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Everything posted by back

  1. No General Lees in that vid? Must be an optical illusion And thanks for the update my man. I'll include a vid of me putting tinfoil in my microwave if i can find it. LOL im gone. -Brad
  2. in due time my friend in due time. It actually took me 2hrs to throw that one together. Just hoping for some responses from y'all. im gone. -Brad
  3. ATTENTION!!! In 24 hours I will Unfortuneately have to remove the Daisy Duke vid i compiled for y'all. So if ya like it, Download/Host it Now! I apologize for any inconvience i may be causing everybody here but i need to make space for another project on my server. Thank you for your support and kind words on my work. im gone. -Brad You saw the General Lee vid I made, now get up close & personal with our Daisy Duke. http://members.shaw.ca/ecto135back/DaisyDuke.wmv im gone. -Brad
  4. you want me to do daisy huh? hmmmmmmm.... what man could resist? LOL I NEED PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gone. -Brad
  5. Be a nice addition to the DOH movie DVD huh? LMAO ...in my dreams! im gone. -Brad
  6. Scott are you a Security officer or a Cop? im gone. -Brad
  7. i have a Crowd Hollering over my little dukes short? im gone. -Brad
  8. Well between workloads here ive been piecing together another vid. y'all will have to wait! im gone. -Brad
  9. http://www.big-boys.com/articles/crazydriver1.html Now im not quite sure whats with this guy but its times like these that im glad that he Wasnt a duke! im gone. -Brad
  10. gotta admit the New charger looks mighty aggressive. im gone. -Brad
  11. first off, thanks again for the warm welcome. a very nice difference from other mesage boards ive been to. and you all probably have seen my general lee video, so in honour of my 1st wedding anniversary last summer i threw together a little something for the wife & family. and once again this seems to be the most active forum so it seems only right to post here for the most attention. lol If youve ever wondered what a good ol' counrty style wedding was like in canada, dont ask! were Still paying off the damages my relitaves caused to the 4th floor of the hotel we used. Anyways, this was my 2003 wedding, from me to you guys here at HazzardNet. http://members.shaw.ca/ecto135back/wedsm.rm im gone. -Brad
  12. okay guys & gals, lets got retro (as per usual around here ) for a sec here and go back 20 odd years. theres some things society will Never forget from the 80's. you got Star Wars, back to the future, Indiana Jones, Ghosbusters & Of Course DOH. question is Why wont the dukes ever be forgotten along with the above stated? im gone. -Brad
  13. Thanks tons Dasy! Well, I never thought anything i made like this could ever be so popular! But the great guys & gals here at Hazzardnet are how hosting my little vid, new link is up. http://www.hazzardnet.com/videos/dukes_01.wmv im gone. -Brad
  14. Okay, im a fan. we all are, bottom line is that im still quite new to the community here and public events held within. I was wondering if anyone here has been to dukefest? The reason Why Im asking this is because i own and operate a small local radio station and have several talk shows with people ranging from S. Bishop (storyboard artist from sharktale), Keith V. (Massive collector of Hollywood props including an impressive Ghostbusters collection including a screen used proton pack) to Hank Braxtan (currently one of the top north american independent film makers to date). And currently since i found this board ive been interested in an interveiw with a General lee replica owner/dukefest attendant. So if you dont mind going live on the AM radio band for a while and jabbering about the good ol' boys and what its like to live it ocassionally drop me a message and we'll put something special together. im gone. -Brad
  15. I thought it was a hoot! http://www.jokaroo.com/ecards/funnymovies/funnypolicechase.html im gone. -Brad
  16. Please, ECTO-135 is the name of my rather Huge website. lol Call me Brad And veiws creeping up to 700 now... uhhh... wow. *whipes forhead dreading next months bandwidth bill* But placing finacial payments aside, still im stunned with the responses & hits here! If anyone out there has any dukefest footage (aside from Return to california/georgia) here I could whip up something Really Special for y'all! im gone. -Brad
  17. Well email me bud! LOL we'll set up a time for file transfer over MSN, AIM, Yahoo. Who is the webmaster here anyways? im gone.
  18. WOAH 377 veiws?!?!?!?! crap, i mustve made a good video! 377 veiws... this is gonna cost me. im gone.
  19. Again all, im overwhelmed by the kind words here. youve made me feel quite at home here! and as for Hosting the vid one way or another here Brian, i can reduce the file size, but not without sacrificing image quality. I wouldve placed it in real player format however my "Real Producer" suscription just ran out and the credit cards are a little Maxed out at the moment thus preventing me from re-newing. but if anyone out there can compress the current file, or the high quality one better than 4.79MB all the power to ya! be glad to host it on my server for a little while. im gone.
  20. well guys, like i said - if you want the high quality copy of it (which is really worth it!) id be glad to share it with ya, just message me on one of the messenger ID's i mentioned above when i posted this topic. oh, by the way... over 200 veiws!? holy crap! Gee, i wonder what my bandwidth bill is gonna be this month. im gone.
  21. Well thanks guys! I saw a film put together before with a General montage to the song "General Lee" and thought, Hey! i could do that. so i did, stepped up the tempo a bit and found a song whos lyrics matched where the duke boys drove, home enviroments and personal lifes. Id like to brag that i pretty much nailed it as far a my ego of the moment is concerened. im gone.
  22. Since this seems to be the most frequently visited fourm i feel that its only logical to post a link of this little 4.7MB file where it'll will get the most attention aside from elsewhere. Long story short i do a little data projection on the side for work and i was bored a few months back so i decided to throw a little something special together for personal entertainment. but i had yet to format it into a reasonable file size to share on the net for those with dial up connections. so for those of you here with 56k (or something faster) i have a feeling that this may interest you. To save CPU resources i suggest you right click & "save target as" to obtain this particular file. If you download & Veiw, Please reply with your thoughts on the file! http://www.hazzardnet.com/videos/dukes_01.wmv Enjoy! im gone. PS. Due to personal bandwidth costs i will unfortuneately have to remove the file from the webspace link provided above within a week, However if you are still interested in obtaining the file afterwards for the high res file (50MB) file in the meantime message me on AIM (ECTO135back OR bradbarnes22), yahoo (back9a) or msn messenger (ecto135back@hotmail.com) and i will Gladly provide you with the file of your choice.
  23. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions scott! im gone. -Brad
  24. Okay, I may be new here but Ive always been into the DOH (what child in the eighties wasnt?) and we all also know that the General was (or seemed as) the Real star of the show in many cases. Some may argue. Anyways Ive been lurking around here for about a month or so now reading posts, educating myself on the popular annual dukefest, pics, vids, etc. Now, back in The Day they'd fill the rear of stunt vehicals with cement (correct me if im wrong), balancing out the center of gravity and for the most part sending a stunt driver on a near suicide mission for one hell of a flight! Now, with all that currently in mind weve all seen Gone In 60 Seconds (hopefully the old one And remake with N Cage) and id really bust my balls to see computer animated (as accurate as they may Seem) stunts of the general. Correct me if im wrong? like who here doesnt love a good 20ft of air at 60mph+ resulting in the trashing of a good automobile? Now, ive seen the odd pic here or there of the production stills but im curious with Todays Technology behind it all here what do you think below: how will the cars be controlled? By remote assistance/launch pads (as seen on tasha's site with the old ford)? Will/Should(ve) they gone old school with actual drivers? what problems will be corrected with the jumps (ie: attitude control)? If it is remote driven with dummies in the front seats will the jumps look as good? inperfection is what makes most stunts great. Should we be expecting the general to lean onto 2 wheels, etc? or is that too much to ask for? And finally, How many jumps N' stunts should we be looking forward too? Anyways I guess this doubles up as my greeting post as well, I hope that ive placed a somewhat valid topic up here and look forward to a thoughtful discussion on the subject. im gone. -Brad
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