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On April 22nd 2006, Bernadette and Paul, from Toowoomba in Queensland Australia, made the two hour trip to Brisbane, with their brand new General Lee Buggy, to meet John Schneidder. We arrived at about 9:30 am , met Daniel, the organizer and parked The General. Paul blew the Dixie Horn (yes, it has one!) infront of the waiting crowds and they all cheered, which got Paul going! I'm sure John heard it too, he would've been there by then and EVERYWHERE you went, you could hear it! Most of the day was spent hanging around, we answered some enquiries about The General and took some photos for people. At about 2:30 pm, John did a seminar, in which he answered the audiences' questions for an entire hour (I will write a separate report!). He mentioned our buggy in that seminar, even though we didn't mention it, so that was pretty cool! He also asked me (Bernadette) at one point, if I was going to do a Luke Duke and fly across THAT bonnet (it's nearly as tall as me!) This, mind you, was infront of the whole room of about 200 people, so shocked as I was, I shook my head with a funny smile! He replied: "I didn't think so!". Not sure whether that was embarassing or funny! Straight after the seminar, we headed for Johns' signing table and organised with Daniel, to meet him. John came downstairs not five minutes later and it was on! He seemed to be standing around waiting for someone to do something so I (Bernadette) made the first move and went up to John and shook his hand and said "Hi, how r u, it's nice 2 meet u". John replied with the same answer and one big smile! After that, it was pretty quick and I can't remember much of what was said, but he signed the buggy and my season one dukes dvd cover where his picture is (you all know the pic I mean!). The last thing he said to us was: "Make sure you get some dirt on that thing guys! And some scratches too!". We said "We will!" and I (Bernadette) said "Thankyou and have a safe trip home". I'm not sure if he heard me as he was being swamped with people, but I hope he did! For those who have been to our website and read the captions on the pics: John suggested we wipe the dust off the bonnet (don't know how that got there!) cause he had his own cast members sign his General over dust before and the dust rubbed it off over time! Paul didn't have anything on him to wipe it off with, so he used his shirt and that's when they broke into laughter (re: the photos). We want to say a HUGE thankyou to Daniel, the show organizer, whom without none of this would've happened and to John Schneider:

Thankyou and YEE HAA!!!!!!!


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