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Everything posted by BCDR05

  1. Go and THUD! No harm in that! LOL!
  2. I'm with you girl! We'll share! LOL!
  3. HEY! I bet I can beat you all in obsessing over him!
  4. Tom Wopat is the only man, so far, whom I can stand seeing facial hair on and it looks good! Usually facial hair sux, but Tom can go either way, with or without it and still look hot!
  5. Is it just because I'm older now (32) and my tastes are changing or is something good happening to older men? They seem to be sexier than ever these days!!!!!!
  6. Thanks for your help guys over Tom's music: I've ordered his cd! Can't wait!
  7. I don't know about you guys, but I find very clever how they counstructed the original 'dukes of hazzard' tv series around the general lee and it's very real background. That takes alot of thought
  8. You said it! He's the only male I've noticed so far that can wear facial hair and still look good!
  9. As a huge fan of Tom Wopat (have you not guessed yet!) it has come to my attention over the past few days how different Tom looks now compared to when he was younger. Quite frankly, I can't decide, I like the way he looks both now and then! What about you?
  10. DOWN GIRLS!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!
  11. I'm so glad I mentioned all of this! Back in the day, I thought I was the ONLY one who liked Luke, so I kept it to myself! LOL! So glad I wrote that one!
  12. The evil faces are just a WHOLE LOT OF FUN! I'm tired of being nice! LOL!
  13. Hey there! I'm here in Australia and I'm after the same info! What's the model number etc for the 'Dixie Horn'? We saw a horn that looks like the one on the front page of this website the other day in the shops, but it didn't say what tune it played and it was $60! We want the right one! Any help would be great: brand, serial number etc. I'd reallly appreciate it! Thanks a bunch!!!!!
  14. THANKS A BUNCH! I like all genres anyway!
  15. So what genre of music is it? I'm in Australia and therefore haven't heard his stuff. Is it classical, musical or others? Is there uptempo songs on it or is it mostly slow stuff? I'd be interested to hear your response. I can get the cd if I want to but it's very expensive out here, so I would like to find out some more first.
  16. He was definitely more attractive to me too! And I meant he was an ass in a funny way too! Especially when it came to Bo's girls'. No harm intended!
  17. LOL! Only Luke is such an ass to poor ol' Bo! Oh well! Bout time Luke got his dues, Bo always stood out in front! Not in my books though! YEE HAA!
  18. Luke looks good in anything girl!
  19. I've met alot of local Australian celebrities, but the major international ones I've met were the boys from Warrant! If anyone knows the Australian Rugby Union team, Ben Tune used to be in my classes at school and I used to work Daniel Bradshaw from the Brisbane Lions AFL team; I also went to school with Neil Diamonds' partner.
  20. Most serious broadway stars do 7 nights a week with their shows, so by the sounds of it, Tom would probably need to sleep during the day rather than go and do new 'dukes' stuff: even though it would be fun!!!!!!!!!
  21. I don't know much about the movie as I'm in Australia and the best news we get is what you guys say on these websites. I do know though that I have a pet hate for good original tv shows, movies AND music being remade into a whole lot of rubbish. As far as the Dukes movie goes, I think it's wrong to do a movie now after they've already done a reunion movie with the original cast members. Had they done this movie before that, it may have been a different outcome. And it would be dreadful to have the new movie with today's language and violence and all that in it considering the storyline of the original tv series. In my opinion, nothing will ever replace the original of ANYTHING!
  22. I agree with the slogan that 'Dukefan' left in another message "HAZZARD NIGHTMARE"!!!!!!! I'm a huge fan and grew up with the show (I'm 32) and I think it's a sin! Sorry, but they've already done a proper reunion movie, why did they have to go and spoil it with all this rubbish
  23. YOU SAID IT GIRL!!!!!!!
  24. 'Witness for the Persecution' was funny too. That's when bo and luke were minding boss hogg for the fbi. Gettting boss out of the general lee was a crack up!
  25. I have only seen about one season of shows so far and that was the most boring, some are absolutely hysterical (People's Choice) and others are just plain silly
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