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I have 107 episodes on DVD because I bought seasons 1-5 all at once when I got my income tax check just was at Wal-Mart one night really late and seen them al lthere, and just threw all of them in the cart along with some Ren & Stimpy DVD's..... anyway, I just was wondering if there was any answer about when I can expect to see seasons 6 and 7 out on DVD? I know that like 4 and 5 came out fairly recently it seems from some of the info Ive seen online about the DVD releases..... but I cant seem to find any info about when seasons 6 and 7 will be out so I can hurry up and complete my collection.

I had already many episodes on vhs from TNN....all commercials edited out by myself, and rather nicely I might add.... but, there nothing like being able to get straight down to business and just go right to a certain episode or saeson without having to fast-forward or change tapes all together. Changing out a DVD aint no big deal or flipping it over either. Hell I still listen to cassette tapes and dont mind flipping them over when a side is complete. Im oldschool but, these DVD's are rockin my world... Ive made it all the way to the last disc of season 3 thus far..... steadily watching a couple of episodes here and there when I have the chance. Im determined to watch all 107 that I have but you all know the feeling of just knowing that your collection is'nt complete yet right? .....

Hope somebody here can help with any info they may have.




y... thank you very much for the infoblast .... its much obliged. I'll mark my calander now to make sure I dont forget. I've just started like disc 4 of Season 4. Cant wait for 6 and 7 already. This forum rocks by the way!!!

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