Enos Fan Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 How many stories have been submitted thus far, or is that being kept under wraps until after the deadline?BTW, I just got a message from the system saying that the mailbox is full. Someone better check with Miz Tisdale on that so that we can all get our submissions sent in a timely manner. Quote
deathangel_tori Posted April 10, 2007 Posted April 10, 2007 Gah! I do believe Brian has done some magic dance of some sort. I've been stuck on the same paragraph for the last few days. *head to desk* Quote
deathangel_tori Posted April 10, 2007 Posted April 10, 2007 well deputy its your choice. i can post a half -ahem-done fic or finish it properly. its a got potential. just dang rosco and boss gone all quiet like thinking the feds are listening in. can't plain anything major when they just don't communicate. dang it! though by the time i read this it may already be the next day... maybe if i bribe them with chocolate they'll talk. Quote
deathangel_tori Posted April 10, 2007 Posted April 10, 2007 well i will have to say i will be late. i tried to squeeze it in and actually got them to talk after a slice of chocolate iced cake, but now its only half finished and in a better place then '...and he got in trouble, the end.' lol btw you can thank jimmy for the inspiration after seeing a pic on his splash page the bunny ran wild. so Bri, buddy, pal of mine, heh, not the sucking up. what kind of extension can i get? i have a real good excuse for not doing it tonight as i got to get things ready for my job interview morrow. what do you say, buddy? Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted April 10, 2007 Author Posted April 10, 2007 Well, well WELL! Muahahahahaha.....Ahem. Sorry, couldn't resist the evil chortle. It's not quite over yet. We're down to the wire, and things are looking close. MaryAnne's badge hangs in the balance. Entries are officially open through midnight Pacific time. Any other stuff ya wanna squeak in, send it as soon as ya finish it, and it might serve as an 11th-hour appeal for MaryAnne.On the plus side, I have to acknowledge that we've seen some fresh entries from folks who haven't participated in prior challenges. That's pretty cool and I know MaryAnne appreciates everybody's efforts. ( I do too, because I get a buncha new stuff to read. )And to clear this up....no, I didn't fill up the HazzardNet email account. That, my friends, is true Coltrane luck and this time it was working in my favor more than MaryAnne's! Tho' the problem was temporary and I just got in another story a few minutes ago. Still, maybe HazzardNet itself - which is sentient enuff to scare us sometimes - wants a change in power. But I've sworn to play by the rules here, so the clock will continue to run. I'll count up things on Tuesday, and make the official announcement of my new promotion - or MaryAnne's full reinstatement - on Wednesday. Then, we'll find out for whom the dog collar fits. Brian Quote
Meadowmufn Posted April 10, 2007 Posted April 10, 2007 *In the best Rod Serling voice I can muster*Submitted for your approval... A fanfic written for the Appomattox Challenge. The citizens of a small town find that strangers ain't always just friends you haven't met yet. And those strangers find that they've just crossed over into.... <Twilight Zone music> Hazzard County. Quote
Enos Fan Posted April 10, 2007 Posted April 10, 2007 I just got a second message saying that my story was undeliverable and now it is past the deadline, and I am 100 shades of worried. Did anyone get my story submission, and are there any others who are getting these sorts of messages as well? I don't mean to be a grouch, but if the deadline was yesterday, and my story isn't getting in because of a full mailbox, then that's really not fair, nor is it my fault. I did put a lot of extra effort into my submission, so please let me know, because I want my work to count. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted April 10, 2007 Posted April 10, 2007 I'm pretty sure we got it. I'm not sure why you're getting undeliverable messages. I cleared out the HNet mailbox last night just to make sure.Anyhoo, Bri is currently going over submissions and will make an announcement soon. Quote
deathangel_tori Posted April 11, 2007 Posted April 11, 2007 Whew! A little late, but I'm hoping it still counts! Quote
i1976 Posted April 11, 2007 Posted April 11, 2007 I just got a second message saying that my story was undeliverable and now it is past the deadline, and I am 100 shades of worried. Did anyone get my story submission, and are there any others who are getting these sorts of messages as well? I don't mean to be a grouch, but if the deadline was yesterday, and my story isn't getting in because of a full mailbox, then that's really not fair, nor is it my fault. I did put a lot of extra effort into my submission, so please let me know, because I want my work to count. Me too. I received this message: The message identifier is: 1HawzZ-0004ti-VvThe date of the message is: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 18:45:28 +0200 (CEST)The subject of the message is: Appomattox challenge (i1976 fic) The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is: webmaster@hazzardnet.com Delay reason: mailbox is fullNo action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue forsome time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the messageremains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up,and when that happens, the message will be returned to you. I failed. Sorry, MaryAnne. Quote
i1976 Posted April 11, 2007 Posted April 11, 2007 Help me!!!! I'm not able to log out and to see my last message.Is it already chaos? I'm worried. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted April 11, 2007 Posted April 11, 2007 "And the last Hazzard County fireworks of the evening spelled... MaryAnne." Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Well either them fireworks are celebretory that I've retained my badge, or they're for the final farewell.Awright, cousin, ya got half the town here on the edge of their seats. What's the verdict????????????????? Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted April 12, 2007 Author Posted April 12, 2007 Awright, awright, I've got all the stories here, and I'm adding up the tally. We'll have the official results in just a few minutes.Daney, nice pic, but this wasn't a celebrity death match or anything. Good melodrama, though. HEH!Brian Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Good melodrama? Look who's talkin'! (Heck, look who is talkin'. ROFL)Cousin, you've had some 24 hours to add up those stories. "Somebody's stallin'. Stallin' makes me nervous...." Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted April 12, 2007 Author Posted April 12, 2007 Don't gitcher uniform in a wrinkle! I'm not stalling. Don't get nervous and edgy on me now. Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 You don't post that tally soon, you'll be the one that's nervous and edgy..... Quote
vinsmouse Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 I have a question, as long as it's taken to get a tally, how long is it going to take for the stories to be posted? Hmmmm? Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted April 12, 2007 Author Posted April 12, 2007 MaryAnne, have I ever told you what a treat it is, to work with ya? Yer subtle little motivators mean so much. AWRIGHT! Official results!10 total entries were submitted. Of those, one is MaryAnne's own incomplete story. But as I didn't finish mine either, I can't count that one against anything. The entries in this challenge exceeded the number that came in for the last challenge. The community has spoken. MaryAnne's badge and rank remains intact. The HazzardNet hierarchy remains as its been. This means that MaryAnne will not be subject to my insidious little schemes, such as changing her avatar to read "Bad Cop - No Donut" and making her use signatures that glorify yers truly. HazzardNet, as well, will not be undergoing any signifigant changes that may have been otherwise induced by me. At least this time. Brian Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 I have a question, as long as it's taken to get a tally, how long is it going to take for the stories to be posted? Hmmmm?Well, that depends on how well we faired here. If I retain my badge, I'll be posting the stories up by this weekend. If I've lost my badge and am at the mercy of Brian and he dictates what tasks I'm to do, I'll be posting the stories up by this weekend, more 'n likley. Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 MaryAnne, have I ever told you what a treat it is, to work with ya? Yer subtle little motivators mean so much. AWRIGHT! Official results!10 total entries were submitted. Of those, one is MaryAnne's own incomplete story. But as I didn't finish mine either, I can't count that one against anything. The entries in this challenge exceeded the number that came in for the last challenge. The community has spoken. MaryAnne's badge and rank remains intact. The HazzardNet hierarchy remains as its been. Ooooo!! TEN?! Or rather... NINE?! KHEEHAAAA!!I'd definetly say the community has spoken. Very clearly I might add. Khee!! A very big thank you to all of you who wrote a story. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!Now, Brian, admit it. You'd have missed my subtle motivators. More 'r less because I wouldn'ta been so subtle.And speakin' of motivators, since the chain of command remains as it has, I should put you to work getting those stories ready to be posted.... Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted April 12, 2007 Author Posted April 12, 2007 And speakin' of motivators, since the chain of command remains as it has, I should put you to work getting those stories ready to be posted....Yes ma'am. And may I just say, that I'm personally delighted to have things remain just as they are. I'm sure you didn't take any of my idle jests seriously. I'm happy just to be a part of the team here. And since I'm not making any signifigant changes to HazzardNet, I'm sure that goes for you too....right?Brian Quote
MaryAnne Posted April 12, 2007 Posted April 12, 2007 Brian posted:And since I'm not making any signifigant changes to HazzardNet, I'm sure that goes for you too....right?Hmmm....well, now that you mention it I've considered a few minor changes to things here at HNet. I was thinkin' your avatar could use an update. Something like a pic of the County Sheriff's patch (or we can use the Atlanta one if you prefer). Or a new title for you. Instead of Lord of the Outlaws, how about Lord of the Lapdogs? We still have the dog collar around somewhere don't we...? I've also noticed you don't use a signature. Maybe I could come up with something for ya. A nice pic of a Chevy? We all know you dig Chevys. How about a nice Chevy.....Caprice? You'd like that wouldn't you?Hmm....so many things to consider.... Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted April 12, 2007 Author Posted April 12, 2007 Lord of the lap dogs?! MaryAnne, that's just rotten. I admire your wicked streak, but how about we let things settle and get back to what passes for normal, eh? Tho' I'll wear the dog collar if it makes you happy. Truce? Peace? Cousinhood? Brian Quote
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