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"Bo, Luke, Daisy get over here quick!" Uncle Jesse yelled to his nice and nephews. "Ya Uncle Jesse what's wrong?" Luke asked worried. "Rosco ran off the road and is out cold. Now everybody get in the car and were gonna head over there." Uncle Jesse commanded everyone.

"Breaker one, breaker one might be crazy but I ain't dumb craaaaaazy Cooter commin at ya, Enos you got your ears on?" Cooter quickly called over the CB. "This here's Enos, Cooter what's goin on?" Enos asked. "Get an ambulance over here A.S.A.P Rosco's dun run off the road." Cooter explained briefly. "Possum on a gumbush, I'll call an ambulance and I'll be right there. I'm gone!" Enos replied over the CB and immediatly called an ambulance.

The Dukes got to the scene right away and Luke pulled the General over to Cooter's pick up truck. They all got out in a hurry even Bo who couldn't stand Rosco at the time being.

"How's he doin?" Uncle Jesse asked Cooter. "Well I'm not too sure, I need some help gettin him out and Enos'll be here with an ambulance any minute now." Cooter answered. "Poor Rosco." Daisy added having feeling sorry for him in the first place about him feeling so bad about the Bo situation.

Moments later Enos pulled up with an ambulance close behind.



They used Cooter's truck to get the tree off of Rosco's squad car, when that was done the paramedics brought out some sort of saw and began to work through the huge dent in the metal, still pinning Rosco down and keeping them from getting to the wound.

The others could do nothing but watch, Brooke cast a glance at Bo. She noted the way he was gripping his cane: white knuckled.

"You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah...yeah I'm good."

"...liar." She stated bluntly, "Bo, in no way is this your-"

"My what?" he cut her off, "My fault, 'course it ain't my fault. He-Rosco, didn't deserve this...but did I deserve my leg, does Boss deserve to be outta prison? No. People don't always get what's commin' to them, for better or for worse."

"No way you're that cynical." Daisy cut in.

Bo faked a smile, "I have every right in the world to be cynical, I also have every right in the world not to feel sorry or bad for Rosco."

Uncle Jesse stormed up to him, before he opened his mouth Cooter put a hand up and walked over to Bo. Before he could control himself his fist shot out, connecting harshly with the younger man's jaws. Bo stumbled backward, but he didn't stay down. With or without his injury he used his left leg to propel himself toward Cooter. He landed on top of the mechanic. After managing to tackle Cooter to the ground they wrestled around for a couple moments. Then in a dirty move Cooter reached down and squeezed Bo's shin.

Giving a roar of pain Bo hit Cooter as hard as humanly possible. The blond man was on top again and gave a couple more hard punches to Cooter's stomach and face. The mechanic threw Bo off; the pain in the blond man's leg was searing but he didn't care. The angers, the frustrations of the past month were all coming out in one explosive show of power. Bo was on his knees and again turned to face Cooter's charge. With his left leg, he rose up underneith Cooter, tackling him to the ground again.

Cooter, himself, got his right leg under Bo's stomach and pushed him up and over. With a thud, Bo landed on his back, this knocked the wind from his lungs and gave Cooter all the time he needed to get the upper hand again. He held on to the collar of Bo's shirt and delievered a single hard blow to Bo's abdoman. But Bo was far from done, he roughly grabbed Cooter's hair and slammed him to the ground. He pinned the mechanic again, pressing his left hand hard against Cooter's chest, and his knees straddleing the mechanic.

Bo raised his fist for another blow and stopped, the anger leaving him. The primal animal rage that had been courseing through his veins just moments prior, subsiding at last. His breathing was horse and heavy. Cooter glared up at him, breathing heavily himself, however his own anger was subsiding as well. "...you weren't there." Cooter said in no more than a whisper.

"What do you mean?" Bo asked, struggling to gain grasp of what Cooter was trying to tell him. He climbed off the mechanic, allowing the older man to stagger to his feet.

Cooter spat out a wad of blood out of the corner of his mouth and still glared defiantly at Bo, "I said, you weren't there. I mean...yeah you were there but you weren't there." Cooter was calming his breath, as was Bo, "When I drove you to the hospital, Rosco was with you every step of the way. Right up 'til the docs took you away for treatment. He was right there, praying with the rest of us. You could see it in his eyes, you could tell that he'd a rather been the one on that opperatin' table. I admit, I saw I side of Rosco few know is there. And also, on the drive over, he was tryin' so hard to keep you with us...I was shocked by his tenderness, when he tried to dry yer face and hair; anyone who didn't know yer colorful past with each other woulda taken you for father and son...You ain't been fair to that man, there ain't no ifs, ands, or buts about it."

Bo was breathless. The truth of Cooter's words hitting him full force. The two men, sopping wet from the rain stared at each other.

The bystanders, just watched the going's on without saying anything. As Luke noted the look in his cousin's eyes, somehow, something deep down told him that...everything was gonna be alright. He grinned, walking over he handed Bo his cane, "It's all true cuz..."

Bo turned to Luke, a strange calm suddenly overcoming his depressed features, he even shot Luke a smile, "...I've been a real ass ain't I?"

Luke grinned back, "You were entitled."




The ambulace worked their way to Rosco and pulled him out of the car. They took him into the ambulance truck to get him out of the rain, so they could take a good look at the injurys.

Everyone walked over to the truck soaking wet and teary eyed. They all hoped that Rosco would be ok, even Bo. Bo felt really bad about what had happened to Rosco and right then and there he prayed to the good Lord that Rosco would we alright. He wished he had listened to what everyone was trying to tell him about Rosco before and he wished he had forgiven him. Now he was thinking to himself that Rosco could pass away without knowing that Bo would forgive him.

Tears started streaming down Bo's face, he felt so guilty.

"Were gonna take him over to the hospital now and fully check him there." the ambulace people told the very upset group standing in the pooring Georgia rain. Everyone stayed silent and went to their vehicles to follow the ambulance to the hospital.



Bo drove almost as fast as the ambulance, "Careful..." Luke said woridly from the passenger's seat, "Crashing's the last thing we need now."

"I alway drive like this...Oh Lord...Luke I've been an ass."

"Well, it's all in the past...Rosco'll be alright."

Bo didn't take his eyes off the road, "Yeah...god I hope so." His thoughts passed to Rosco dieing again; never knowing how Bo felt. Dieing with some form of guilt on his chest. None of it was Rosco's fault and Bo regretted ever making Rosco think it. The accident was no one's fault.

Hearing what Cooter just told him, Bo was a little adgitated that no one had mentioned this before. Or maybe it was the opening up and fighting that Bo needed more than anything else. No matter what the reason, Rosco was the one who needed help now.


Rosco was taken immediatly to the O.R. Bo limped around the hospital that just weeks ago had nearly been his death bed. He limped down the mangled halls; they all looked the same.

Since his accident, the hospital had depressed him to some degree. There was the smell of disinfectant mixed with the underlined feel of death beyond every door. Bo would bet everything he had that in each one of these rooms someone had died at one time or another.

Before knowing it, Bo found himself at the chapel. A star, a cross and a cresent moon was printed over the top. Without much thought, he entered. It was basically empty except for one seat in the middle row, second from the front. The familiar white clad commisioner was sitting and smoking a cigar. "I never took you for much of a religous man!" Bo called across the chapel. Limping over to Boss.

The fat man dared a look, "The same could be said for you Duke Boy."

"I have a name y'know...You come here to pray for Rosco?"

Boss was frowning, he didn't even take his cigar out as he spoke. "Yeah, you?"

"I dunno, all I know is that I don't want him to die."

"Why the sudden change o' heart?"

"...Cooter rather literally knocked some sense into me."


Rosco was injured but still alive, "Oh god..." the sergeon breathed.

"What is it doctor?" the nurse asked.

"There's too much damage to the shoulder, We can't save the arm..."

"Oh..." She breathed, "that poor man."

The sergeon sighed, "Even with the amputation...he may not survive...the bloodloss is too much."




Everyone stayed in the waiting room; Daisy sat beside her uncle as she rested her head on his shoulder, Luke leaned against the wall beside of Brooke who hadn't said much of anything since they'd arrived.

"I can't believe I'm sitting here.." she muttered staring at the floor.

Luke watched her from the corner of his eye, "None of us can..atleast not again..."

"That's not what I mean..I'm still a stranger to ya'll and now I'm sitting with you in the hospital for a man I barely know, and it's all so much that I feel like I can't breathe..." Sighing she sat back in her seat.

Uncle Jesse looked up watching Brooke talk, when he saw her close her eyes for a moment he motioned for Luke to do something for her. Nodding he obeyed, "It'll be alright.." Now, he took the seat beside of her.

A single tear forced itself from her right eye as she opened both of them, "I don't expect comfort.." she smiled. "Because I know that you three need it more right now than I do.."

Reaching out as soon as the tear surfaced on her face, Luke wiped it away, "Don't say that..If I were in your shoes I'd feel the same way.."

Brooke smiled trying to compose herself into something other than the weeping state she felt like.


(OOC: Sorry I've missed a lot and couldn't post much..but I thought I'd give Brooke life.)


Moments later the doctor came out. "How is he doc?" Uncle Jesse asked the man in the white uniform. "Well were not sure how it will turn out at the moment. He's in acomba and has a severe concusion." the doctor revealed the bad news to everyone as he stared at the ground.

"Ya'll can go in and see him if you like." the doctor announced. "Where's his room?" Luke asked. "Right this way." the doctor took the group to Rosco's room and left them alone with him.

"Someone oughta call J.D. and tell him what's goin on." Uncle Jesse said to no one imperticular. "I'll see if I can reach him" Enos replied and walked over to the hospital phone.

"Hi Mr. Hogg, ummm I was calling to tell you that Rosco is at the Hazzard Hospital and everyone's down here if you wanna come down and see him." Enos started the conversation. "What are you talkin about Enos?" Boss asked having no clue of anything that happened to the Sheriff. "Rosco ran off the road last night and a tree fell on his car. He was out cold and still is. The doctor said he's in acomba and has a severe concusion." Enos explained. "Alright, alright, alright I'll head down there now." Boss replied trying not to show how worried he was of what the young deputy had just told him.



Eventually, Bo left the chapel and made his way back to the lobby. When the other's were no where in sight, he figured that Rosco must be out of surgery. He made his way over to the nurse, "Hello ma'am. I'm looking for a friend, could you help me?"

"Sure hon, what's his name?"

"Rosco P. Coltrane," To Bo, it actually felt funny to a degree; using Rosco's full name.

"Yeah, sure, Rm. B-1-105."

Bo turned to look fro room 105 but stopped and turned around, "I was wondering if you could give me an update on his condition."

She shook her head, "Sorry, we only update our system once every hour, if he got out of sergery in the past 30-20 minutes, then you won't know til you get there."

Bo nodded solomnly, "Thanks..."


"oh doc, Are you sure?" Uncle Jesse asked as Bo limped into the room.

"I'm not sure...we'll have to wait until the test's come back, then we'll know." As the doctor passed Bo, his eyes followed the man in the lab coat for a second before turning worridly to his friends.

"What's goin' on?"

Uncle Jesse spoke, "They think, there's too much damage to his shoulder, they may have to take it."

Bo's mouth hung open, he sat down in a chair in the corner. For a second he put his head in his hands. Then he looked up, resting his chin on the handle of his cane with a sad smile on his face. Tears on the corners of his eyes that he was determined not to let fall, "...it was just a crash..." he said, as though under some kind of hypnotics, "He's been in a thousand of them...I've been in a thousand of them. I swear it's like Mr. Death was messin' with us for all this time and finally decided to take a serious swing at us...Although...I can't ignore the irony. I lost my leg, he might never use his arm again."

"Cummon..." Unlce Jesse said, "We should go to the cafeteria and get somthin' to eat. You want anything Bo?" He asked the last part rather weakly.

The younger man tiredly turned his head, still resting it on the cane, "Yeah sure...soup if they have it."

Even through the tradgedy of the situation, Brooke and Luke looked at each other, grinning.


When no one else was in the room Bo moved his chair closer to Rosco's bedside. "...funny ain't it..." He sighed, "God...I'm a moron...I reckon Cooter kickin' my rear was all I needed."




"Rosco I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to you. I loved the good ol' times when you would chase me and Luke in the General all over Hazzard. I miss those times and now you and I may be useless for the rest of our lives." Bo talked to the almost lifeless man, who wasn't aware of anything.

Rosco just lay there with a mask connected to an oxygen tank on and an IV to keep him alive. Bo had tears streaming down his face by this time and almost felt like he was the one that run Rosco off the road.

"Bo here's your soup." Daisy said as the family walked in the hospital room. "Oh, thank you Daisy." Bo said taking the hot soup away from the tray. Everyone sat and ate around Rosco without saying a word.

Everyone was finishing up eating just as Boss came in the door. "How's Rosco?" Boss asked worriedly. Lulu came in right after him. "Well as of now he's in acomba and they might have to amputate his arm on accounta his shoulder is so injured." Uncle Jesse explained to Boss and Lulu.

"Oh my poor baby brother." Lulu said tears streaming down her face as she stared at the Sheriff.

Boss and Lulu joined in eating. They were eating an extrordinary amout because they were worried and when they were worried they ate more that usual. Everyone else had finished their meals and were just sitting there staring at each other waiting to here more news on Rosco.

The doctor walked not too long after. "Is Rosco gonna lose his arm?" Bo asked the doctor.



"He may...we'll put a couple of bolts in the shoulder and hope it starts healing properly. As it stands we don't have to amputate. However, keep in mind that if it doesn't heal we will have to take it."

There was a clear sigh of relief from the small group; Bo didn't even try to conceil it. "And...the rest of his problems?" Boss asked reasonably.

"There is good news, bad news, and then worse news."

Luke sighed, crossing his arms, "There always is..."

"We're out of O negative bloodtype...and in this weather there's no chance the ambulance will get here on time."

"...That so?" Bo asked, staring at Rosco, resting his chin on his cane. "I'll get it."

"Bo," Luke started, "We've already had one bad crash we don't need another."

"I ain't gonna crash cuz...besides: I owe him that much." With that he limped out of the hospital and toward the General.


Luke ran after his cousin, "Hey!" He called as Bo turned on the engine, "At least let me come with you."

"I'll be fine." With that the General tore out of the parking lot and into the rainy night.



Luke stood in the pouring rain watching the General leave the parking lot with Bo behind the wheel. "Be careful Bo.." he muttered before scratching his head and going back inside.

Uncle Jesse was already ranting about everything that was going on and upset that Bo went out, but proud of him all the same.

Luke entered dripping wet, "He's a danged fool," shaking his head he ran his fingers through his hair.

Brooke was already ontop of things once again bringing Luke a dry towel to stop the dripping. "Here can't have you dripping everywhere."

Taking it he wiped his face, "Thanks."


Bo raced down the muddy Hazzard roads like a bat out of hell. He had to get the blood Rosco needed; he had to save this man. Coming into a curve Bo slide almost out of control, but he managed to keep control and straighten everything out. Cursing under his breath the Duke kept on..



"Now what's the other news?" Luke asked still wiping the water off of himself. "The good news is about the amputation and the worse news is he's still in acomba and we don't know if he'll come out of it yet." the doctor replied hoping not to get everyone too upset.


By this time it was raining even harder than before and lighting lit up the entire night sky. Bo was trying to see his way through it. He was having some trouble, but it was for Rosco so he kept on going.


"Thanks again Brooke." Luke said as he handed the young woman the towel. "Your welcome." Brooke replied with a half smile on her face.

Everyone had both Rosco and now Bo on their minds. "I sure hope Bo is careful it's raining awful hard out there." Daisy said worried. "Uncle Jesse can I borrow your pick up so I can go and make sure he's alright?" Luke asked his Uncle. "Yes, but you be careful too we don't need three people with hurt limbs." Uncle Jesse ordered Luke. "Yes Sir." Luke said as he caught the keys that were tossed to him.


"These roads are so dang slippery." Bo said to himself as the lightning stuck in front of him and the thunder rolled.



Bo sped as fast as he could to the nearest blood bank. He knew that if he crashed Rosco would have to wait even longer, but if he didn't speed Rosco would just get worse.

In the darkness he eyed a 'detour' sign. "Oh...hell no!!!" he yelled to no one in particular. Within seconds his foot was on the excellerater and the General lurched into mid-air. The sudden pressure on his leg did hurt, but he ignored it and drove on. Hang on Rosco...Bo prayed silently.


"oh J.D., do you think those boys'll get the blood for my little baby brother?"

"I think the answer is the same it was 10 seconds ago: yes. Really cupcake, that boy's driving has saved and ruined me on many occasions." Boss already had another cigar in his mouth.

Jesse smiled, "If I know Bo, he'll be back in time."


The General made twists and turns on the muddy roads, one mistake and Bo would be in a world of hurt. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel of the General, "Cummon General, don't you dare fail me now." The sights of the next available hospital came into view over the hill. Bo decided to cut some time and move cross-country. As he sped over the bumpy hillsides the General lurched into the air and landed neatly on the pavement. The blond man jerked his car to a stop in front of the hospital.

When he first came in the nurse was shocked to see this sopping wet pretty boy. "I'm here for the O negative."

"Oh yes, Doctor Williams of Hazzard hospital called ahead. I'll get it in a couple of seconds."

Bo could just wait and breathe heavily while he waited for the nurse to return. She came back quickly with the blood but to Bo it seemed just short of eternity...

She handed him a large cooler, "Here ya go hon, godspeed."

"Thank ya kindly," he tossed her a quick smile and then limped quickly outside again. He gently lay the blood on the seat next to him and climbed back in. And tore off again into the night.


On the dark roads Luke saw the General fly past him, going at a speed that the thought of made Luke sick. He reached for the CB, but thought better of it. The last thing he wanted was to distract his younger cousin. Turning a 180, the black haired Duke then sped in the direction of the General.


The doctor put the blood on, Bo was sitting down with a towel over his shoulders.

"He owes you alot..." The doctor said sadly, "At least now he stands a chance."




When the doctor said that the room got completely silent. Uncle Jesse changed the subject. "I wonder where Luke could be?" Just as that was said Luke swung open the hospital door.

"Bo Duke what the heck did you think you were doin goin that fast on a slick road?" Luke yelled. "I was tryin to save Rosco's life, In case you didn't know and what the heck were you doin following me!?" Bo snapped back. "Boys settle down!" Uncle Jesse broke up what almost seemed to turn into a fist fight.

"Now you boys don't need to add more trouble by causing a fued." Uncle Jesse firmly told the two cousins. "Yes Sir." Bo and Luke both replied at almost the same time.

They all sat and watched the doctor pump the blood into Rosco's system.

All of a sudden the power went out and the blood wasn't near finished gettin into Rosco. "We have to get the ol' generator runnin so we can get the rest of that blood into him." The doctor said to everyone in the room. No one could see, but Boss had happen to have had his lighter out ready to light a cigar.



"Wouldn't ya know it!" Bo spat, "It's always somethin'!"

Cooter reached over and smoothly grabbed Boss's lighter, "I'll be back quicker then you can say juni-bug...Hey doc, show me where the generater is."

The doctor nodded, and both left down the halls.

Brooke exchanged a quick glance with Luke. "Why the heck do things just have to get a whole lot worse?"

"Because that's Hazzard for ya..." Bo interupted, he was resting his chin on his cane again.




"There is never a day in Hazzard that you can just sit back and relax for the entire day." Luke added.

"I can see that." Brooke said under her breath.

It was still storming really bad, so they had the light of the lightning for the time being.

Soon the lights flickered, but failed to stay on.

"Looks like Cooter almost has em on." Bo said breaking the silence, his head still resting on his cane.

There was a big crack of thunder that took everyone by suprise. "Good heavens, that scared me." Lulu said as she took a big bite of fried chicken.

"Darn it, what's taken Cooter so long he almost had it." Luke asked not really asking anyone.


  • 2 weeks later...

"Finally." Daisy said quietly to herself as the lights turned on. Cooter walked into the hospital room. "Well I got em back on." Cooter announced when he entered.

"Now let's get back to gettin that blood put in Rosco." The doctor said walking in shortly after Cooter.

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Uncle Jesse added to the conversation.

The doctor re-hooked up Rosco to the machine and began pumping the blood into his system again. Everyone just watched with relief that the power was on and Rosco was still alive.


  • 3 weeks later...

When everyone else had already gone to the lobby for whatever reason, Bo remained in Rosco's room sitting by Rosco's bedside. Seemingly entranced by the steady 'beep' of the heart monitor. Bo gritted his teath as the pain in his leg fired up again.

"T-that looks like it hurts..." The soft voice came from Rosco, making Bo smile through the pain.

"Rosco! You're awake."

"I...need you to forgive me...if that ain't too much to ask. What happened to your leg. I'm so sorry."

"...No fault of yours..."

Rosco found himself suprised by Bo's forgiveness, "...Oh god I must be diein'!" The sherrif exclaimed, paniced. Bo shook his head.

"No. Don't worry. I was wrong to be such an ass. I was bitter, heck, I still am. I'll never walk right again Rosco, you need to understand that kind of hatred doesn't leave easily, but it does leave with time." Bo stood and limped around to the window, staring blankly into the storm, "Rosco...Cooter told me about the night of the accident. How filled with guilt you were and still are...I'm in constant pain Rosco. I wasn't bitter toward you for taking my leg, I was bitter because you didn't take my life..."

Rosco was shocked hearing this.

"I don't wanna live like this," Bo continued, then glanced at Rosco, a sad smile on his face, "But it ain't like I have much of a choice. It's either live like this or die." He had taken to staring out the window again, "And I don't know about you, but I think I'll take life over death any day."

"So...you're better now?" Rosco asked.

"Better? No, I can't fight, I can't run, and I can barely drive. In all honesty I wanted to go back to the NASCAR circuit but...but they think a cripple is too much of a liability. I'm stuck in Hazzard and I'm afraid. If I can't do any of the things I used to then I won't be able to clear my name or such, I'm the weakest Duke in the clan now..."

"I understand..." Rosco said admirably, "You can't fight back anymore, so you're afraid you'll become a liability to your family."

Bo nodded, "Not only that but if I can't clear my name then I'll go to jail. You should take what I'm about to say as a warning. I can live with my leg the way it is, but I can't-won't live if I lose my freedom as well." he turned to Rosco, seeming to be angrier than he had all night, except when he duked it out with Cooter. "I swear if I go to jail, I'll kill myself if only to spite you."

Rosco nodded, "I understand...you have my word, that you won't be taken advantage of because of your injury. I swear on my momma's grave."

Grinning at the older man Bo said, "That's all I could ask for..."


OOC: Alright ya'll, sorry I haven't been on in *thinks* quite some time. So yeah, sorry again for lack of updates.



The two seemed to completely forget everyone else was in the room with them because they were all silent. Everyone just watched the two men talk and work things out. Tears started to come to both their eyes as they realized what they had done to each other.

"I really am sorry Bo." Rosco said once again just so he could be reassured that everything was ok between them. "I know you are Rosco and I'm sorry for being so bitter to ya." Bo replied looking Rosco square in the eyes. "I'm also sorry that this happened to you." Bo added on. "It ain't yer fault." Rosco said softly.

Both men were in great pain emotionally and physically. This all seemed like a nightmare, but it was really happening. Bo looked around the room remebering that everyone was there. They all had tears running down their cheeks. They were happy that the two settled things and yet sad that both were probably injured for life.


  • 3 months later...

"Why do I feel so dizzy?" Rosco asked when he awoke the next morning.

The nurse smiled, "The morphine."

"When will I get the word on my arm?"

"The doctor still needs to run a couple blood tests to see if there are any clots. You're sceduled for surgery as soon as you're cleared."

Everyone had left the previous night, Rosco sighed, Boss had said he'd visit him today. Enos wouldn't, being to busy upholing the law by himself.

Suddenly there was a knock at his door, the Sheriff imediatly lightened up. "Who's there?"

Daisy opened the door, Brooke behind her. "Hey Rosco, think there's someone here who wants to see you." Luke Stepped around them and into the room, holding Flash. Rosco smiled as he reached over with his good arm to take the basset hound.

Bo limped in behind them, leaning on the wall, "I'd sure love to stick around, but I gotta meet with the theripist." He shot Rosco a quick smile and left.


He hated visits to his theripist. The man was doing little good, but Boss was paying for it so it didn't cost his family anything.



  • 18 years later...

Bo dragged himself into the therapist's room he hated it here. All the guy did would say you never will be able to run again but have the chance to walk. "Hey" his therapist said  when he walked in. Bo just looked at him. As the session went on the guy only said negative things that would happen. Bo couldn't bear to hear no more. He just got up and stormed out. As he got to the general and drived a few miles so much pain shot through he had to stop he got out and laid on the ground the pain was worse then when the accident happened. He laid on the ground for 30 minutes and the pain was only getting worse. He managed to get close enough to the general to get to the cb, but then he stopped maybe if he just stayed here he would die. It is a place that his family could get to but would never look. More pain shot through his leg that made him cry out. He thought to himself I want to die but not like this. He called. " luke where you at." " just west of old mill road ." Luke responded.  " can you come to old man's cave I got to give you something." He asked. " be there in 5." As Bo waited he thought to the night it happened. 

Pull over duke boy you speeding. Rosco said. You and i both know i ain't spending. Bo said with a laugh. Bo exploded with laughter as Rosco tried to come up with a excuse as of why he was pulling him over. He was laughed so hard he hit the puddle and spun out of control. He hit something then something hit him. Then he was at the hospital next thing he knows. " gosh." He cryed as he clutched his leg. A few seconds later luke pulled up. " what happened bo." Luke asked as he rushed towards him. " just some really bad pain." Bo said as he grimaced. " for heavens sake Bo your bleeding." Ljke exclaimed. He looked down and he was. Then he blacked out.



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