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Everything posted by back

  1. you can watch & download the movie here: http://www.collegehumor.com/?movie_id=160573 im gone. -Brad
  2. well if ya cant see it OR rent it up there when it comes out on video im Sure that you can rent it online and watch it on your CPU from blockbuster.com if need be. im gone. -Brad
  3. Sweet site! shouldve put it up sooner! LOL im gone. -Brad
  4. Now im not sure if this was brought up before, but is Broken Lizard placing a small cameo for the Super Troopers in there? im gone. -Brad
  5. YAHOO! found this one at collage humor.com heres the Vid: http://www.collegehumor.com/?movie_id=156423 i love it when people do this! im gone. -Brad
  6. Aww shucks MaryAnne! LOL im gone. -Brad
  7. Exactly! can anyone here really picture a Gen Lee Without the flag on the roof? I couldnt! we'll never be able to escape some of the rather nasty things our founding fathers did, its a part of our lifes where we can easily say "I wish that it never happened and im sorry that those things happened to your family". I was jabbering to a neighbour about this yesterday too. hes african and his wife jamacian. they have No problem with the flag as long as its presented Correctly. but my mom, she used to have one of those novelty confed plates on her 91 caprice. an ignorant individual disliked it. i asked WHY. he said because its a racist symbol. racist symbol?! no no no, if i ever "planned" to dislike others that arent white id sell t-shirts reading something like: NATIVES: THE OTHER WHITE TRASH but im Not racist, not by a long shot. i accept those as who they are and deal with it weather there jerk-off's or nice dudes. the world IS diversity. from people liking different things to colour of skin, origin, language, skills, lifestyles, etc. i HAD a plate on my mustang for a little bit a while back just for sh*ts & giggles that and the word Rebel comes into play. and hell, when your driving a classic muscle car plate or no plate its got rebel written all over it anyways. but i removed it. not because of the 1 negitive comment i recived but because my family never originated from the south. somethimes ya just gotta be proper. reguardless, its all just a matter of Ignorance. it really is. people tend to only remember the Bad stuff, never anything cool that happened. i think Alot of people really need a good old fashioned history lesson on what the flag stands for in total and why some people AND States (a state flag right?) choose to "expose" it. and i doubt that aside from our good friends & members from the KKK who hang it mean any harm with it (sarcasim). im gone. -Brad
  8. I posted this comment in another thread but recently in some new model kits (daisy jeep missing dixie decal and general lee missing a confederate decal) and other events in the land of dukes merchendise i felt that this comment needed a thread of its own. *copy & Paste* Ya know guys the film makers here KNOW whats going on here. they KNOW of these mistakes. but i think it all comes down to being politically correct or some bull like that. to boot the confederate flag; thats a Very touchy subject but if you take away the flag from the roof you may as well colour the general blue! theres certian lines that really really shouldnt be crossed, and this is one of them. yes, i will buy the model kit of the jeep. and the general as well If they have a newer one out to add to my general lee collection. However when i do buy these model kits i will correct them with Proper decals (home made of course). the dukes were hot hot hot back in "the day". and people of "colour" (so to speak with NO offence) Understood the reasoning behind the confederate symboling on the cars. its a marking of ones heritage. but dont forget - slavery was everywhere in north america back then! and yes, we do regret the things out great great great great grandpa's pulled off. as a Canadian myself i do know a fair amout of our heritage. and its not that different from the united states. and i do Know what happened 100 years ago. but also 100 plus years ago OUR countries were founded, medicines were discovered, etc. so please place Slavery aside for a second here. Tons of fantastic great discoveries and achivements happened back then that changed the world, forever. if it werent for these events & happenings i probably wouldnt be in front of this computer right now because it wouldnt exist. yes racism does still exist but just to those (small amount in north america) who dont understand other people and have poor social skills (i could insult further, really -i could! ). Anyways... If your from the southern states place that confederate licence plate on, show the love for your country and its heritage. the confederate flag doesnt represent Slavery & Racism. it stands for a Country that once stood built by many many wise people that founded the very ground your standing on. and if people are offended by the confederate flag there IGNORANT! Very Ignorant. the south wasnt about hating people of colour and origin. it was about freedom & opportunity as todays red maple leaf and 50 stars & a few stripes (just 2 examples). So if you hate the confederate flag - why not burn the stars & stripes? burn the red maple leaf while your at it. go for it. if you hate the confederate flag so much your Obvoiusly living in the Wrong country! move to Sweden, Scotland, Japan, Where ever! the confederate flag is one of Many symbols that marks the foundation of a great chunk of land we like to call Home. anyways guys my little rant is done here. Now if any of you disagree on my statement above i can Completely understand. but it was based on fact, not so much opinion. im gone. -Brad
  9. Ya know guys the film makers here KNOW whats going on here. they KNOW of these mistakes. but i think it all comes down to being politically correct or some bull like that. to boot the confederate flag; thats a Very touchy subject but if you take away the flag from the roof you may as well colour the general blue! theres certian lines that really really shouldnt be crossed, and this is one of them. yes, i will buy the model kit of the jeep. and the general as well If they have a newer one out to add to my general lee collection. However when i do buy these model kits i will correct them with Proper decals (home made of course). the dukes were hot hot hot back in "the day". and people of "colour" (so to speak with NO offence) Understood the reasoning behind the confederate symboling on the cars. its a marking of ones heritage. but dont forget - slavery was everywhere in north america back then! and yes, we do regret the things out great great great great grandpa's pulled off. as a Canadian myself i do know a fair amout of our heritage. and its not that different from the united states. and i do Know what happened 100 years ago. but also 100 plus years ago OUR countries were founded, medicines were discovered, etc. so please place Slavery aside for a second here. Tons of fantastic great discoveries and achivements happened back then that changed the world, forever. if it werent for these events & happenings i probably wouldnt be in front of this computer right now because it wouldnt exist. yes racism does still exist but just to those (small amount in north america) who dont understand other people and have poor social skills (i could insult further, really -i could! ). Anyways... If your from the southern states place that confederate licence plate on, show the love for your country and its heritage. the confederate flag doesnt represent Slavery & Racism. it stands for a Country that once stood built by many many wise people that founded the very ground your standing on. and if people are offended by the confederate flag there IGNORANT! Very Ignorant. the south wasnt about hating people of colour and origin. it was about freedom & opportunity as todays red maple leaf and 50 stars & a few stripes (just 2 examples). So if you hate the confederate flag - why not burn the stars & stripes? burn the red maple leaf while your at it. go for it. if you hate the confederate flag so much your Obvoiusly living in the Wrong country! move to Sweden, Scotland, Japan, Where ever! the confederate flag is one of Many symbols that marks the foundation of a great chunk of land we like to call Home. anyways guys my little rant is done here. Now if any of you disagree on my statement above i can Completely understand. but it was based on fact, not so much opinion. im gone. -Brad
  10. Now spread the word, because from what ive heard here the new dukes movie is now showing promos on TV, and they differ from the preveiws on the website. Bottom line, if anyone here can encode it I'll host it! PM me if you got it encoded. im gone. -Brad
  11. I watch the show when i can, Steve smith is a hoot! im gone. -Brad
  12. LMFAO Thats Hilarious. but i gotta ask, how did you pull off that sorta stunt in such a public place? im gone. -Brad
  13. THAT WAS AWSOME! im gone. -Brad
  14. gotta admit that the Newer model police cruisers Smash ALOT better than the old ones. lol im gone. -Brad
  15. I have the WMV dukes trailer on my CPU guys (read my links above you can download it from my server there) and as for Real Alternative, it rocks! as a codec freak myself i dont know how i missed that one! thanks for the link dude. im gone. -Brad
  16. If you guys feel the need to download it you can do so here: http://members.shaw.ca/backecto/dukes.wmv im gone. -Brad
  17. no problem im gone. -Brad
  18. http://members.shaw.ca/backecto/dukes.wmv took a motion screen capture with snagit 7.0. please download in moderation. im gone. -Brad
  19. I got it. I screen capped it from yahoo using snagit. anyone want me to load it onto my server? Not sure about quality though. im gone. -Brad EDIT: got it here for those interested. http://members.shaw.ca/backecto/dukes.wmv
  20. Man oh Man! that looks sweet! Hot chicks, hot cars. im gone. -Brad
  21. weve all heard of people on the internet exchanging songs, TV shows, movies on DVD and movies in theaters through p2p programs like Kazaa or winmx. With this ive learned to buy my music or media off of Kazaa (yes, you can buy music off of Kazaa). However, alot of trailers and such can be found on kazaa that have been video taped in theaters (movies as well i guess, which is very illegal to do - so dont download anything you shouldnt!). bottom line, i think the easiest/most conveinent way for any of us with little time on our hands (if you want to risk it) is TRY to download the DOH Trailer that was aired on Television instead of the one projected in theaters through Kazaa, etc. Reguardless, if any one of you guys can aquire the trailer LEGALLY if it is not posted on the new dukes movie website but has aired on television I'll host it for the lot of ya (just email it to me). unless the good ol boys here at hazzardnet beat me to it. im gone. -Brad
  22. Because hes The Man! i wouldntve picked Anyone else to portay Jesse's part! im gone. -Brad
  23. And the Super Troopers as Themselfs. LOL im gone. -Brad
  24. link? im gone. -Brad
  25. Well apparently after talking to my relatives about that they did not expect the roof to blow off like that! LOL im gone. -Brad
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