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Double Duke Trouble


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Luke grins back at Bo seeing a glimmer of the excitment they felt that night as Bo remembers

"Yeah I don't think either one of us had ever run so fast in our lives till that night.......I just knew we was goin to the pokey........you's was breathin so hard when I found ya I thought sure as shootin they'd hear ya and find us anyway.... I got that same rush everytime we's on a run and got chased."

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Bo looked down at his lap as he smiled and remembered that rush, the feeling of having your heart practically in your throat as you stumbled through the foliage of the woods, hearing footsteps and shoutings coming after you as the shine bottles clancked at your side.

He just wished that they had never been well and truly caught one night, they night that had started their whole probation and leaving Jesse fighting for whatever money they could scrape. He had never told Luke how he felt about that....him being the one that was driving the car he had harboured a lot of guilt for the first few months after Jesse making the deal but he had never told him.

Now that all he could see as his future was a hole in the ground with a cold grey tombstone at its head.....he figured this was as good a time as any.

"Luke...i'm sorry fer gettin' us caught that night....."

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Luke is floored for a moment at Bo's sudden announcement,wondering how long Bo'd been blaming himself he squeezes Bo's hand that's still entwined with his as if they were about to arm wrestle at any minute

"Weren't your fault......we was bound ta get caught sooner or later. They just got one step ahead of us that night would have been the same outcome if I'd been driving. We're both great driver's and it wouldn't have mattered one bit who was driving we still woulda got caught!"

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Luke smiles it's as if Bo still worships him like when he was a kid sometimes. Bo'd always thought he could do anything.

"True you was still learnin'.........but you was a fast learner..... and even managed to teach me a few things..... along the way. I may have had a plan when we had the revenuers on our tails..... but you could make Black Tillie and then the General do anything you wanted 'em to ta get away."

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Bo sighed and swallowed the lump that had risen in his throat. Hearing Luke say that about him always had made him feel important. In many ways Luke was like a hero to Bo, Luke was the one he always followed, always learnt life's lessons off of half the time. In his mind when they were younger, he had always believed that there was nothing that Luke couldn't do...he had got into many many fights about it at school....although he always told Jesse and Luke it was about some bullying problem with his friends or something.

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Bo smiled, thinking that his cousin was still the same old protective Luke he had always been...in fact he couldn't remember a time when Luke hadn't been protective.....

He turned to Luke as he recalled one time.

"Ya remember the first time Rosco ever locked me up in the Pokey by myself...."

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Luke is stunned into silence briefly,he never knew Bo'd gotten switched for yellin at Uncle Jesse cos he wouldn't come down to the jail and bail him out. It's always been humbling to know Bo felt that way about him and now that he knows that Bo not only risked getting in trouble that night but actually did it makes a lump come to his throat. Now that Bo's defiant urges seemed to be under control Luke jokes poking Bo in the ribs lightly.

"You still ain't learned to not yell at Uncle Jesse"

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Luke laughs ruffling Bo's hair something he usually hates

"It's about time....I learned that a long time ago when I found out after gettin back from the marines I still wasn't too old for a trip to the barn with Uncle Jesse..... *frowns* this mornin though I was mad enough about being drugged I coulda chewed nails but good sense prevailed, I didn't want to upset you by forcing Uncle Jesse's hand so shut my mouth."

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Bo nodded, remebering how Luke had gotten a bit too drunk on Uncle Jesse's shine and made the mistake of letting him find out...Luke couldn't sit down for a good few days after that.

Bo chucked slightly, seeing the perfect opening to get back at Luke for the hair ruffling. Gently pinching his cheek and shaking it like grandma's do when they're telling you annoyingly for the 5th time how cute you've gotten.

"Luke was a naughty boy...."

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Bo grins and lets his hand slide down Luke's face to his side, looking out the window at the gentle sunrise that was starting to appear.

"I didn't realise it was....so early..."

Daisy noticed too and nodded, starting to serve up the food.

"Yeah....always count on Luke to be able to make Bo laugh no matter what he's feeling."

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Luke looks at the sunrise then picks up the clock from the nightstand.

"Yeah....it's only 5 a.m."

B.L. takes the bowl of Jell-O out of the freezer placing it on the table.

"I just wish Luke could keep that laugh around we ain't heard it near enough lately."

Uncle Jesse comes back inside,washing his hands at the kitchen sink before sitting down in his place.

"The boys go back to sleep?"

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Bo nodded gently and relaxed more into Luke's embrace, squeezing his hand a little as he leant back against the pillows and headboard a little more, feeling the weakness come over him again.

Daisy smiled as she placed everything on the table, sighing in agreement with B.L.

"I know...its been almost two weeks now since Bo first started acting wierdly...

As Uncle Jesse came in she walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist before he walked over to his seat.

"No, they were both laughing a little a while ago."

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