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While Simpson clearly rose to the challenge of Daisy, she's quick to downplay the role's demands. "Some acting coaches write all over your script and break it down like it's an English class," she says, then pauses. "Daisy Duke ain't deep." She laughs. "She just needs to talk with an accent, smile, and show some cleavage. With a southern accent, you can make anything sound good. You can just say"—she bats her eyes at me and softly coos—" 'Ah laahk you....' " Works for me.





While Simpson clearly rose to the challenge of Daisy, she's quick to downplay the role's demands. "Some acting coaches write all over your script and break it down like it's an English class," she says, then pauses. "Daisy Duke ain't deep." She laughs. "She just needs to talk with an accent, smile, and show some cleavage. With a southern accent, you can make anything sound good. You can just say"—she bats her eyes at me and softly coos—" 'Ah laahk you....' " Works for me.


It ain't that Daisy's part isn't too deep...it's because the writers had to dumb it up a bit just so she could understand it. The original Daisy was quite smart. But Jessica's NOSE kept getting in the way and she couldn't read the lines in the script. Had to shorten them up so she could memorize them.

Not that I'm mean or anything towards her, but I didn't appreciate a few things she did down here...thus the justified smack.


It ain't that Daisy's part isn't too deep...it's because the writers had to dumb it up a bit just so she could understand it. The original Daisy was quite smart. But Jessica's NOSE kept getting in the way and she couldn't read the lines in the script. Had to shorten them up so she could memorize them.

Not that I'm mean or anything towards her, but I didn't appreciate a few things she did down here...thus the justified smack.


Too bad her southern accent sucks. I speak a better drawl than she does.....and I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay north of the Mason Dixon line. Sugar.

Too bad they had to dumb down Daisy Duke so Jessica could handle the part.

Too bad Jessica's legs suck and she herself has to play up her other "assets."

Too bad the media can't go one freakin' day without Simpson being in a magazine or on the freakin' TV!!!! GAAAAAAAH!!!


Too bad her southern accent sucks. I speak a better drawl than she does.....and I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay north of the Mason Dixon line. Sugar.

Too bad they had to dumb down Daisy Duke so Jessica could handle the part.

Too bad Jessica's legs suck and she herself has to play up her other "assets."

Too bad the media can't go one freakin' day without Simpson being in a magazine or on the freakin' TV!!!! GAAAAAAAH!!!

Too bad the media can't go one freakin' day without Simpson being in a magazine or on the freakin' TV!!!! GAAAAAAAH!!!

Yeah, it's as if she's saying "Please pay attention to ME!!!" But she's really not interesting. Nothing more than an average looking girl who acts like a celebrity....and it works! She announced to the world that she got the role of Daisy long before she did. That really put the pressure on the studio to cast her in a role that I think they knew she was all wrong for. An average looking country star, maybe. Average looking pop star, um no.

Too bad the media can't go one freakin' day without Simpson being in a magazine or on the freakin' TV!!!! GAAAAAAAH!!!

Yeah, it's as if she's saying "Please pay attention to ME!!!" But she's really not interesting. Nothing more than an average looking girl who acts like a celebrity....and it works! She announced to the world that she got the role of Daisy long before she did. That really put the pressure on the studio to cast her in a role that I think they knew she was all wrong for. An average looking country star, maybe. Average looking pop star, um no.


It's all Jess all the time there are other people in this movie she has a butt ye so we all have a butt she has breast's ye all of us women have them she doesn't have anything more then the rest of us do. But it's Jess this and Jess that like she the a queen are something


It's all Jess all the time there are other people in this movie she has a butt ye so we all have a butt she has breast's ye all of us women have them she doesn't have anything more then the rest of us do. But it's Jess this and Jess that like she the a queen are something


I'll give Jessica this much. What she lacks in talent and personality, she makes up in sleaze and publicity.

I'd read in an MSN article awhile back, that Jessica's father sends press releases and stuff to various media outlets dang near continually. Thing is...nobody can stay on top forever. Ok, she was in the Dukes movie. Now what?

What next?

She can only talk about her "accomplishments" for so long. Now that she's portrayed herself as a hip-grinding, boot-walking, chest-bobbing tart, she'll probably enjoy a limited career of cameo roles and Playboy magazine appearances. And with her propensity to demand all the media attention, I can't see other celebrities lining up to work with her.

In fact, I think all this media drum-beating by Jessica Incorporated, is being done in hopes that the Next Big Offer will fall into her lap. ( Or bounce up into her undercarriage.)



I'll give Jessica this much. What she lacks in talent and personality, she makes up in sleaze and publicity.

I'd read in an MSN article awhile back, that Jessica's father sends press releases and stuff to various media outlets dang near continually. Thing is...nobody can stay on top forever. Ok, she was in the Dukes movie. Now what?

What next?

She can only talk about her "accomplishments" for so long. Now that she's portrayed herself as a hip-grinding, boot-walking, chest-bobbing tart, she'll probably enjoy a limited career of cameo roles and Playboy magazine appearances. And with her propensity to demand all the media attention, I can't see other celebrities lining up to work with her.

In fact, I think all this media drum-beating by Jessica Incorporated, is being done in hopes that the Next Big Offer will fall into her lap. ( Or bounce up into her undercarriage.)


she has breast's ye all of us women have them she doesn't have anything more then the rest of us do.

Actually, she does. The amount of air she has in her chest is equal the amount of air in her head.

When somebody whispers in your ear, Ms. Simpson, does it echo? Just curious.

As for her accomplishments.... what accomplishments? As I noted in the front page news update of July 9th, her rendition of "These Boots are Made for Walking" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at #33. This is her highest chart debut, ever. Her highest?! Upon further reading I learned she's had only one top 10 hit, back in '99 I believe. The girl is hardly making a dent in the music business, yet with all the media coverage you'd think she was next Elvis or something!

Therefore, upon further pondering I realized that her claim to fame is nothing more than the ability to over expose herself to cover up for lack of any credible talent. As Brian put it she's a "hip-grinding, boot-walking, chest-bobbing tart." And to fulfill that role, brains are not required.

End of rant. LOL

she has breast's ye all of us women have them she doesn't have anything more then the rest of us do.

Actually, she does. The amount of air she has in her chest is equal the amount of air in her head.

When somebody whispers in your ear, Ms. Simpson, does it echo? Just curious.

As for her accomplishments.... what accomplishments? As I noted in the front page news update of July 9th, her rendition of "These Boots are Made for Walking" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at #33. This is her highest chart debut, ever. Her highest?! Upon further reading I learned she's had only one top 10 hit, back in '99 I believe. The girl is hardly making a dent in the music business, yet with all the media coverage you'd think she was next Elvis or something!

Therefore, upon further pondering I realized that her claim to fame is nothing more than the ability to over expose herself to cover up for lack of any credible talent. As Brian put it she's a "hip-grinding, boot-walking, chest-bobbing tart." And to fulfill that role, brains are not required.

End of rant. LOL


I love it when women comment on this topic. Their thoughts aren't clouded by the "unga, me like boobies" mentality that is so often taught to men. To me, that means that maybe women haven't entirely lost faith in our gender.


I love it when women comment on this topic. Their thoughts aren't clouded by the "unga, me like boobies" mentality that is so often taught to men. To me, that means that maybe women haven't entirely lost faith in our gender.


Her mom once put her (J. S.) IQ at a genius-level 160. Jessica Simpson a genius don't me laugh. A flea is smart then she is.

While Simpson clearly rose to the challenge of Daisy,( It must not have been a very big of a challenge) she's quick to downplay the role's demands. "Some acting coaches write all over your script and break it down like it's an English class," she says, then pauses. "Daisy Duke ain't deep." She laughs. "She just needs to talk with an accent, smile, and show some cleavage. With a southern accent, you can make anything sound good. You can just say"—she bats her eyes at me and softly coos—" 'Ah laahk you....' " Works for me.

In other words she made Daisy into a clueless slut who had to use her body to get anything done. My question is how could WB let that happen? Why let Jessica ruin the hard work that Cathy did to make to make Daisy Duke someone young girls could look up. When I was little girl I thought that was how I wanted to be. Pretty, smart, able to drive fast cars, and be able to get myself out of jam not wait for some else to do for me. From all I've seen of the movie. Jessica completely undone Cathy's work. Why WB? WB must run by a bunchof horny teenage boys. Or they wouldn't have downplayed Daisy Duke.


Her mom once put her (J. S.) IQ at a genius-level 160. Jessica Simpson a genius don't me laugh. A flea is smart then she is.

While Simpson clearly rose to the challenge of Daisy,( It must not have been a very big of a challenge) she's quick to downplay the role's demands. "Some acting coaches write all over your script and break it down like it's an English class," she says, then pauses. "Daisy Duke ain't deep." She laughs. "She just needs to talk with an accent, smile, and show some cleavage. With a southern accent, you can make anything sound good. You can just say"—she bats her eyes at me and softly coos—" 'Ah laahk you....' " Works for me.

In other words she made Daisy into a clueless slut who had to use her body to get anything done. My question is how could WB let that happen? Why let Jessica ruin the hard work that Cathy did to make to make Daisy Duke someone young girls could look up. When I was little girl I thought that was how I wanted to be. Pretty, smart, able to drive fast cars, and be able to get myself out of jam not wait for some else to do for me. From all I've seen of the movie. Jessica completely undone Cathy's work. Why WB? WB must run by a bunchof horny teenage boys. Or they wouldn't have downplayed Daisy Duke.


Just remember this when you think of Jessica Simpson... Where are Britney Spears and Tara Reid nowadays?

Both said they were smart and talented... Spears hasn't had a hit in years and the only reason she is in the media is because of her scummy marriage. Tara Reid said she was MENSA material and her last movie was ALONE IN THE DARK.

What do all of these "actresses" (I use that term loosely) have in common?

In a few years Playboy will be sending them a check like they do every other actress that has washed up. IE. Suzanne Summers, Tiffany, Farrah Fawcett, etc.

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