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"I think he's been out all night Ma'...his clothes is all damp an' he don't look well...he can't stand up on his own fer one...an' he looks real pale don't ya think..."

She said, already hurrying to fetch some of her daddy's clean clothes, him being about the same build as Luke, and some warm blankets.

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The girl nodded and continued to hurry around the house, gathering the things they needed. She gave her mother the hot water bottle she found before returning to Luke with clean, warm clothes and a blanket and pillow.


Luke waited until she was out of sight before biting his lip and struggling to change clothes. He had never realized how much balance it took to pull on a pair of jeans. Eventually, e managed though and , with his wet clothes in a heap on the floor, he sat leaning his head back against the couch and closed his eyes, plumb worn out with the work of changing clothes.


Eventually, Jaimie came back with her mother and helped Luke to lay down on the couch, slipping the pillow under his head and covering him with a blanket, laying the hot water bottle carefully on top of his stomach to keep him warm.


The older woman put her hands on her hips. "And what else did you find out...he ain't some criminal or nothin' is he? That's all we need is for the cops to start poking their noses around out here!"

Luke was oblivious to the conversation. In fact he was oblivious to near everything around him.


Her mother looked over Luke who by now was sleeping restlessly. "He ain't goin' nowhere for a while... least not til he gets better. Last thing we need is a stranger nosin around..." she muttered to herself as she started to make some soup thinking that would be the best thing for the young man to eat, for her bark was much worse than her bite.


Jaimie sighed and went back to watching Luke sleeping, brushing a lock of hair back from his forehead a little. At 13, she was barely allowed a life of her own outside of school at all because of her 'gift' and her mother's controlling attitude. She knew her mother was frightened about people finding out about her, but she thought her self old enough now to be able to hide it by herself...she just wanted friends...that's why she snuck out so often...she was just glad her mum was distracted by the stranger who she had found...


Jaimie bit her lip and looked to the kitchen worriedly...she knew her mother had warned her against using it again...but what Luke was dreaming about could give them a clue to finding the one he was talking about.

Swallowing, she gently put her hand to Luke's head, palm down and closed her eyes, looking into Luke's mind and the nightmare he was seeing.


**********in his dream***********

"Stop! Stop! You're hurting him...stop!" screamed Luke, struggling against the ropes that tied him as he watched horrified as Bo was beaten before his eyes.

"That's the whole idea," said Harve, "and there ain't nothin you can do about it," he added punching Bo in the jaw.


"He didn't do nothin'! It's me ya want... leave Bo outta it."

Harve shook his head. "We were told to hurt you... and I can't think of a better way than hurting baby brother." With that he knocked Bo to the cold cement, kicking him in the stomache.

"Bo!" screamed Luke trying with all of his might to get to Bo. "Stop..please..."


Bo landed with a sickening thud on the cold floor, crying out and wheezing in pain as he was kicked in the stomach, spitting up blood as he lay bound and shaking on the floor.

Jaimie covered her mouth, biting her bottom lip as she watched the scene before her, wanting so badly to pull out but she couldn't.


Harve grabbed Bo by his blood matted hair and held up his face for Luke to see. "I hope you're pleased with yourself. If you would have just minded your own business, none of this would have happened."

Luke swallowed hard trying to loosen his ropes. "Let him go....your problem's with me...let him go."


Bo's eyes were fluttering open and closed as he breathed hard through his pain, moaning as he was held up by his hair, trying not to look at Luke and hear his cries.

Jaime shook her head, begging quietly for them to let the other man go.

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