dukesran1 Posted May 10, 2005 Posted May 10, 2005 Ok so what if Jessica is blone and the Bo and Luke dont dress or acted like the original's. The tralor looks good and just maybe they wont act or look dumb when the movie comes out. But yet some people already have there minds made up that this movie is going to suck. Im not saying it going to win an ocser. But the movie might just suprise people but the problem is that when Starsky and Hutch came out and movie i liked but it's was'nt like the show and it was'nt funny but it was good then people toke that movie and made it the drewing board for other movies that would be made from other old tv show that if it suck then other movie's that Hollywood would make would suck. Just becuase Starsky and Hutch did'nt make the old Starsky and Hutch look good does'nt mean this movie will be the same. some just need to chile out seat back and give the movie a change. sorry to sound so preache Quote
Divia Posted May 11, 2005 Posted May 11, 2005 I think many people object to the casting. Without a good cast it doesnt matter how good the story is written its still gonna suck. And I think thats why people are standoffish about this movie.It seems that many believe that the DOH shoudl be updated and they have no problem with that but they think the cast is wrong.Besides, people can like or hate whatever they wish. Its their decision. People hated Catwoman before it came out. Same with Elektra. Quote
Virgin Enos Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 a vew varius reasons people might be sceptical1 The cast2 the fact that it isn't famliy rated3 It may not have a whole lot of resemblence twords the original show Quote
popozezo Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 i cannot speak for everyone so ill say why it pisses me offthe cast is a) jackass.................luke wasnt an ass b)american pie..........bo wasnt a retard c)a dumb blonde ......daisy was smart!!.....nor was she slutty d) willie nelson...........thats the right guy e)burt reynolds..........boss was FAT f)the general.............is not some fast and the furious tuner that powerslides and drifts on asphalt.........its a dirt racerand out of curiosity....when did bo and luke ever blow themselfs up with dynomite arrows(watch the trailer closely)that being said.... the movie alone would be good, but they are taking a show that people love and changing it.....if they took your spouses head off and replaced it with a fish head, would you still like them the same.....i think not!!!!!!! Quote
travelerF150 Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 For one thing the General can never be a tuner car because it's rear wheel drive and has a V-8, and another thing the General wasn't a dirt racer it was a stock car. Two completly different machines. Dirt racers are built from the frame up and have been for decades, stock cars are cars that you buy from a manufacturer, i.e. Ford , Dodge, Chevy, and modify to fit whatever catagory you wish to race. Another thing, Daisy had no problem using her body to get what she wanted. How many time did she flag someone down wearing a bikini or having her legs showing from underneath a car with the hood up? Quote
Scott Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 All I gotta say is, get over it. Anybody will knock anything to shreds, that's their right. On this particular site, we are pretty much all for the movie and ready for it to hit the big screen. It hurts my ears listening to people complain about the small stuff, but on this site there should be no complaining. I strongly believe even the people that talked smack will eventually see the movie one way or the other. They'll rent it and watch it while they're alone in a dark living room and go, "COOL". My only complaint is I watched the filming every weekend and helped with many aspects. To know how the stunts were done and how long it took for each stunt to be done and...well, you know...I'm afraid I'll be analyzing the movie at every frame instead of enjoying the meat of it. I guess I'll just break down and get the DVD so I can see it over and over. By the way, the DVD is going to be the best! For all the extras I mean.I think a majority of the money to be made on this movie will come from the original DOH generation. From the link I attached, is where the rest will come from. My 11 year old just watched the trailer again for, like, the 50th time. He's loving it and that fuels me even more to want to go see it! I foresee this car/movie/cast will generate millions in toy sales alone. We'll see. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y10/Scott225/goodoleboy1.jpgOh, and Traveler? You da man. Quote
Virgin Enos Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 SWS and Knoxville may have acted like morons in there other moiviebit that doesn't mean they will act stupid in this one.Jessica is hot and if your sceptical about her acting read article from USA(posted on this site , link on the main page) featureing mention of outraged fans on this siteHer fame brings a lot more attention from the press and will attract an audiance that wouldn't have bothered to see the movie otherwhiseThe General is an American Musle car. I am very thankfull that there where no royce burners because this isn't the Fast and the Ferious(otherwise poul walker would have been BO)Kids today are too obsessed with royce burners . They don't know anything about mucle cars. ( as far as Im concered theres NOTHING cool about a roce burner)Considering the trailer is getting good feedback I wouldn't worry about itIt should do well Quote
Divia Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 This is what I get for n going to the main page of any MB site I go to. Anyway, it would have been interesting if they had used some of our comments for the article Quote
H^zz^rd(0unty Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 I dont know y people are judging a movie be4 it comes out . It looks good. Personally, I like the cast also. If u dont like the way it looks tell me, and why. Quote
Divia Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 Enos shouldnt have facial hair...its just wrongJessica Simpson is a ditz. Plus from the trailer her accent sounds fake..and she's southern..you figure that out..Burt Reynolds shouldnt be boss hogg. Hogg..play on words..fat man..not tall and skinny.People are upset with the casting. They dont think it fits well. Well not everyoen but a lot of people. I dont think they have a problem with the plot or the car jumps etc but the casting is what most of us seem to be caught up on. Thats what bothers peopleI, and I think many others, understand that the original cast couldn't be used. And I think for the most part they understand that..but the one they have now is just..well ick. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 Responding to Scott, from a few posts up.... who actually said "on this site, there should be no complaining...." Man, I hope you didn't mean "HazzardNet" as in "this site" because we've got a long history of havin' vocal opinions. Before the movie, we used to complain about some of the episodes, and Coy and Vance, and other websites, and each other. Heck, you shoulda heard us when TNN cancelled the Dukes reruns a few years ago. So hopefully, none of you movie makin' folks are gonna take things personally. We rant, therefore we are. ( Actually, you should be more worried if we were completely apathetic and weren't stirred up about it at all. )I agree that the stunts look awesome. And I'll admit that the jokes in the trailer seem amusing after three or four beers. But cold sober, the T&A jokes aren't even clever. The "Revenge of the Nerds" ( or equal B movie of your choice) had better dialogue than this, and I'll beat up on that all day. May something bounce up into the undercarriage of the writers and lodge there awkwardly. That aside, I think the division of opinion in the fandom is over a core concept that nobody making this film stopped to consider. You are messing with the very definition of something we love dearly. For example: You can take away a kid's favorite toy, and take it apart to try and make it better. You can take away some parts and add others. You can make it fancier. You can make it faster. You can make it more exciting.But you could hand that same toy back to the kid when you're done, and have him disappointed, because somethin' he loved and cherished doesn't look or feel the same anymore. Doesn't mean it won't get played with....but why couldn't things have been rebuilt more true, to that which was? In that analogy, I'm referencing not only the casting, but the personas and image of the characters. Maybe we've been using the term "casting" too broadly when talking about what we don't dig. We'll recognize the General Lee - at least by the 2nd half of the film, after ya'll are done apologizing for the rebel flag, if you ain't already cut that scene. But we won't recognize the people as being the Dukes we know - not even in spirit. (exception being Willie Nelson as Jesse.) I'm sure the movie will be cool for the car stunts and the action. Never a doubt there. But regarding the rest - the movie will probably be something less than it could have been. It all depends on what Hazzard County is, by definition, to the viewer. Brian Quote
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