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Hey...our necks are pretty red up here in Canada too.I know a couple of people who went to the prom in a Peterbilt.I also know some guys who make moonshine in their barn.By the way,I LOVE duct tape and WD40.LOL.You guys and gals crack me up.

  • 1 month later...

Redneck Christmas Wishlist

Twelve-pack of Bud

Eleven Wrastling tickets

Ten o' Copenhagen

Nine years probation

Eight table dancers

Seven packs of Redman

Six cans of Spam

Five flannel shirts

Four big mud tires

Three shotgun shells

Two hunting dogs

... And some parts to a Mustang GT


I'm glad y'all got a kick out of those pics! How about a couple more?

You might be a Redneck if your Motor home looks like this:


If playing Horseshoes with your family looks like this:


If your house looks like this AFTER you win the Powerball Lottery:


Or if even your "high tech" computer runs like this:


P.S. My car and I thank you Dukesfan1979! Glad to see another Pontiac Lover as well as a fellow PAer!


your welcome Tempest66! My favorite car of all time is the 69 Dodge Charger but I love old Pontiacs too. GTO's, Tempest, Lemans, Grand Prix

and I really love the 60's Mopar Muscle cars, Charger and Roadrunner

back when cars were cars!!! nice to hear from a fellow PAer too! take care


Hey dodge charger, i've been near Mirimichi a couple years ago, my buddy and I drove out to PEI and we ended up driving through NB up near Mirimichi, thats some redneck area for sure dude.. lol.. we were driving up this one road, go around a bend and I see the back end of a pickup truck, sticking out of the ditch, I slow to check it out, and the drivers door is wide open, thr front of it looked to be brunt and sure enough the front end was buried in the ditch while the rear bumper was sticking out into the highway.. apparently that was some indian reserve from what I was told..

i got a redneck one curtessy of my sister-in-law in Lexington South Carolina:

if your shovel handle breaks and instead of replacing it you stick a tree branch into the shovel, you might be a redneck..


if your BBQ runs out of gas so instead of buying more propane, you just fill it full of charcoal and call it a hibachi, you might be a redneck..

LMFAO! it's a trip to visit my wifes family.. I lived in Columbia SC for a month, had a very redneck trailer too..

oh and a friend of mine down there has 28 dogs and 2 horses on her half-acre land.. lol..

  • 1 month later...

A friend of mine sent me this from a foxworthy calender so I thought I would share with everybody " You might be a Redneck if You can name the entire cast of "The Dukes of Hazzerd" but not Your congressman.

And here is one from my brother You Might Be a Redneck if You use your neighbor address to order Pizza because you are living in your RV in their Backyard.

  • 2 weeks later...

<laughing like crazy> Ai, I love these... some do strike a little closer to home... heh... *especially* the one a long while back about your Dad weedwhacking flowers! Mine really did last year! Arrggh! My brother helped too... whacked the mint plants.... grrr...

I love the pics here. Lol.


Shoot, I don't weedwack flowers and plants , I mow right over them. My wife gets so mad at me for doing that. I say they get in the way and look ugly anyway. So she plants more every time, think she would get the hint?? :wink:

  • 1 month later...

Ten Ways to Tell If A Redneck Is Working On Your Computer

10. The monitor is up on blocks.

9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them.

8. The six front keys have rotted out.

7. The extra RAM slots have Dodge truck parts stored in them.

6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.

5. The password is "Bubba".

4. There's a gun rack mounted on the CPU.

3. There's a Skoal can in the CD-ROM drive.

2. The keyboard is camouflaged.

AND the number 1 way to tell if a Redneck

has been working on your computer is...

1. The mouse is now referred to as a "critter".

  • 8 months later...

OH my God, Y'all had me cracking up. I loved the pictures!!! Y'all making me miss NC again. It's been 5 yrs since I left the rural life and enter the urban hell.

Here are my true to life Redneck experiences

The directions to your house include turn off the paved road. (the dirt road to the right is the right dirt road, and don't worry the bridge will hold your car, and if you pass the second horse field you've gone to far, were the rest of the directions to my trailer.)

You mow your entire back yard with a borrowed weedeater. (Hey why pay for one when you can go to Cuz and borrow one! )

Your neighbor will not tell you how many huntin' dogs he has, (must be a state secret)

You trade a broken down piece o'sh-t car for a broke down huge hole in the bottom piece o'sh-t boat.

You then turn that pos boat into a planter with your name on it.

Your the Dukes of the rednecks in your trailer park because you have a the only doublewide, and your landlords trailer is the worst of the bunch.

Your kids potty train in the yard, off the steps, etc.

Your neighbor calls you to tell you your baby is escaping out the dog door butt naked again.

Your landlord uses a backhoe to prevent people from skipping out in the night with thier trailer.

Your car is hit by a crazed deer, coming home from a christmas ball.

You hit a deer with your truck and wonder if the meat is still any good.

The only thing preventing your truck from flipping are those ditches! Thank god for that too.

Ya move to the urban hell of Philly and conceously have to work at not saying "fixing to go"

Man I miss Hubert NC, just outside of Jacksonville NC.

OH my God, Y'all had me cracking up. I loved the pictures!!! Y'all making me miss NC again. It's been 5 yrs since I left the rural life and enter the urban hell.

Here are my true to life Redneck experiences

The directions to your house include turn off the paved road. (the dirt road to the right is the right dirt road, and don't worry the bridge will hold your car, and if you pass the second horse field you've gone to far, were the rest of the directions to my trailer.)

You mow your entire back yard with a borrowed weedeater. (Hey why pay for one when you can go to Cuz and borrow one! )

Your neighbor will not tell you how many huntin' dogs he has, (must be a state secret)

You trade a broken down piece o'sh-t car for a broke down huge hole in the bottom piece o'sh-t boat.

You then turn that pos boat into a planter with your name on it.

Your the Dukes of the rednecks in your trailer park because you have a the only doublewide, and your landlords trailer is the worst of the bunch.

Your kids potty train in the yard, off the steps, etc.

Your neighbor calls you to tell you your baby is escaping out the dog door butt naked again.

Your landlord uses a backhoe to prevent people from skipping out in the night with thier trailer.

Your car is hit by a crazed deer, coming home from a christmas ball.

You hit a deer with your truck and wonder if the meat is still any good.

The only thing preventing your truck from flipping are those ditches! Thank god for that too.

Ya move to the urban hell of Philly and conceously have to work at not saying "fixing to go"

Man I miss Hubert NC, just outside of Jacksonville NC.

I loved the directions to your house you gave that was real funny to give to Pizza Delivery people.

I had told my best friend about my new for my checking account and she asked what was wrong with O.S.U . You see the check I had before was University of Tenn and now I have the University of Geogria eveybody knows they are the Bulldogs.


Yea, it was kinda interesting giving directions to my house. It was also kind of funny when someone saw the little five railroad timber bridge with no sides for the first time. They're like "that thing is gonna hold me?" and I'm like "yea, it held the semi-trucks hauling the trailers over it, it will hold you! I have seen some people just do a 3 point turn and leave, instead of going over the bridge! chickens!

What scares me is that we were only barely considered redneck.

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