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Yeah, like the Hustle? Or Riverdance? Or.... Hazzard Dance? (Flash Dance?)

Foxtrot....the Charleston....

She would merengue (sp?) and do the cha-cha, and while she tried to be a star, Tony always tended bar....


Considerin' I'm runnin' around here with needles... y'all better do the Safety Dance!

We can dance! We can dance! Everybody look at your hands...

Considerin' I'm runnin' around here with needles... y'all better do the Safety Dance!

We can dance! We can dance! Everybody look at your hands...

Hmmm....now wait a minute. Of course I can dance, of course I can dance. I'm sure I can dance, I'm sure I can dance....

I CAN DAAAANNNCE! I really hit the floor! Lookit me dancing!

Awright, gettin' back on topic here.... (Am I kidding? ROFL)

Yeah, like the Hustle? Or Riverdance? Or.... Hazzard Dance? (Flash Dance?)

Foxtrot....the Charleston....

She would merengue (sp?) and do the cha-cha, and while she tried to be a star, Tony always tended bar....


Great... the Hazzard Cabana? *laughs*

Given all this, I'm thinkin' of a new slogan for our website.

HazzardNet: Doing it doggie-style since 1999. :D


Brian!! :-o You better be careful Mufn has tranquilizers thanks to the Game Warden! And Im not touching that comment with a ten foot pole.... but damn it sure is tempting to reply... *laughs* :lol:


Given all this, I'm thinkin' of a new slogan for our website.

HazzardNet: Doing it doggie-style since 1999. :D


*mouth opens in shock and nothing but a jumbled bunch of incomplete words tumbles out. Finally, looks over to Mufn*

You're not gonna put up with that are ya?!


You n' me baby ain't nothin' but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Dis-cov-ery channel....

*bursts out laughing....* So now this is HazzardNet's version of Wild Kingdom... or is that... Wild Coltrane ?? *still laughing...*


In responce to some comments made earlier: What about a shocking bark collar? Those are real nice for trainin' a dog not to bark. Or a regular training collar would work too. Just hit a button and zaaaaaaaaap. Nice shock... i made a loud noise while handling one of the bark collars and wow did I learn my lesson.:-o:oops:

In responce to some comments made earlier: What about a shocking bark collar? Those are real nice for trainin' a dog not to bark. Or a regular training collar would work too. Just hit a button and zaaaaaaaaap. Nice shock... i made a loud noise while handling one of the bark collars and wow did I learn my lesson.:-o:oops:

All I have to say is that in my professional opinion, in Hazzard shock bark collars do not work.

We tried one of those on Brian once... It didn't work and we had to revive him with a chocolate bar. I still feel bad about that one... Sorry Brian.

To make my point even more, you're still talking even though you handled one of those, so obiviously the shock collar don't work. Nuff said.

Game Warden out...


Epic love scuffle? MaryAnne doesnt that sound like some sort of dance?? *laughs*


Epic love scuffle, dance, hussle, whatever ya guys are callin' it... it sure is fun to read. Please, by all means continue...

It's nice to see puppy love!


Epic love scuffle, dance, hussle, whatever ya guys are callin' it... it sure is fun to read. Please, by all means continue...

It's nice to see puppy love!


Well here, you can see some more puppy love!


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