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For a while, the three occupants of the room just chatted softly amoungst each other before his female doctor and the anethitist returned. The doctor smiled and left the door open.

"Right, we've got to get you prepped for surgery so....i'm gonna have to ask anyone who's not a patient to leave..."

Bo nodded as did Jesse, squeezing Luke's hands and whispering with a wink.

"I don't think I gotta worry about what uh...capable hands your in huh..."


Bo chuckled and patted his shoulder before leaving the room as Uncle Jesse hugged Luke gently, whispering some words of reassurance to him before slipping out to the waiting room with Bo.

The doctor smiled and settled down on the bed beside Luke as the anethitist prepared his equipment.

"Well we managed to isolate the problem and what you were allergic to...so we've come up with a new solution that does exactly the same but will have a normal effect on you with little side effects."


The doctor looked over at the anethetist who nodded a little before looking back to Luke.

"Well basically, we're gonna put what is similar to an oxygen mask over your nose and mouth...i'll ask you to breathe in nice and deep and count to 5 for me...next thing you know you'll be wakin' up with yer family around ya..."


The doctor nodded

"Alright then...let's get this over and done with shall we so you can get outta here that much quicker."

She smiled and took the mask from the anethatist, gently but firmly holding it over Luke's mouth and nose*

"Alright...start breathing deep and then I want you to count to 5 for me, slowly..."


Bo grinned a little in silence thinking of all the times they had done that...well not him really...he hated doctors and didn't want any of them coming near him when he didn't need it. Playing the sick card was more Luke's forte than his...his was just to play hooky from school when he wanted to.

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