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1. BadMan of Deadwood (this is Roy Rogers western so Jimmy is real young and he has a mustache is you can't find him in it.)

2. The Caine Mutiny(Bogart movie, he is one the guys in the crows nest of the ship).

3.Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair(1952) he plays a smart alleck character more like Bo Duke in the movie he has a great line to one lady in the movie.

4. Hooper(1978) Great Burt Reynolds movie and if you looks real closely that is same hat as he wears in Dukes.

5. Ode to Billie Joe -Great movie watch to find out.

6. Sounder(1972) -He plays a mean Sheriff in the movie.

If anybody can think of any Great Jame Best movies that they have or seen just had it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm.....I don't think he was in Love Me Tender (be cool if he was!)

Other great Jimmie movies....

Air Cadet (1950) - Plays one of four young Air Force recruits. Richard Long is also in this movie. Elements of the plot are similar to "From Here to Eternity" which came out three years later.

Target Unknown (1951) - Jimmie plays a member of a WWII bomber crew, shot down over Germany and captured and taken prisoner. The Nazi's attempt to trick the crew members into revealing sensitive information regarding troop build ups in England in preperation for the invasion of Europe. Interesting movie and apparently based on some events that actually happened.

The Left Handed Gun (1958) - With Paul Newman. Also look for Denver Pyle in this one. Paul Newman plays Billy the Kid and Jimmie is one of his buddies. Without spoiling the plot, Denver's character ends up doing something to Jimmie that Uncle Jesse probably would've like to have done to Rosco in his more angry moments. LOL

The Quick Gun (1964) - One of several movies Jimmie did with Audie Murphy (the single most decorated veteran of WWII). Jimmie plays a Sheriff of a small town and Audie is a man with a shady past. He returns and trouble ensues.

There's tons of others, I'll list later. :wink:


Well the latest one I aquired is Ride Lonesome. In which his character is being taken in to be hanged (yes he plays the bad guy in this). Kind of young in that.

Killer Shrews I thought he looked damn good in and had a decent part.

The Brain Machine had me thinking Rosco turned priest, though he didn't act goofy in this one, I just felt the part was wrong for him.

Rolling Thunder, he plays the bad guy, not a whole lot of screen time, but ends up being the focal point of a mans anger

I loved him in Hooper, carefree and worries quite a bit for his pal.

Though if you want to see a couple of decent tv spots, try the t-zone epps with him.

  • 10 months later...
The Brain Machine had me thinking Rosco turned priest, though he didn't act goofy in this one, I just felt the part was wrong for him.

Even though the part was wrong for him, I think Jimmie was the only saving grace of The Brain Machine. It was a heaping pile of doggy doo. Jimmie's mentioned that Killer Shrews was the worst movie he ever made, but I'd have to disagree. Killer Shrews was much more entertaining than The Brain Machine. The plot for BM (as I'll refer to it from now on) was incredibly convoluted, the characters were unbelievable, and by the time Jimmie's character died, we'd completely lost interest. LOL. However, we did give his dying scene a standing ovation. As cheesy as that scene was, it was the only decent acting in the movie. :lol:

I'm pretty partial to Left Handed Gun and Firecreek. Jimmie did some great work in those old westerns. Too bad most folks just know him as Rosco and don't know much about his other work.


add in that you got to alot more of jimmie in shrews then, achh brain machine.

now recently i've been lucky to see verboten which is actually pretty good (aside from a few minor changes i would make). got left handed gun coming in friday

got left handed gun coming in friday

Ooh! Goodie. That's one of my faves. I gotta get it on DVD. Lotsa memorable quotes:

Jimmie plays Tom Folliard.

Tom: "Hey Charlie? Did you notice the way he straps his gun?"

Charlie: "So?"

Tom: "Yeah, ties her down too."

Charlie: "That don't mean he's a bandit."

Tom: "Well, it don't mean he's a preacher neither."

  • 4 months later...
ya know what one movie i'd love to see... man on the prowl. i've converted savages so now i just need to cap to add em in the gallery

I have this old western with James Best in it.


He was in Bret Masterson, and in Ride Lonesome

Don't know much about the first one. Ride Lonesome has Pernell Roberts (aka, Adam Cartwright of Bonanza), Randolf Scott, and James Coburn and our own, James Best.

I got all the twilight zones now. Might add some caps in the pic section.

i just finished capping those myself but your more then welcome to do it yourself, i'm sure you'd like to contribute. i do have caps of savages, ma and pa kettle goes to the fair and rolling thunder. tonight i'm working on beast from 20000 fathoms and caine mutiny. so all those will be posted hopefully tomorrow aside if my boss does something crazy and um actually shows up to work, lol but let me know about the tzone ones

i just finished capping those myself but your more then welcome to do it yourself, i'm sure you'd like to contribute. i do have caps of savages, ma and pa kettle goes to the fair and rolling thunder. tonight i'm working on beast from 20000 fathoms and caine mutiny. so all those will be posted hopefully tomorrow aside if my boss does something crazy and um actually shows up to work, lol but let me know about the tzone ones

Nice new caps. =]

I'll post some of mine. If you want to post yours. Go ahead. Cant wait to see the other caps. Where are you buying your movies at?

Nice new caps. =]

I'll post some of mine. If you want to post yours. Go ahead. Cant wait to see the other caps. Where are you buying your movies at?

there'll be a boatload more once they are approved. where? ebay, amazon even netflix, though of last batch i had to convert them from vhs to avi to do my capping. i have a few more movies coming inbound as well so more pics. i'm just giving our hazzardnet mods something to do in approving all of these :-P

there'll be a boatload more once they are approved. where? ebay, amazon even netflix, though of last batch i had to convert them from vhs to avi to do my capping. i have a few more movies coming inbound as well so more pics. i'm just giving our hazzardnet mods something to do in approving all of these :-P

I get most of mine from eBay.

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