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THE CAST: Johnny Knoxville: Luke

Seann William Scott: Bo

Willie Nelson: Jesse

Jessica Simpson: Daisy

M.C. Gainey: Rosco

Burt Reynolds: Boss Hogg

1969 Dodge Charger: The General Lee

MUSIC: Good Ol Boys: Willie Nelson

Call Me The Breeze: Willie Nelson

(Both confirmed by Willie, Himself)


FILMING DATES: July 2004 - March 2005

IS THE ORIGINAL CAST INVOLVED: No, however it was rumored that a few of the stunt crew, went to the location to check things out.

IS THERE A REBEL FLAG ON THE GENERAL: Yes, however the boys defend it in a scene.

IS THE GENERAL THE SAME AS IN THE SHOW: Basically, except for some chrome, and a cd player.

IS IT GOING TO BE LIKE STARSKY AND HUTCH WAS: Thank God no, according to the actors, and producers it is more like Smokey and the Bandit, and the Blues Bros.


Who the balladeer is

Where's Cooter, Enos, and Cletus

Why they picked Knoxville and Scott, for Bo and Luke

Why they picked Jessica Simpson, for Daisy

Why they picked Willie Nelson, for Jesse

Why they picked Burt Reynolds, for Boss Hogg


Toby Keith as the balladeer

The movie will win a Oscar

Hope this helps!


IS THERE A REBEL FLAG ON THE GENERAL: Yes, however the boys defend it in a scene.

From what I heard, it's more like they play ignorant than actually "defend" it.

IS IT GOING TO BE LIKE STARSKY AND HUTCH WAS: Thank God no, according to the actors, and producers it is more like Smokey and the Bandit, and the Blues Bros.

They should remake Smokey and the Bandit and the Blues Brothers, because then there'd be an excuse to make something that was LIKE THE DUKES OF HAZZARD! (I am aware that these are Duke-ish movies and not bad for some new concept, but why set out to make it like something similar instead of making it like the original?).


I can't wait to see the movie and it sounds awesome to me but if it wins and Oscar for anything besides the sound track or stunt cooridination I'll consider that one of the seven signs the world is coming to an end.


Who the balladeer is

Where's Cooter, Enos, and Cletus

Why they picked Knoxville and Scott, for Bo and Luke

Why they picked Jessica Simpson, for Daisy

Why they picked Willie Nelson, for Jesse

Why they picked Burt Reynolds, for Boss Hogg


How true. How True!!!!!

They should remake Smokey and the Bandit and the Blues Brothers, because then there'd be an excuse to make something that was LIKE THE DUKES OF HAZZARD! (I am aware that these are Duke-ish movies and not bad for some new concept, but why set out to make it like something similar instead of making it like the original?).

I agree. WTH. If you want to make SMokey and the Bandit then do it!!!! I swear in one interview they kept talking about Smokey and the Bandit. DOH was mentioned in passing once or twice. Thats nice, but isnt this suppose to be DOH?


Where's Cooter, Enos, and Cletus

Dont worry they are in the movie and here are the people playing as them

Cooter is played by David Koechner who also played in Anchorman with Will Ferrell


Enos is played by Micheal Weston who also played in Coyote Ugly

Cletus is played by Jack Polick who also played in Jackass and Jackass the Movie (no photo available)

i wouldntve picked Anyone else to portay Jesse's part!

im gone.

I was actually hoping for Willie Nelson for this role long before they cast him. He's the ONE human cast member they got right (unless he smokes pot as Uncle Jesse, then I've lost nearly all respect for the man). Not only is Willie a long time friend of the legendary Waylon Jennings, his face bears a striking resemblance to Denver Pyle.


I was actually hoping for Willie Nelson for this role long before they cast him. He's the ONE human cast member they got right (unless he smokes pot as Uncle Jesse, then I've lost nearly all respect for the man).

I agree, I think that Willie was a good choice and I had hoped that he would be connected with the movie somehow. I'm hoping that the pot was just a rumor....we'll see.

I also am hoping that Burt Reynolds does ok as Boss...now granted a "skinny" Boss Hogg is pretty strange, but hopefully Burt can pull it off.

I'm not trilled with any of the other casting decisions, but I'm still hoping that at least the movie will be enjoyable. At any rate, for me, the car is really the star of the movie. I'll be going just to see the General flying across the big screen.



I didn't say they werent good choices, I agree with willie as jesse. I just used that line to stop the why this and why that questions. Bo and Luke leave a little to be desired. I would of liked to have seen this for a cast

and for a movie.

Bo: Kid Rock

Luke: Joquin Phoenix (The guy from ladder 49) or Shooter Jennings

Daisy: Shannon Elizabeth

Rosco: Jeff Bridges

Enos: Jim Belishi

Cooter: Travis Tritt

Jesse: Willie Nelson

Boss Hogg: Well, there isn't many short chubby actors.....But, little enos, from smokey and the bandit, (I'd like to kick them duke boys just once)

Balladeer: Toby Keith.

Music: Willie doing the theme. Use "In the Drivers seat", from the 1981 soundtrack, in the opening scenes.

Storyline: The dukes lose the farm and the only way to get it back is to go back bootlegging. Make it a cross between, the Moonrunners, White Lightning, and Smokey and the Bandit. The timeframe would be within the first 5 episodes. The Dukes lose the farm, and since Boss, has them over a barrel, Jesse has to break his deal with the Goverment. The only thing is Boss, dont know that Jesse and the Boys are wearing a wire to set up Boss, to put him in jail. They have to start in Hazzard, and goto Birmingham.

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