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Posts posted by Julieduke

  1. Daisy sighed and hugged her "Mr. Spencer you just better leave!"

    Jesse Says "Daisy, I can't believe Mr. Spencer I am your brother and treat me like this right now as well you can get H1N1 very easy right now since your pregnant that's why Ashley got it as well. But Julie I just don't understand right now how she got it now."

    Julie Says "By Jesse talk to you later, why don't you see how your son is doing right now."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  2. Lulu walked in Ashley and Julie's room and Says "Hey uh listen so you two all by yourself and sorry I heard about Matt getting sick I heard that boy was so stubborn he didn't even want to admit he was sick now. I know you miss your husband and I got my hubby to come down here as well he's is somewhere now as well."

    Julie Says "Aunt Lulu I don't understand how come I'm still sick right now and well I know I didn't hardly touch my breakfest but well I'm tried of plain oatmeal and have had it every morning for the past two weeks is that the only thing they have in the kitchen now as well."

    Ashley Says "Oh yeah they gave me the samething but I like mine Aunt Julie, and you got to eat if you want to get better now as well. Quit being so stubborn yourself now and when is Aunt Lizzy and Aunt Daisy coming by to visit with us as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

    Julie See's Dr. Jesse Spencer walk and he Says "I just found out my son has H1N1 it's deadly and I just talked to you and Ashley's docter and you's both have the very samething please don't tell me your pregnant right now Ashley."

    Ashley Says "I lost the baby two weeks ago Dr. Spencer."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  3. Matt didn't want to his wife about the how Alex Hogg made him a business offer and all he had to was to take something just to North Carolina and come back, he wasn't too sure about this and he had turned him down but it was hard because him and Ashley and their family sure could used the money. Ashley comes back and Matt looks and Says "Honey, I turned Alex Hogg and a business offer as he called I don't think he has figured my family connection quite yet at least if he did he sure didn't say nothing right now as well but I am worried that he might ask me again he knows that I have a reputation for a being a faster driver around here as well."

    Ashley Says "Honey don't do that's very illegal and I suppose it was at night it's more dangerous than racing what he wanted you to do as well and very illegal as well. Me and kids could lose you for a few years if you was caught as well."

    Matt Says "Honey I turned him down especially when he asked what kinda of car that I had as well. But I think he might ask again I sure hope he doesn't figure out my connection right now as well."

    After a while Matt and Ashley was home and got the kids settled as well and he thought about the offer that Alex Hogg had made him and was glad that he turned him down as well. He would casually ask his Uncle Bo or Uncle Luke what Ashley and Alex was talking about tomorrow as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

    The Next Morning Ashley and Matt went and took the kids to see Cassidy right now and of course Doug was right by her side as well. Matt looks and Says "Hey cousin, my dear sweet sister still won't warm up to me yet she says she is trying right now but somehow I think she's taking this a little too far as well Cassidy."

    Cassidy Says "Hey Y'll got to sort that between the two of you and don't either one of give up on your dreams. I didn't do that look at what happened in the meantime as well. And first of all don't give up on your marriage as well it's worth it I know the gossip going around that your marriage can't last but don't make it true now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  4. When he came home he looked at his wife and was wandering about Cassidy right now. Shannon Says "Cassidy drove over to Lizzy's and is taking care of Trigger right now as well she didn't want to rest anymore she told she had enough resting at the hospital and well I couldn't offer any agruement to have her stay put. She just like you honey and well we got to look out for her half the time as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

    Lulu walked in Ashley and Julie's room and Says "Hey uh listen so you two all by yourself and sorry I heard about Matt getting sick I heard that boy was so stubborn he didn't even want to admit he was sick now. I know you miss your husband and I got my hubby to come down here as well he's is somewhere now as well."

    Julie Says "Aunt Lulu I don't understand how come I'm still sick right now and well I know I didn't hardly touch my breakfest but well I'm tried of plain oatmeal and have had it every morning for the past two weeks is that the only thing they have in the kitchen now as well."

    Ashley Says "Oh yeah they gave me the samething but I like mine Aunt Julie, and you got to eat if you want to get better now as well. Quit being so stubborn yourself now and when is Aunt Lizzy and Aunt Daisy coming by to visit with us as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  5. Daisy sat at home

    Julie looks at her Uncle and Says "Well I have two kids here but no husband and he told me on the phone when I told him about the baby he couldn't get away he was taking the Drill Sargeant thing and told me that I should start getting ready when he says it's a good time to start Uncle Jesse. You see he's going to have me and the kids move to live on base with him now as well."

    Cue Anybody

  6. Daisy said "Yeah sure"

    After a few days it was okay for Manny to bring Julie home which hopelessly spoiled as well he couldn't help she was his angel right now and now she was carrying his baby. He had cleaned the whole house while she was gone and she was impressed he looked at his wife and seen a empty room that used to for storage and proudly claims "That's the baby's nursery honey what do you think, sure it needs come cleaning and some new carpeting and furniture but that's it right there."

    Cue Anybody

  7. After a while Bo left and was didn't want his sister knowing what his daughter did almost a year ago as well. It's was hard enough back then to tell anybody that she was following in his footsteps and she was adjusting to dealing with everything right now as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

    When he came home he looked at his wife and was wandering about Cassidy right now. Shannon Says "Cassidy drove over to Lizzy's and is taking care of Trigger right now as well she didn't want to rest anymore she told she had enough resting at the hospital and well I couldn't offer any agruement to have her stay put. She just like you honey and well we got to look out for her half the time as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  8. "I can't think of anything either unless you want to give Cooter a hand at the garage this weekend." Lizzy says.

    Yammy was making her way to the Post Office her daughter Jenny was driven by Uncle Jesse to school and she tagged along because she had to start at the Post Office as well. She was glad that Daisy, Julie and Lizzy left for Austin it will give her and Luke sometime private time to talk actually. Uncle Jesse asked what her favorite pie was and he told her that he would have a surprize for her when she got home and it will be served with supper as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke or DaisyMaeDuke

  9. Ashley Says "That's right besides she's just a cougar that can't stay married right now as well but my marriage is solid right now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

    Matt didn't want to his wife about the how Alex Hogg made him a business offer and all he had to was to take something just to North Carolina and come back, he wasn't too sure about this and he had turned him down but it was hard because him and Ashley and their family sure could used the money. Ashley comes back and Matt looks and Says "Honey, I turned Alex Hogg and a business offer as he called I don't think he has figured my family connection quite yet at least if he did he sure didn't say nothing right now as well but I am worried that he might ask me again he knows that I have a reputation for a being a faster driver around here as well."

    Ashley Says "Honey don't do that's very illegal and I suppose it was at night it's more dangerous than racing what he wanted you to do as well and very illegal as well. Me and kids could lose you for a few years if you was caught as well."

    Matt Says "Honey I turned him down especially when he asked what kinda of car that I had as well. But I think he might ask again I sure hope he doesn't figure out my connection right now as well."

    After a while Matt and Ashley was home and got the kids settled as well and he thought about the offer that Alex Hogg had made him and was glad that he turned him down as well. He would casually ask his Uncle Bo or Uncle Luke what Ashley and Alex was talking about tomorrow as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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