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Everything posted by back

  1. Bit off topic, but it was just a gool ol winter country day in canada. Just looking back at the time of the duke boys in the 70's, watching how pure and decent everything was back then i decided to encode some film of my relatives farm through 1950-1977 and little did i know what to find 5 minutes into the flick! Guess my family enjoyed blowing things up http://members.shaw.ca/ecto135back/Burn.wmv im gone. -Brad
  2. Im just curious on how Serious they can both take the roles. im gone. -Brad
  3. I may have to Slightly disagree with you guys there. As a huge Knoxville fan myself, seen all his flicks - hes a half decent actor, where Scott will always be remebered as "Stiffler". and parts as such. but only time will tell. im gone -Brad
  4. Okay, looking at Knoxville and Scott here playing luke & bo it makes me wonder, whos going to be the better actor to portray the part? im gone. -Brad
  5. Thanks to this site (and you guys ) Im right on top of it! i really cant wait for the final release, I'll be there first day - first showing. im gone. -Brad
  6. Didnt someone sometime back post a link to a movie poster? im gone. -Brad
  7. Now, it comes to mind... will the new sets of "Cops N Robbers" type police pusuits live up to the original series? lets be honest guys, not many flicks (aside from gone in 60 seconds) have the best of the best chases. and the original stuntmen had it down to a damn art! the cornering, bumps, etc. think its capable to make it better or at least live up to it? im gone. -Brad
  8. Werent we hoping for a Super Troopers cameo? im gone. -Brad
  9. Gee, I wonder if that trailer made its way to WinMX or Kazaa yet? im gone. -Brad
  10. ATTENTION!!! In 24 hours I will Unfortuneately have to remove the Daisy Duke vid i compiled for y'all. So if ya like it, Download/Host it Now! I apologize for any inconvience i may be causing everybody here but i need to make space for another project on my server. Thank you for your support and kind words on my work. im gone. -Brad
  11. We need an Official Sticky post of links reguarding vids & pics! im gone. -Brad
  12. Hmmmmmm..... I think the classic "Duke Orange" should be an option colour when buying the new charger when released. The 01 however, well I dont know what dodge would think of that. im gone. -Brad
  13. Divia, your a Human Search Engine! LOL Again, thanks for the links! im gone. -Brad
  14. Thanks fior the links Divia! im gone. -Brad PS. Cops up here in Canada can only go as far as a Mustache.
  15. my mistake. Sometimes one just sees one too many movies. im gone. -Brad
  16. i can understand the "Comfort factor" (What comfort?! ) in landing a late 60's muscle car on its nose due to ones experience in jumping them for a living 20 odd some years ago. but if it was to celebrate DOH anniversary one wouldve hopes a Classic Duke boys landing. im gone. -Brad
  17. Okay, Johnny Knoxville is Always going to be best known for his MTV series Jackass and Jackass The Movie. Now ive seen his parts in Duces Wild, MIB 2, Walking Tall, Gte Shorty. He really isnt that bad of an actor, Suprisingly! However a bit of a persons personality Always leaks into the character at hand. And dont be so swift to judge. Hes an Actor. Actors are meant to totally change image, personality & speech (sometimes accent too). Bottom line we Know Luke was the mature one of the bunch... Can Knoxville pull it off? im gone. -Brad
  18. Ive been reading alot of posts reguarding the DOH's film cast, and i'll admit - if they Had to choose Mrs.Jessica Simpson they couldve at Least dyed her hair Brown! like come on, Catherine Bach is one of the single most reconizeable Brunettes from the 70's & 80's! im gone. -Brad
  19. I can understand ones anger of the destruction of Numerous chargers as i belong to a classic car club. However, many can buy the odd automobile kit out there nowadays to just build the whole car itself. Mainly euro rides though. But in a decade or so they'll most likely have a whole catalog chalk full of classics you can just order up straight to your customs shop or home and build it in your spare time. Wont be the same, most likely be made of fiberglass ...but if ones nitpicky enough fenders can be modified, frames scratch built, etc. Some cars will just never leave the roads (cosmetically speaking of course) im gone. -Brad
  20. was buzzin around the net and came across this one vid of a charger stunt gone completely wrong. Great crash though so i took some stills. Enjoy! http://backecto5.tripod.com/charger.html im gone. -Brad
  21. well heck, Catherine's a real cutie but i dont think she intended to have those pics taken. And i respect the gal. As i will for all of my media i whip together. ----More to come, be paitent! im gone. -Brad
  22. Right on, hope your promoted my vids somewhat too. Then again... Bandwidth bills, Bandwidth Bills. im gone. -Brad
  23. Oh, i had a quite well idea of what you wanted, in reguards to the daisy vid i made i think it satisfied gimps needs for the time being. LOL im gone. -Brad
  24. Thanks again guys! the positive responses means tons to me. I figured the guys would get a kick outta it as for the other requests for Other tribute videos Yet to be made one only has so much time to play around on the computer video editing. But hey, I wont forget about your requests! And HazzardNet webmasters... wanna host Daisys Vid too? LOL im gone. -Brad PS. Sorry boys, had to Edit the Nipple shots, it is a Family site after all
  25. An all chase video? thought i pretty much did one already. http://www.hazzardnet.com/videos/dukes_01.wmv im gone. -Brad
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