Capt_Redneck Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 TravelerF150 Where did you here about the settings for the movie? .... If it does take place in the present, I sure hope they don't take out the country feel. By that I mean not using CB's and using NEXTELS to communicate. A little thing like that would not be good , at least to me it won't. If they make the General Lee without the flag , it will change he aspect of teh Dukes . It will be just a movie with the Dukes in name onlyDarrell Quote
LoneRanger17 Posted October 1, 2004 Posted October 1, 2004 I can see the point of view from both sides. The Flag was a part of the car and the car was a major part of the show. However, I can see that some people would have a problem with the symbol. Because so many hate groups have used that symbol to remind people of a time in the past. And I can see the point of view where people will say it is about the heritage and not what a pitiful minority wants you to think it is. It's a debate with no clear winner of an answer. I do have friends who love the show as much as I do (and are different ethnicities) and all love the show and the flag doesn't bother them. However, in the end, the spirit of the show came from the love of a family and the values that the family chooses to uphold. So if the car does or does not have the flag on top of it, it won't change the spirit of the show. It would be nice to have the flag on top of the car.....but that's not why we fell in love with the show in the first place. Quote
Eddiemunster Posted October 1, 2004 Posted October 1, 2004 About the Dukes using Nextels instead of CB's, I'd think that'll be hilarious!"Breaker, breaker Lost Sheep. Can you hear me now?" HA!!!! Quote
LoneRanger17 Posted October 1, 2004 Posted October 1, 2004 That would be too funny if that guy was in the back seat the entire Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted October 1, 2004 Posted October 1, 2004 I am just hoping they don't use the Nextel's or even laptops. I still like the CB's.As far as the flag on the General Lee, look at all the DOH products marketed and made with the Confederate Flag . That is a lot of products. Take a look at the DVD set, right on the front is Daisy laying across the flag on the General Lee, this just came out in June 2004. I haven't heard any negative comments on it from any news source. And Wal-Mart. KMart. Target, etc, all had this prominently displayed, considering how politically correct and conservative those stores are...I understand what you are saying about the spirit of the show, but we have to wait to see how the movie will actually be. Again hoping they make it a dumb comedic satire. If they do keep the spirit of the early episodes of the series and without the flag in the movie, I MIGHT be ok with it, still will grumble there is no flag though....LOLDarrell Quote
rigidhd Posted October 3, 2004 Posted October 3, 2004 It is sad to hear that there will be no flag on the general. So lets see take the confederate flag off the general as to not offend anyone, however we will not take in to consideration other offensive content in our movies. What happened to freedom of expression, freedom of speech or just plain freedom? I can watch gangbanger movies where crack and hookers and calling people cracker honky or whity are acceptable. The Flag did not hurt anyone. The flag is an inanimate object, it cannot feel hate nor love. Oh wait it is what it represents right. It is part of our history in the United States, However I still see British flags in American made movies. Did they forget about the war for independence? I say put the flag on the car and make it right. I Guess we are going to get a politically correct re-make of the dukes of hazard. Quote
LoneRanger17 Posted October 3, 2004 Posted October 3, 2004 I would tend to think the flag will be on the car. Like he said, the major retail chains are selling the product with the flag intact. Trust me, if Wal-Mart wanted a cover with no flag on it, they would have gotten Also, as stated, my friends who love the show and are minorities, have no problem with it either. I think in this case, the spirit of the show and the family values of the show makes the flag a second thought. When you watch the show the flag does not stick out because the other parts of the show shine brighter.Now if the movie turns the characters into charictatures of themselves, then I could see how this could change. Quote
Eddiemunster Posted October 10, 2004 Posted October 10, 2004 I just love it when people talk about the Cofederate Flag as same as the Swastika. (Spellcheck on that!)I can see that somewhat, but it is not really the same. The Nazis killed Jewish people in Concentration Camps, and the South once used black people for slaves. Actually, there were slave owners who were actually very good to their slaves. But I haven't heard of any Nazi Skinhead ever being nice to any Jewish person.So, even almost 140 years after the Civil War, I still see the Rebel Flag as a sighn of a way of living. Instead of these Politically Correct people telling us to "get over" the fact the South lost the war, maybe those people should "get over" the fact that slavery once existed. Slavery is over and done with, so the Rebel Flag is now a sighn of a way of living. It is definately not wrong to wave the flag to show how proud you are of your Sothern Heritage. I guess some people just can't see that. I can see that, and I've been a Yankee all of my life. What does that say? Quote
Johnny Posted October 11, 2004 Posted October 11, 2004 Howdy fellas. I've read about no Dixie flag on the General, and I must say it sucks. How many are walking around with a f... Malcolm X and noone cares! I'm from Germany, and we have some problems with the old First!! (Not the Nazi Flag from the Second!) World War Battle flag. It's now forbidden to show, because Skinheads etc. used it.... In Germany u see a lot of Confederate Flags, and people don't see a bad thing behind it. O.k. a very few do, and ask me about it. I tell 'em I like Rockabilly and Country music and American Cars, and I don't care about more really.They are all happy with that. A General Lee without the flag on top is just like Pam Andesron without Titties! They better stop worriing about that flag, and make a good movie instead some other Hollywood Bulls***! Just look at Starsky & Hutch: BULLs***!!! The only good things were the wheels on the car and the b****in' girls. And I also hope, that they won't put on such ugly 18" fag wheels! How do they work on dirtroads, with that little rubber?! Then they can also use a Jap Car from "Fast & The Furious" (One of the worst movies of all time!" in my opinion!) They only thing they could change on the car is a sixpack or a Hemi! And if wheels, then I wanna see 15" Cragar SS, Anson Sprint/Wolfrace, American Torque Trust or Magnum 500. Wheels that fit that car and that era.That's it. Here's a link to a german website, with a dutch Economy clip, that is related to the Dukes. Maybe u like it! They used their own Holland flag. Quote
Eddiemunster Posted October 11, 2004 Posted October 11, 2004 Now that movie clip made me laugh! I'd consider that good humor! Quote
inga Posted October 12, 2004 Posted October 12, 2004 Hi, Johnny, and thanks for sharing that video clip. It made me smile, even though I didn't understand the words. Quote
MaryAnne Posted October 13, 2004 Posted October 13, 2004 Hi Johny, welcome to HNet! That was a fine rant son! Interesting point on the WWI German flag being forbidden because the skinheads use it. Similar thing here where the white supremacists use the Confederate flag (they also fly the regular stars and stripes but does anybody get upset? Golly no...)And also...on the tires... thank god somebody else out there goes for the big wheels and big tires! Yeeehaaa!! Quote
Johnny Posted October 15, 2004 Posted October 15, 2004 Thanx! I like that clip too! These guys are just too funny. Even though I don't undertand much of their language. It's something about, that modern cars do not use as much gas as old ones or sth.... And one other Damn thing: If it hadn't been for the General Lee, then the whole Series would have never gotten any chance! And also the confederate flag is the best looking flag in the word! The only thing that I really hate about that new movie is, that a lot of Chargers will be destroyed, and also the prices for these beauties will go up and up again! Damn! But I prefer the '69 Chrysler 300 2 door anyway. It's bigger it's meaner and cheaper. I used to had one triple black, raked, with primer black painted 15" chrome wheels. It had a few dents, and it looked a lot like a moonshiners car. I need another one! I had to sell it sadly, because of money....Here's some pics of her, my Daisy (Nadine) and meee. Check out the rest of the site too. There's some cool stuff. Keep rockin' Quote
Eddiemunster Posted October 15, 2004 Posted October 15, 2004 That's a really cool car. I don't know which looks better, the car or your girlfriend!!! Too bad you had to sell that car. Quote
Johnny Posted October 15, 2004 Posted October 15, 2004 Yeah, true it's a shame I had to sell that car! I've shoulda sell her first! Skipper Duke 1 Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted October 15, 2004 Posted October 15, 2004 Johnny Great car. There was one for sale by me during the summer. Not the greatest condition adn I was thinking about getting it. It was a golden beige color with some faded spots and the interiior needed a lot of work. But guess what, I was too late. That car sold in about a week. There is something about those bigger cars that I love....Darrell Quote
MaryAnne Posted October 16, 2004 Posted October 16, 2004 Johnny,Damn, that was a nice car. Too bad you had to sell it. Also dig the Dwight Yokam look ya got there with the hat. Quote
Eddiemunster Posted October 16, 2004 Posted October 16, 2004 I don't see many of those cars where I live. We use too much salt on the roads during the winter months. When people here see a car like that, they automaticlly think it's only good for a demo-derby car. I hate such ignorance. I should someday move somewhere south, where more people appreciate cool cars, and they last longer as well. Quote
SouthernRoots Posted October 20, 2004 Posted October 20, 2004 i agree i think it is bull, that there taking the Confederate Battle Flag of the general, i mean, in the tv shows it was there, and the flag is still everywhere on tv today... has anybody watched cmt or vh1 country lately? The Song, Sweet Home Alabama has a big back drop of the flag, The Video for the Song 19 Sumthing, has the general lee in it with the flag, its down right dumb to take the flag off, Its heritage, im sure if there was a a big american flag on the top they would keep it on there, or any flag for that matter... i dont know if the moive will be worth the time and money to watch, i mean think about it, your sitting there in the movie theater and everytime you see that car the flag is gone, and the everytime you see it , its going to make you mad, at least it would make me mad... i mean it will be blank... the flag was put there for a reason and it needs to stay there Quote
redneck_woman_2446 Posted October 21, 2004 Posted October 21, 2004 how can they not have the flag on the car. that sucks Quote
Johnny Posted October 24, 2004 Posted October 24, 2004 @MaryAnne: Thanx for the nice words! Dwight Rules! I play some of his songs with my Bands, "The Hustlers" and "Loveless". I even have some better pictures. Maybe I should link 'em here...? Quote
k_harvic_29 Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Ok, here is MY take. Why take the flag off the GENERAL LEE. So the car has the confederate flag. It ain't like the Duke are calling people (minorities) Ni......... well, you git mah point. What make the flag any differant in the movie than any where else??? I have seen, owned and played games with a hellofa lot wore offensive content than a bloody flag!!! I have seen people drive around in cars with images of nude girls with their tits hanging out amung other unmentionables. But do THEY git any beef from the law or whatever? NO!!! So why the sam hill do they want to take the damned flag off the car??? I think that is a load of BullHockey! I don't give a flying rats yahoo WHAT the rebal flag stands for!If they want to take the flag off the General, then ah thank they should outlaw EVERY OTHER cotton pickin` publicly obcene stuff like car paintings, t-shirts, hats, etc. It's a damned shame. *Shakes head in discust* And another thang, what about "Freedom of Religeon"??? Sorry for straying off topic, but Ah am A bit steemed at the government and this "Politicly Correct" bullhockey. They took God out of our country. You can not even take A Bible to school in some places. If you do, you git sent home!!!! What the hill is that??? Sure, takeing the Confederate flag off the GENERAL LEE is just the start. What next, get thrown in jail for scratching yer behind in public???? Public indecencey(SP) Ah reacon they would call it. So Ah say, leave the damned GENERAL LEE alone. "He" never hurt no one. Let folks be who they wanna be.Oh, and one more thing before Ah sign off... A good ol` "YEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAW!!!!!" from a good ol` boy.Thanks for your time and sorry if Ah was a bit over the top.YOURS TRUELY, Skye Quote
k_harvic_29 Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Why thank ya Mr. Coltrane. Ya see, I is a "Good Ol` Boy mah self see. A lil` while ago Ah was listinin` to "GAC Classic Country Weekend" on my radio, an` "YEEE-HAAAW"in` right along with it. Why Ah felt almost like Ah was right there at the "Bore's Nest". See, Ah grew up `round the "Dukes of Hazzard". Ah have seen almost every ep. Ah can tell you what "Bo"'s full name is. "Boragard" (SP) if ya wanna know. And the J.D. in "J,D. Hogg's" name is Jeferson (SP) Davis. "Jeferson Davis 'BOSS' Hogg". Ah could tell ya Boss's wife' name is, what deputy took over for Enos when he transfered to Atlanta to become a state cop. The only thing Ah don't remember is the name of the boys that took the place of Bo and Luke in the later eps. And of corse, the good ol` GENERAL LEE. all the way down to the racing wheels and the good ol` "Dixie" horn. An` ever` time Ah saw that car, Ah'll be a hot damn if it had the Rebal flag. Now Ah was born in Ca, an` grew up in NV, then later moved to In wher Ah had a relitive that had in ol` ford truck painted jus` like the General. Even had the flag an` Dixie horn. Now see, not ONE of them states was Confederate mind ya. But was Ah offended? NO! What DOES offend me is takin` the flag OFF THE DAMNED CAR!! Ah says leave the cotton pickin` flag alone. Ya know, the Duke ain't the ONLY victom here, remember in the early `90s when there was this big controversy about the Washington Redskins football team? A groupe of folk found "Redskins" offencive. They says "Change your team name or we sue." The team franchise won the debate because the Natives were not offended and the team remains the "Redskins" to this day. But mah point is, see what all this political correctness is causing? A truckfull of headaches, that wat it be causin`. Why don't the Gov. just leave us good folk alone with all that Bull hockey and GIVE US OUR RIGHTS AS AMERICANS BACK!!!! Our Soulders did not fight in several wars and many are STILL fighting for this country to be treated like THIS! "The land of the free"???? Freedom of expression"????? BULL If that is "Freedom", Ah don't want it. Freedom is being able ta walk outside in mah underwear, regardless of what others think, and not get thrown in jail by the police. Freedom is a child being able to take a Bible to school and not git sent home. THAT mah friends is FREEDOM. So as Ah says, i WANT MY RIGHTS BACK!!!P.S., Sorry for the exstencively long post and all the yellin`, but this about the flag not being on the General and political correctness has got me madder than a wet hen.YOURS TRUELY: Skye Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 Dude, you outta see a speech therapist about that drawl. Brian Quote
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