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Hi. I've read a lot of fanfic that says that Bo was a premature baby and sick as a small child. Does anyone know if this was ever mentioned in the show (I've never seen it but I haven't seen all the episodes yet)? Or is it just something from fanfic?

  • 2 months later...

I think I may know the reason for all those stories about Bo being sick. Most of those stories say he has asthma or another disease that affects breathing. Something I've noticed while watching Dukes episodes is that everytime the Duke boys have to do something physically exertive or stressful John Schneider is out of breath afterwards. He breathes really loud, coughs, comments on dizziness and gasps as well (like in the Byline Daisy Duke episode, when they run from a truck rolling down hill). Bo Duke doesn't have breathing problems, but John Schneider does. John said he had asthma as a kid, and asthma is something you never really are cured of. Even if a person no longer has attacks (and most adults who had asthma as kids don't) they still can have breathing problems. I think that is the case here. Sorry if this is a really long post, but I hope it answers your question!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Yeah that's what i've heard too and it would make sense for people to make that connection in Bo. It would have been nice to have an episode of the Dukes where they reflect on their past lives, I know there;s a new movie coming out about it, but it just isnt the same with John and Tom. Ah well...that's what fan fiction and round robins are for :-)


That's a very interesting observation. I have asthma (adult-onset), and I have problems with wheezing and stuff when I'm exerting myself or around allergens. Mine is under control, but it's never something you get over ... even if it is under control. I'm on four different medicines, and I still got bronchitis six times this year (because of the allergens).

You just learn to deal with it, and it has gotten easier for me recently, but it's still there and something I have to deal with (like not being around my pets - I had to give them to my parents - change positions in the library where I work - I'm highly allergic to dust, wear masks when I'm at the stables - allergic to dust and horse dander - not go to places with smoking or fumes, etc.). You deal with it ... even if it sucks at times.


On a slightly side-note, I find it interesting how much one particular writer's stories have affected much of the Dukes fiction writing since then. Yes, I mean you, Crazy C, tip of the hat to you if you still hang around here. One of the first Dukes fic writers online and a good one too... but still, interesting how many things from her stories have become fanon to so many. Such as Bo's childhood illnesses, or even, heck, the middle name James! That was never on the show! But ask many fans now and they see such things as matter-of-course...



lol you know the middle name James I swear I heard in the show somewhere along the line, I really really do which is why I started using it in my fan fics and the like.

And also the thing about John's asthma is true, that is I believe on a commentary or something.

But yeah I can see where your coming from. If there isnt an explanation for somethng in the show then fan fic writers are more than happy to fill in those blanks. Wouldn't it be interesting to get the writers of the show to see what they think is plauasble and what isnt. ;-)


As far as I know Bo never had a middle name given on the show. If you can prove me wrong, you're welcome to, but till then I don't believe there was one given. We were told Luke's middle initial was K and Jesse's was L, and Daisy's middle name was Mae... but that's all that was told, I believe. Though most people, myself included give him a middle name of some sort as well as expanding on the others' initials.

Yes, I knew that about John... was just commenting on how it ended up in the fiction so much when it was never mentioned on the show. Plausible though I suppose one way or the other.

And yes, it would be fascinating to find out... someday.

  • 3 weeks later...

I read on this site of the breath-problems of John.

Somedays ago I was watching an episode in original language and, after a run of Bo and Luke, I've noticed that John breathed very hard.

  • 3 months later...

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