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I'm just going to flat out and say it. If you are a TRUE Dukes fan, don't buy this DVD. Who wants this farse of a movie to get any more money than it already has. We've all spoke our peace here and I think the consensus is that the movie isn't what we as TRUE Dukes fans wanted and we don't want them to make anymore like this. The best way for this to happen is if we don't support the DVD. I think we should push to have the TV Reunion movies released on DVD instead.


I am a TRUE Dukes fan. Watched it since it premiered back in 79 when I was 9 . Watched reruns on TNN an now CMT . Got all the DVD sets. Numerous collectibles and die casts....

I LOVED the movie. Thought it was better than expected. What exactly did true Dukes fans want? A carbon copy of the series that played like an actual episode? That seems to be the concensus.....Nothing will ever beat the original. But to me something different was just what I liked.

I will buy the DVD the day it comes out in both the UNRATED and regular version (widescreen of course) .


I agree with Darrell completely except that I was only 2 when it debuted in '79. I will be getting the DVD for Christmas. I told my wife that I would not buy it myself if she promised that someone would buy it for me along with season 5.



to tell you the truth, do u really think that if it were EXACTLY like the show people would come and see it? they had to make a movie where it would catch the eye of people today...i highly doubt that the producers and writers hoped to please only the "true" duke fans.


"The eye of people today?" Let's consider what people "today" have been doing, long before this movie came out.

They've been buying the original series on DVD.

They've been watching the show on CMT.

They tuned in by the millions to the CMT Music Awards in April 05, to see the on-stage reunion of the original cast.

They're coming from all over the world to attend DukesFest.

They're visiting goofy websites like HazzardNet.

Nothing needed to be reinvented to make the Dukes of Hazzard popular with people "today."



I'll support your boycott of the DVD Cedar Creek.I totally agree with you unless IF they make a sequel all the bad elements are removed. Yes I believe if the movie were more older fan friendly and maybe not a carbon copy but at least similar to the original it would have made alot more than it did in my opinion. It would have made at least 20 bucks more off me if it would have been and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The way it appears I don't think there will be a sequel not in the near future now that Seann and Johhny have both expressed no interest and I read Jessica has ballooned up 30 pounds since the filming so she must not be planning on a sequel either.


TimDuke....While I respect your opinion, I respectfully beg to differ. Your reasoning on the "if the movie were more older fan friendly and maybe not a carbon copy but at least similar to the original it would have made alot more than it did " comment . That comment is basically what I have been saying on here in my support of the movie.

Older fan friendly - Burt Reynolds & Willie Nelson , more in line with Moonrunners and Smokey & The Bandit and the first 5 GA episodes ...

Thank God it wasn't a carbon copy especially from season 5 and up (with the exception of "Opening Night At The Boar's Nest)

Similarites - an awesome General Lee and stunts. Dukes are a moonshine family. Boss Hogg & Rosco are as mean if not meaner. I can go and on . The spirit of the DOH is there.....

Like I said , I know the consenus is that most people wanted the movie to be more like the TV series. That was not my view. Who is say that it would have been better with different actors or a different director? What did ya'll want , Disney to make the movie to make it family friendly? That seems to be the downfall that everyone wanted to compare it to the TV show and were disappointed with the movie. As I have said numerous times , nothing will ever beat the original show. The goal of the movie wasn't to rehash the TV show, but to entertain a MASS audience , not a particular group like the ones who wanted a rehashed movie version of the TV show.

Everyone , especially all these newbies who hopped on the bandwagon because of the movie, can go back to your pissin' nad moanin' about the movie and this and that and what would have been better. If you want to boycot or not buy the DVD, just don't get it.

I'm gone



I rekkon you should all stop whinging and enjoy the movie for what it is!, a remake... just like gone in 60 seconds... absolutely nothing like the original, but a good movie none-the-less.

Where else can you see a lard-arse charger drifting around a round about!!!

I personally will be buying the dvd when it comes out.. and putting it on the shelf right next to the original gone in 60 seconds, the dodgy sequel, the remake, The hire (bmw movies), Bullit, fast & the furous, 2fast2furious, starsky & hutch and every season of dukes i can lay my hands on.

boycotting the dvd is just damn childish.. if you dont want to buy it then dont, but for christ sake, dont discourage others from buying it...

let them make up their own mind!


I gave the big-screen version of 'The Dukes of Hazzard' the benefit of the doubt and actually saw it in the theatre not once, but twice. I must say that initially, after seeing it for the first time, I was on the fence as to whether or not I liked it. So after about 3 or so weeks, I went to see it again. The second time, however, I was smart enough to catch a matinee' showing of the film rather than paying another $8.50 to see another evening showing of it. Upon seeing it for the second time, I paid a lot closer attention to the film and realized just how bad it was. Had it not been for the General Lee and some of the film's stuntwork, the movie would have been a total wash. Not only did none of the cast resemble any of the original characters from the series in appearance, they didn't resemble them in spirit either. The film fell way short of what a 'Dukes' film should have and could have been and that's a real shame. I just don't understand how anyone could have missed so badly on on a big-screen version of 'The Dukes of Hazzard'. I did, however, enjoy certain parts of the movie such as the opening moonshine delivery scene, but for me, the movie went downhill from there.

In closing, I feel pretty much like John Schneider does about the big-screen version of the "Dukes". Schneider has stated in interviews that he really wishes they had called film something other than 'The Dukes of Hazzard' because the new film is not 'The Dukes of Hazzard'. Sure, they movie has the General Lee in it, but still, that doesn't make it a viable big-screen version of the series.


I gave the big-screen version of 'The Dukes of Hazzard' the benefit of the doubt and actually saw it in the theatre not once, but twice. I must say that initially, after seeing it for the first time, I was on the fence as to whether or not I liked it. So after about 3 or so weeks, I went to see it again. The second time, however, I was smart enough to catch a matinee' showing of the film rather than paying another $8.50 to see another evening showing of it. Upon seeing it for the second time, I paid a lot closer attention to the film and realized just how bad it was. Had it not been for the General Lee and some of the film's stuntwork, the movie would have been a total wash. Not only did none of the cast resemble any of the original characters from the series in appearance, they didn't resemble them in spirit either. The film fell way short of what a 'Dukes' film should have and could have been and that's a real shame. I just don't understand how anyone could have missed so badly on on a big-screen version of 'The Dukes of Hazzard'. I did, however, enjoy certain parts of the movie such as the opening moonshine delivery scene, but for me, the movie went downhill from there.

In closing, I feel pretty much like John Schneider does about the big-screen version of the "Dukes". Schneider has stated in interviews that he really wishes they had called film something other than 'The Dukes of Hazzard' because the new film is not 'The Dukes of Hazzard'. Sure, they movie has the General Lee in it, but still, that doesn't make it a viable big-screen version of the series.


Ah i hate to break it to you. But John Schneider loved the film. In fact he told Sean that he like his version of Bo Duke. He was also at the premire of the film and all smiles with Both Sean and John. He also went on to say that this film captured the origanal spirit of the show. and that he was wrong to nock the film before he saw it. He cont to say that still don't bring your little ones but anyone 12 and up should like it. Would you like me to send you a couple of pics i have of him at the party?/b]


Cpt.Redneck you say the consensus of most people wanted the movie to be more like the TV show. You are saying that I'm correct then.Consensus means majority.I'm not saying I wanted a carbon copy of the show but a sorta compromise between what they did and the show.Vulgar language has no place in any kind of Dukes movie.Damn and jackass were the worst ever uttered on Dukes also the drug innuendo totally uncalled for.By the way PG movies make more money than PG-13 ones do and G movies make even more statistics show this. You liked the movie you have a right to you're opinion.The general consensus agrees with me.We can disagree and still be friends though. Tzi simply because some of us want to boycott gives you no right to call us childish it is not childish to stand up for a certain cause.Name calling or labeling people is childish. Didn't we boycott against the King of England back in 1776 ? I suppose that was childish too.

Cpt.Redneck you say the consensus of most people wanted the movie to be more like the TV show. You are saying that I'm correct then.Consensus means majority.I'm not saying I wanted a carbon copy of the show but a sorta compromise between what they did and the show..

I should have phrased that more like the consensus of a lot of Dukes fans on HNet instead. Never said you were correct and there is a saying I use a lot of the time "I may be wrong , BUT you ain't right" ...I know what consensus means and this site, while large in members, is only a minority of Dukes fans world wide that are not internet savy. I see you on the CGLFC site and it seems that a lot pf people over there liked the movie. Tell me what exactly you are correct on then?

By the way I like your General . Nice job.


I'm gone



I would love to ysee a'll who want to boycott the DVD in front of WalMart or Best Buy or KMart with pickets and signs "Don't Buy The Dukes DVD" " As A TRUE Dukes Fan It Was Not What We Wanted" "JackASS = American Pie DOES NOT = DOH" .... So how many of ya'll am I going to see there? .....What a joke...

Personally I think boycotting something because it is not what you like or wanted is just plain assinine. If you don't like it DON"T BUY THE DAMNED DVD THEN and leave your b****in' and moaning' somehwere else..

I'm gone



People can b**** and moan if they want, it's a free Confederacy. So here's my whine.

I will buy the DVD, because I thought the stunts were pretty cool, and I support all things Dukes of Hazzard. For example, I have no use for the Coy and Vance era, but I'll buy the Season 5 DVD just the same.

I also support WB for doing ANYTHING to give us more Dukes of Hazzard, even if I was disappointed in the creative take on the movie. And I guess "disappointed" is a fair word in my case.

The movie was fun, in a twilight-zone kind of way. But it was half-assed, and Broken Lizard's juvenille T&A jokes and drug references were a shame to be seen in Hazzard. Any Hazzard. The scriptwriting and dialogue were weak, and the movie cast lacked any real chemistry with each other. Sure, the car looked good doing 180's and being shot from a cannon, but that's all I got out of it.

For me, the movie fell way short of it's potential. It'll go in my collection as another piece of Hazzard history. But unlike the original Dukes, we're not going to see cast reunions and fan shindigs for this movie 25 years hence.

The movie version of the Dukes, when all is said and done, is kind of like an exotic detour; an aberration from the place that really feels like home.




Nah! Not my style. Plus, I don't believe in tryin' to sway people against checking something out for themselves, and getting their own opinion.

One thing's for sure, the movie didn't bring about the end of the world, and it didn't split the fandom asunder. I ain't sure it added fans, but it did galvanize us into talking about how much we care about the show. I saw that on both sides of the debate. The Dukes fandom is a culture unto itself; it's one of the strongest and rabidly-loyal fan bases anywhere to be had. That hasn't changed.

On an aside, whatever else we liked or didn't like, let's all give WB credit for leaving the rebel flag on the roof of the General Lee. Let s give 'em a hell-yeah for that much!



Well, I didn't realize when I started this topic it would generate so much controversy, but I can see that it has. In general, I think if you have an opinion, as most of us do, you have the right to express it. My opinion on the new movie is that it's not "my" Dukes of Hazzard. I think for each of us, the Dukes is a show that we all take something a little different away from it. I see the Dukes as a family show. I see it as a show with true morals and loyalty to ideals. I think it's ideals like this that are often overlooked in our society today, maybe just because the people in high places want to pinch a few more dollars out of something like this show that they didn't even think would make it in the first place. Warner Brothers didn't believe in the show when it first started. The critics hated it. So, it took fans like us who were loyal and cared about the show to really keep it going as long as it did. I truely believe that the Dukes of Hazzard is an example of something missing in our world on a large scale today. Stand for what you believe in. Stand for your family. Stand for your morals and beliefs. I believe that's what I did when I asked people not to buy this dvd. I haven't seen the movie, but I would guess that they never mentioned God or morals in it. I am a Christian and it means a lot to me when I can watch a show like the Dukes and know that at times they speak about God from time to time. They say grace before their meals on most occasions and speak about the Lord and praying. I'm sure they probably didn't do that on the new movie. To me what they did would be like redoing the Andy Griffith show and giving Andy a gun and making Otis a drug addict. Sure, you could call it the Andy Griffith Show, but what's the point? What's the point of making a movie based on a TV show if you don't stay true to the TV show? I'm not saying make a carbon copy like some of you have said that's what we asked for. We didn't. I don't believe Warner Brothers asked anyone anything to begin with, so that doesn't really even matter. I think if they had, we would have told them to at least stay true to the central themes that run throughout the show. I don't think that's a lot to ask for. Just because you CAN make a movie, doesn't always mean that you SHOULD. I don't think they SHOULD have gave this movie the Dukes of Hazzard title. I may offend people who loved the movie, and that's ok. All I'm doing is giving my opinion and maybe I've got the same opinion as others, and maybe I don't. Either way, I'm not trying to make people mad or start a shouting name calling match. I just hoped to get some differing opinions. I knew there would be those of you who would be upset about me asking people not to support the movie. I just didn't think it would get to the point of namecalling. That's not necessary in any form when it comes to expressing opinions. We all have different ones.


Hey "videoboy1", maybe you should pay closer attention to the posts that you read here on the message board before you start commenting about them. :roll: In my previous post, I never once mentioned that John Schneider didn't like the big-screen version of 'The Dukes of Hazzard'. However, I did comment on a statement that John Schneider made about the film in an interview done for the 'Smallville' magazine. Schneider stated that while he hoped the film was a success for the new cast, he simply wished that they would have called the film something else other than 'The Dukes of Hazzard' because it was something other than 'The Dukes of Hazzard'. He said that a lot of the relationships that were built between the characters on the series were totally absent from the new movie.

Also, there's no need to post any photos of Schneider at the movie premier. I've already seen them. John Schneider is not only an actor, he's a businessman. 8) He probably looked at attending the movie premier as a good business move for his career as an actor. Think about it. John Schneider has a career to think about and attending the premire of 'The Dukes of Hazzard' gave him a lot more attention than sitting at home and not attending would have.

If you want to read the interview with Schneider where he comments on the big-screen version of 'The Dukes of Hazzard', it's in the current 'Smallville' magazine. :wink:



Apparently we can't have a discussion on here without getting called childish or asinine merely because some of us support a certain point of view.Brian and Muffin I'm sorry I'm not going to sit idly by and get insulted simply because I don't agree with someone.As I said previously if we hadn't boycotted the King of England there would be no USA or if the South didn't boycott against the North there would be no General Lee.I feel I deserve an apology.I think I shall remove myself from this site as Cpt Redneck suggested and go somewhere where even though I may disagree my opinion gets respected.


TimDuke, in review of the thread....I don't think Cap'n Redneck is your enemy, and I don't think he aimed that remark directly at you. He did use the word "asinine" in a broad sense, but he didn't say anything about bein' childish. ( That remark was somebody else. )

In any case, I don't think it was meant as a personal attack. All in all, it's just opinions about a movie. And man, I'd JUST got done sayin' a few posts ago that this movie didn't tear the fandom asunder, and then you go asunder.

Seriously, Darrell is a good guy. I'll also know you, TimDuke, from your haunts of the CMT stomping grounds and a few other places. ( I lurk a lot but I try not to interfere with other folks territory.) I think folks on HazzardNet are more level-headed than most, tho' of course I'm biased and I can't be objective about that. All I'd ask, is that you don't let one spirited debate here drive you off.


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