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Jesse smiled. "Oh that ain't all...now seems to me that was the year that the plumbing was bein redone an they had t use the outhouse back of the school."

Luke groaned. "Hello...sick man here...way to hit a man when he' down..." though he was trying not to smile knowing very well what Jesse was about to tell about.

"Yes sir... seemed Ol' Luke wanted t' teach his teacher a lesson... how old was ya 7?"

Luke flushed nodding hiding a smirk.

"So 7 year old Luke took in some rope...and while the teacher was out ...taking a bathroom break..." Jesse began with a twinkle in his eye.


Luke shook his head. "Jesse...I don't think..."

But Jesse continued. "He tied that outhouse door shut so tight with her in it that they ahd to take a knife t get her out."

"She needed a break..." muttered Luke his face now as red as his foot.

Jesse looked at him. "Apparently her paddle did too... see Bo, Luke was a planner even then...and broke her paddle in half ahead of time...in case he got caught."

Luke couldn't help smiling at his ingenuity at such a young age.


Jaime sighed in exasperation, knowing that if she really wanted to it wouldn't take much to find out just what they had been talking about. But then again, Luke had warned her time and time again about looking into other people's minds, and so wasn't about to do it, especially not after what had happened this morning and that afternoon.

She nodded and sat beside Luke on the bed, hoping her eyes weren't too red from the crying she had been doing after school. That was the reason for her lateness...she had gotten upset over something, and Daisy had promised not to take her to Luke until she had calmed down.


Jaime sighed and huddled into him softly, wrapping her arms around his waist softly and resting her head on his shoulder.

Daisy watched, knowing what it was all about. She looked to Bo and said to him poignently.

"Hey Bo, lets go get a drink i'm parched..."

Bo nodded and got up, sensing they needed some time alone, walking out the door and shutting it behind Uncle Jesse.

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