met Luke's gaze with his own, not flinching away from the stern one that Luke was giving like he was sure Luke wanted him to. He was sure Luke wanted to see him squirm but he wasn't about to.

"Yes Sir...I understand...but I don't just follow my daddy's raisin'...I say the things I say an' do the things I do because I mean them...my daddy taught me to respect women...I know from experience how protective daddies are over their little girls...i'm a brother to my younger sister an' I get protective...I didn't deliberatly bring Jaime home late...an' I'm sorry that you seem to think I have...I know its too early to earn any trust from you an' I know I didn't get off to the best start with this...but i'm not gonna squirm an' beg when I know that i've tried my best to say sorry an' had the decency to come here an' admit that I was wrong...and yes I am sorry for bringin' Jaime home late...but I don't regret one single minute of tonight that i've spent with her...not even these moments..."

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Jason sighed a little and was about to say something else when Jaime stopped him with a soft hand on his arm and shook her head, smiling up at him a little and begging him without any words to just leave it for now and leave the rest up to her. Nodding a little, Jason exited the room with Jaime, not even seeing Daisy and Bo huddled on the opposite side of the doorway.

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Daisy flinched hearing the tone and huddled back a little into Bo...she wasn't scared of Luke so much...it was more scared of what he would say to her. Luke was the only one who could bring her to tears with one word, when he got into a temper like he was now, he could be downright mean.

Bo sighed a little and rubbed Daisy's back softly as he whispered low.

"Go talk with Jaime out in the barn a while...i'll let Luke yell at me instead...I can take him easy..."

Daisy looked to him gratefully and hurried out the house, not needing to be told twice.

Bo shook his head and watched her go before taking a deep breath and heading inside, saying softly as he came in.

"You ain't Uncle Jesse, don't order Daisy around like that."

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