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The best things come to those who wait right?

No thats a bunch of crap. That runs along the same vein as "when god closes a a door he opens a window." BS. He closes and locks both the window and door and lets you die a slow painful death. :evil:

So they were worried about Herbie the Love Bug and decided to change the date of the opening? Thats really freakin sad. If this movie cant stand up against Herbie the movie can't be that good. I mean common. Herbe? Honestly.


They pushed the movie back so they dont have to compete against their own movie, Batman, and so they dont have to go up against Star Wars. They look at it as which date will bring in the most money. I think it was a good move by the company. If it was up agaist Star Wars it would lose b\c of the star wars following nad the movie being in sequels. By pushing the movie back a couple of dates it will draw bigger attendance numbers and thats what leads to sequels.


Batman begins June 17th. I found two different release dates.

Star Wars comes out in May...what 19th or something like that? Thats more than a month before the rumored June 24th date.

So why not start it in July then? Whats the point in waiting till Aug. What's coming out in July. Seeing how I dont know every flippin movie that comes out every week or month. Please enlighten me.


My newspaper did a summer movie review this past weekend . It lists the DOH movie as Aug 5th.....

Don't forget Burt Reynolds is also in another potential summer blockbuster - the remake of The Longest Yard (Adam Sandler) . That could also be areason the movie got pushed back.

Just a thought on that


I thought all summer movies were suppose to be blockbusters. ??

I mean isnt that how they market them usually?

August is still in summer, and they probably want to push it back so that they arent' going up against the big dogs. WB probably still doesn't have a whole lot of faith in The Dukes of Hazzard (just look at how they felt the need to pad it with famous names), so the less competition the better.


Well Jessica Simpson said that those at WB really liked the movie and want to do a sequel. Who knows.

But I have to confess nothing I have read so far has made me go... :D

Most of it has been :( followed closely by :-?


It doesn't matter how much or how little faith a studio has in a movie, if they have the chance to put a bunch of famous people in a movie they'll go ahead and do it. I think they did a good job with the cast. I know some people wanted Ashton Kutcher and Paul Walker. Well Ashton would make a better Bo than Luke and Paul Walker while I'll admit looks like he could John Schieder's long lost son has already done a couple car movies so that would be a little tired if you ask me. Not to mention when he talks he sounds like a surfer burn-out. Willie is perfect for Uncle Jesse no matter what the script. Jessica Simpson is hot, and I mean Hot! Not to mention just having her in the movie has people all over the country talking about it which is good no matter how you look at it. If they would've used actors who would mearly impersonate the original cast the movie would seem like a cheap knock-off and would suck. And for those of you who want the original cast in the movie, in a perfect world that's the way it would be but it can't. They're not just marketing this movie to fans of the old show, they want teenagers and young adults to go see it and perhapse create a movie franchise.

It doesn't matter how much or how little faith a studio has in a movie, if they have the chance to put a bunch of famous people in a movie they'll go ahead and do it...

If they would've used actors who would mearly impersonate the original cast the movie would seem like a cheap knock-off and would suck...

I completely disagree with both of these statements.

First off, studios always want to attach a famous name to a film. Just look at movie posters, often times they will put the actor's name above the movie title. Look at most of the Schwarzenegger movie covers after he became a famous face, and you'll see that his face fills the cover art. It's all about marketing. They could probably find a body builder would would jump at the chance to star in an action film for about $20 million less than a big name actor, but the studio believes that people want to see another Schwarzenegger movie (and they'd be right). But with something like the Dukes of Hazzard, they should have had the courage to use good actors for the main characters and spend the extra cash on a big name like Devito as Boss Hogg.

The word "impersonator" implies a bad impersonation. Many of the undiscovered actors are just as good as, if not better, than the big names. If you get a starving young actor to play the role, you're going to get someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes your movie and you'll get a more dedicated performance out of them. You wouldn't have to suffer through the pretentious actors who constantly want to "reinterpret" something to make it their own.

They don't need to "update" the Dukes of Hazzard. Its appeal is that it is timeless. When TNN and now CMT brought the show back, young audiences could hardly tell it was an old show. It has a natural timelessness to it. An "update" is only going to serve to make it feel like a cheap knock-off. And shoe-horning famous names into famous roles that aren't them is just going to make it look like a bunch of bad impersonations.


I think they did need to make the movie in the present day otherwise they probably would've just used footage from the t.v. show for the jumps and chase scenes like they did in the first reunion movie. I would've been very disappointed if they would've used those old Plymouths for the police cars. For those of you who don't like a new twist for the movie, don't go see it. The t.v. version is on every weekday on CMT and soon you'll be able to own 3 seasons on DVD. I wouldn't be surprised if they release seasons 4 & 5 if the movie does well. I personally can't wait to see the General fly over a couple Crown Victorias. The only thing I'm skeptical about is the role of Cooter but I'm holding judgement until I see the movie. Everything else is good with me.


If the movie tanks but the fans still want to see the original episodes then there will be DVDs of the other seasons.

I doubt that the success of the movie is the end all be all for the DVDs. Do they want to cash in on new fans and have them buy the origianl episodes? Of course. But if they dont get new fans they are still gonna milk as much money out of DOH as they can.

I have no problem with an updated version. Updated doesnt have to be bad, but Jessica Simpson is bad, the people they got to play Bo and Luke are bad. Burt Reynolds while a great actors isnt the right choice for Boss Hogg.

Better decsions could have been made when casting and from the sounds of it(cooter in a bathrobe worried people are out to get him) some of the ideas they had for the movie just sucks.


I agree. They will have released three seasons on DVD without the movie and it's one of the hottest selling TV series on DVD. If anything, this should really send home the message that they had better make it true to the series if they want the movie to do well.


Earlier in this thread, somebody mentioned that WB was actually showing confidence in this movie project, contrary to how they've normally treated the Dukes. ( I'm too lazy to quote the exact line, it's back there someplace.) Anyhow, if anything scares the hell outta me about the movie - it's that, right there. If WB rued the day they financed the project, I'd be more optimistic.

Still, the official Warner Bros. website says nothing - diddly-squat, nada, zero, zip, zilch - about the Dukes movie. No poster. No release date. No promo for the Dukes under the "Coming Soon." In fact, doing a search for "Dukes of Hazzard" on WB own site, yields...you guessed it, nothin'! Except for a bunch of merchandising ads for the usual crap. Not even a link to the "official" movie site for the wallpaper and buddy icons. ( And even there, none of those look like anyone spent a lot of time making them.)

I figured we'd start seeing the General Lee on a box of Corn Flakes or something by now.

So, if WB truly has confidence in this movie - ya'd think they'd start makin' a little noise.


...ot even a link to the "official" movie site for the wallpaper and buddy icons. ( And even there, none of those look like anyone spent a lot of time making them.)...

No kidding, I modified 'em myself to make 'em look "right"... :lol:


The movie doesn't come out until four months from now. I'm sure they will once it gets closer. Not to mention when I signed on AOL today I was greated by Darth Vader and the General Lee. The buzz on this movie continues to grow.


I thought we would have heard something too. But if it is true that the bloody thing doesnt come out to Aug then maybe thats why they are draggin their butts. Personally, I think they need a kick in the knickers and start promting this thing if they truly believe in it.

Eh, whatever.


Alright here it is. I just picked up the latest edition of Entertainment Weekly and it's the summer movie preview editon. I'll put it on here word for word.

The Dukes of Hazzard

Starring: Johnny Knoxville, Seann William Scott, Jessica Simpson

Directed by: Jay Chandrasekhar

When Scott read an early script for a movie remake of the '80s road-rubes TV series, he thought it "felt like a cheesy episode of the show." But then director Chandrasekhar (Super Troopers) said that he and his Broken Lizard partners were punching it up to make it a funnier, faster film, inspired by what he saw as Dukes' true inspiration:Smokey and the Bandit . "I said, If you're gonna make it cool and country and rock, that's awesome!," says Scott, who plays Bo to Knoxville's Luke. (And what's more country-cool than Willie Nelson as Uncle Jesse?) " I wanted to make sure it wasn't Dude where's my car? in the South."

To ensure that Smokey flavor, Chandrasekhar not only cast Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg, he hired one of Hollywood's top car-chase artists, stunt mastermind Dan Bradley (The Borne Supremecy). " I told Dan I want the chases to feel like when you got in the car with that guy in high school who was out of control," says Chandrasekhar. "You got in that car once and didn't get in again."

Simpson, making her film debut as the boy's nearly kissin' cousin, Daisy, doesn't do much driving, but her short shorts will be handling the curves. "Daisy is an all-American girl," says Simpson. "It's very empowering for a woman, she's a badass but can use her body at the same time," defends Simpson. "I think that's a really cool image to put out there for women." Quick somebody get Condoleezza Rice a pair of hot pants. (August 5th)

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