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I was reading IMDB today and wanted to verify some of the supposed "goofs" in the movie. Well I was surprised to find this one was actually true. The pictures were larger, but I figured you would need to see more than one to get the idea, so here are several. This is right before they "shoot the moon".






There's actually (2) and you can see Boss Hogg's car and several police cars..

Not sure how they missed that, but it looks like they shot going by a lot with all the "extra" vehicles in it..


When I rented the movie and watched it for the first time I noticed the The General in the background too. I wondered if anyone else had. It really didn't surprise me. They didn't care about the rest of the movie so why worry about not filming things that shouldn't be there.


LOL.. I guess that's one way to look at it.. I wouldn't say I particularly *love* the movie myself, but after watching it several times, it grows on ya..

Back on topic: I hear ya though about not caring, but that is bad for ANY movie.. I don't care if it's the worst movie in the world.. which apparently some people think it is..


Not that I'm nit-picky...but what about the scene in the beginning with Bo "gripping the steering wheel" while listening to the cassette tape. The father/hunter/turkey blower-upper initially knocked on the General Lee with the shotgun in his right hand. Then, suddenly the shotgun's in his left hand. I've turned into my dad with movie bloopers. He used to stop a whole movie and rewind it just to show us the wire holding this or that up. I'm not that bad...yet.


I admit that I found the particular "blooper" above by reading the goofs on IMDB, but I have personally noticed some good ones..

When I first bought the Back to the Future Trilogy on Laserdisc, I noticed right off the bat the cables suspending everyone on the hover boards..

You can still see it to this day on the DVD version as I guess being so crystal clear, it's not easy to clean it up all the way.. not sure..

Another notable part in the "Dukes" movie that I noticed, was the chain changing sides when Luke is trying to loosen it from the telephone pole.

I've seen several goofs in the "Dukes of Hazzard" series. I personally have noticed these though. Some examples:

Sometimes you'll notice drivers on the show wearing helmets in the General or whatnot when they're not supposed to be 'ala' Bo & Luke.

When they show Uncle Jesse driving around you can see it's a skinny guy with little white hair tuffs put in place to look like a beard. Looks really bad too.

The worst one for me personally, is when the General is a normal orange car and then other times (in the same episode) it has a silver bar or stripe on the bottom of the car, I guess for the jumps. This one is especially noticable as they show that car in the credits when the Dukes jump over Rosco.



all movies have goofs, it does not mean they didn't take care.

also in the very first episodes of the tv series, one armed bandits, when their going roudn and round in the town square, at one point you can see a general lee parked there.


Really?! Now *that* I hadn't noticed.. but it will be a while before I get back to that.. I'm now starting Season Three.. woohoo!


Technically, unless the Charger had "01" and "General Lee" painted on the side w/ the flag, then it couldn't be considered a blooper, because that was less than 10yrs after the '69 Charger came out, so I could see someone else owning one.

Each picture I've posted recently (incl my avatar) is a direct cap from PowerDVD6 and is widescreen..

I don't think I'd be able to go back..


I suppose that's certainly possible.. I mean, just during the previewing of the movie they should have caught that (before final)..

I just think it's funny is all..

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