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Question, season two?


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Howdy there. This ain't anything official, but the rumor mill has it that season 2 will come out in November. If we hear otherwise, we'll letcha know.

Kinda makes sense, because there was approximately a 4 month span between the first season release of the Starsky & Hutch DVD and the 2nd season, which hit stores in July.

The first season of Knight Rider is also available on DVD right now, if yer into that. As is the A-Team.

Welcome to HazzardNet, by the way! Make yerself at home.


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Now that I think about it, I almost think that "Ghost of General Lee" was never released as part of the Columbia House set. Have to check my tapes again but I'm sure it wasn't because that's one of those episodes I've always wondered about what TNN cut for scenes. So if the 2nd season DVD comes out in November I've got a really good reason to buy it. =)

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I for one am big time into Knight Rider and the A-Team as well - not to mention Magnum P.I. and the greatest american hero. As well as other shows from the eighties that almost no one else seems to care about. I am still waiting for the dvd's that I ordered from my local store to come in. The longer it takes the more p**** off I get. It is almost like the head office is purposely delaying sending them to me. As soon as I get the call saying that they are in I am going to have fun watching the Dukes with the General. It may take me a while but I plan to get dvd's of all of the shows from the past that I enjoy watching.

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How many videos do Columbia House release? Did they do it by season or just random episodes....That would be some video collection then...Thanks goodness for DVD for space limitations....

RJ1984 - Why didn't you get them at WalMart or Best Buy or soemthing like that?? I ordered a DVD - Titan A E - through my local video store because I couldn't find it anywhere.Then shopping in WalMart I found it in the bargain bin for 5.50 , that was a couple of weeks and $20 extra dollars later....

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For the Columbia House videos they did the first season pretty well in order but omitted Daisy's Song. After that, they did some of the second season and then basically did episodes at random, but they would be episodes that ran together, if you know what I mean. The episodes weren't released in order but the two eps you got on the tape would be in kinda in order, if that makes any sense. LOL.

Anyway, one thing they did do which I found interesting was they put The New Dukes and Welcome Back Bo 'n Luke on the same tape. You figure that one out. ROFL.

The DVD is definetly a better buy. Thirteen episodes for 30 bucks... Columbia House tapes are $23.94 each and you get two eppy's. You do the math. LOL.

Still tho', I watch the tapes, because the episodes aren't on DVD yet. So not all is lost. Yet. LOL.

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I would go for Wal-mart or best buy - but there is just one problem. Currently I don't live near any of them so I have to make do with what I do have - which ain't much. However - The "city" that I do live in is getting a wal-mart - so when it is up and running - I'll probably gets go there - becuase they usually have very low prices. Then I will save money. Until then - I just have to make do. boohoo. By the way - just call me R.J.

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Believe it or not, Nel isn't at home.

Please leave a message at the beep.

I must be out

Or I'd pick up the phone.

Where could I beeeeeee?

Believe it or not, I'm not home.


Just followin' up from an earlier post, the Greatest American Hero was one of my faves too. It was corny as hell, but that's what made it so fun. I hear Disney's makin' a movie of it too.

I hope it comes out on DVD soon!

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Hey Darrell, first thanks for respecting my wishes and refering to me the way I like. Secondly - I prefer to not attempt to purchase anything over the internet due to the fact that I do not have a credit card, do not believe in credit cards, don't trust all that many things that are avaliable over the net. I don't like the way people can manipulate info that you place in an order to use for their own personal use - that can make a persons life very complicated. you end up getting billed for things that you have never even heard of and would never buy to begin with. - sorry for going off topic!!!!!!

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Here is what I remember from the Greatest American Hero theme.

Believe it or not - I'm walking on Air,

I never thought I be feel so freeee,

flying away on a whim and a prayer,

who could it be, believe it or not - it's just meee.

I forget the rest of the song - but at least I remember most of the chorus. Even if I did get parts of it wrong. But ya - the show was something else - but that is what made it so unique. I can't wait until I can get a copy of the show on dvd - all the seasons. I especially like the councilor from that t.v show - man - was she ever sexy!!!!

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I was just going by your screen name the first time, meant no disrespect at all..I use both my screenname and my name...

I was just making some suggestions to save some money...I know people don't like to use the internet for purchases. But unfortunately the internet has become a major part of business and retail shopping. You are right , you have to be careful, there are some things that go on that will make you pull your hair out..


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