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Oh, lawdy. I'm not verifying nothin'.

Oh come on Brian...how many times have you called me Blondie...Goldilocks...And once in a blue moon or two my haircolor filters into the ol' brain pan and I do something really dumb...and youre the first one to point out...

"Youll have to forgive Alex he's blond!"

*laughs* See? Natural blond...;)


Rules? I think of them as....mild suggestions.

C'mon, you're talking to the same moderator/admin who's famed for altering posts on a whim, and causing mysterious disappearances from the chatroom. Though that time I banned Alex for about three weeks was purely an accident.


As I recall, when I disappeared two years ago, you were a mere moderator, and most of our chats were held on AIM at that time (because the hnet chat's weren't loaded). You also didn't alter your posts that often back then, and, I had no idea you accidentally banned Alex for three weeks lol.

I had no clue about any of that stuff.

Rules, suggestions, either way they are guidelines. Rules are suggestions, just with harsher consequences.

Anarchy would result without those suggestions or guidlines. Like I said, more like organized chaos :-) although, that is an oxymoron.

Maybe somone should toss Alex a rope and bring him back down to the earth. Or atleast toss him a banana.


As I recall, when I disappeared two years ago, you were a mere moderator, and most of our chats were held on AIM at that time (because the hnet chat's weren't loaded). You also didn't alter your posts that often back then, and, I had no idea you accidentally banned Alex for three weeks lol.

I had no clue about any of that stuff.

Rules, suggestions, either way they are guidelines. Rules are suggestions, just with harsher consequences.

Anarchy would result without those suggestions or guidlines. Like I said, more like organized chaos :-) although, that is an oxymoron.

Maybe somone should toss Alex a rope and bring him back down to the earth. Or atleast toss him a banana.

Yeah, Scoot, you missed out on some very creative chaos brought to us by Brian the Moderator. Of course, now that Brian's an Admin, and thus has more power, he has to act more responsibly and can no longer do those things.

Atleast, that's the mild suggestion....


Yeah, Scoot, you missed out on some very creative chaos brought to us by Brian the Moderator. Of course, now that Brian's an Admin, and thus has more power, he has to act more responsibly and can no longer do those things.

Atleast, that's the mild suggestion....


Oh yeah? Fortunately I'm mature enough to take such a goad without immediately altering recent posts at random. Just to prove I'm still a stinker. Yep, it's a darn good thing I won't use my Admin powers for evil, or I'd go on a spree of deviant behavior.


Now, I wouldn't start anything like that. For one, I'm wearing a belt already. For another, any such disputes between me and any member of our fair community have to be submitted to arbitration, where an objective panel of all my closest friends, will decide if the offense has merit and if corrective action is warranted.

I knew he wasn't totally reformed....

Deputy, I have to agree with ya, there's no way that the Lord of the Outlaws has reformed himself. He done altered my post too. Some new chaos brought to us by Brian, most definently. Ya gotta love it though, he just wouldn't be Brian Coltrane without starting something.


Anyhow! To return somewhat to the subject of writing....some folks have asked me where we get ideas from. MaryAnne and I have worked on various stories together, and they're all free-form. No advance outline, no big conferencing on who should do what.

Most of our stories started after a challenge was thrown down by one of us, and the other had to react. And react fast, because there were unfriendly conflicts back then. There was always something on the line.

Nowadays, we often goad each other with more subtle means. Observe, as I bait MaryAnne with this harmless, but irresistable, ploy:


Anyhow! To return somewhat to the subject of writing....some folks have asked me where we get ideas from. MaryAnne and I have worked on various stories together, and they're all free-form. No advance outline, no big conferencing on who should do what.

Most of our stories started after a challenge was thrown down by one of us, and the other had to react. And react fast, because there were unfriendly conflicts back then. There was always something on the line.

Nowadays, we often goad each other with more subtle means. Observe, as I bait MaryAnne with this harmless, but irresistable, ploy:


What? No honey dip?


don't feel bad MaryAnne, looks like Brian bought donuts and missed the main staples: Cream Filled, Jelly Filled, powdered sugar, and glazed. You can tell he has no experience getting donuts. I hope you and Rosco don't send him on your Friday Morning Donut runs.

Anyhow! To return somewhat to the subject of writing....some folks have asked me where we get ideas from. MaryAnne and I have worked on various stories together, and they're all free-form. No advance outline, no big conferencing on who should do what.

Most of our stories started after a challenge was thrown down by one of us, and the other had to react. And react fast, because there were unfriendly conflicts back then. There was always something on the line.

Nowadays, we often goad each other with more subtle means. Observe, as I bait MaryAnne with this harmless, but irresistable, ploy:


Keep feeding the law donuts and they wont be able to run after bad guys... on second thought... Get another box Brian! *chuckles*


I doubt they'd gain weight with as much as they chase after the two of you!

Sides, even if they did get heavy, they know exactly where Brian sleeps so he wouldn't be able to get away either way... and if brian can't get away, what makes you think he won't make sure you can't?

I doubt they'd gain weight with as much as they chase after the two of you!

Sides, even if they did get heavy, they know exactly where Brian sleeps so he wouldn't be able to get away either way... and if brian can't get away, what makes you think he won't make sure you can't?


My response to you is...


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