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Posts posted by dukefan

  1. after Uncle Jesse calms Bo, 14 year old Daisy and 16 year old Luke come in and Daisy puts her backpack on the floor and shes out of breath and still in her cheer uniform "Uncle Jesse what happend!" she sounded frightful as she seen Bo who shes only seen in pictures

    I am sorry daisydukexenosstraight, but Bo, luke and daisy don't know each other yet, please read my start up again ok?

  2. Finally, a little bit of good news. (Good news! Good news! LOL.) Doctors brought Harry out of his coma a short while ago. He's a bit groggy still, but he's stable. They still need to determine if any damage was done to his heart from the heart attack, so he's not out of the woods yet. Keep praying for Harry and Sabrina.

    Right on, faith and prayer and fight, 3 leathal combination to making it and staying strong to the very end, am so happy to hear he is out of the coma.:)

  3. Harry's still fighting. He's gone into cardiac arrest a few times today, but he's hanging in there. His wife Sabrina has had to make a lot of difficult decisions today. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers too.

    Oh my, several attacks is not a good thing, I pray for you Harry and for your wife who is by now surely stressed out and worried to the core.

    I wish a miracle for you and your family, GOD be with you!!!

  4. This story is about how Bo,Luke and Daisy came to Hazzard and ended up staying with Uncle Jesse. For this story, The point of view is all about how Bo tells his story, and how he met his cousins for the first time.

    Anyone can join, but let me make this clear, in this story, there are no other dukes, only Bo,Luke,Daisy and uncle Jesse. At the start of this, none of them have ever heard of Hazzard county.

    Jesse is married at this time, and he is 42, while Bo is 12, Luke is 16 and Daisy is, say 14. Also, for now, they all live in Hatchipee( forgot how it is really spelled). Daisy has never known her mom, and is being raised by Jesse and his wife.

    Jesse knows J.D. lives in Hazzard, but he hasn't set foot there since the moonshine days, due to meeting such a wonderful woman who lived in Hatchipee county.

    If you remember who Jesse was married to, please private message me ok?


    'Hi ya'll, this is BO, and this is my story on how I got to know my cousins, my uncle real well and Hazzard county.'

    'See, I have always enjoyed the family life, for I was so well taken care of, but one thing that I did not like, was my dad and his friends running shine, getting in trouble with the law and nearly getting killed over moonshine.'

    'I was only 12 back then, so there was little I could say or do about it, so I kept quiet.'

    'One day, my dad brought us for a drive, I was in the back seat, dad was driving and his buddy was riding shotgun.'

    'I noticed we started going faster, and I was amazed on how well my dad could handle his car, but I got scared, we were going so fast.'

    'So I turned around and saw the sheriff car and yelled to dad;'

    "Dad, why is he chasing us?"

    "Son," My dad said, " It Spike lumas and he thinks we are running shine again, so lay low till I tell you to get up!"

    'I was so scared as I kept hearing the tires squealing away and the sirens getting ever so close to us. I sat up and I fell into shock, bolting right at us was another car, coming from the other side of the road.'

    'My dad was going to fast and he could not avoid hitting the other car. Crumpling deafening sounds of metal bending as my dad's car crumbled like a can of sardine , hood bending in two and partially going through the windscreen.'

    ' We must have rolled a dozen times, or it sure felt like it as I saw the ground, and the sky and the ground again , then the sky, seemed so slow motion at the time, glass flying every where.'

    ' When I woke up, the car was on it's roof, me hanging upside down. Not far, I could see this other car we hit twisted beyond recognition, on fire, with a young man laying on the ground , not moving.'

    ' Dad was pinned under the car, not moving. I tried to get to him, but I passed out from being so dizzy.'

    'When I woke up again, lights on a ceiling were blinding me silly and my head hurt so much, I could not keep my eyes open long.'

    ' I looked to the right , and there was Uncle Jesse and his wife , sitting near by. Jesse got up, came to me and said;

    "Bo, try not to move , the doc will be here directly, just try to stay still"

    "But uncle Jesse, where is my dad? Is he ok? What about those from the other car?"

    ' I could tell something was wrong, uncle Jesse is an honorable man, and he could not hide the truth to save his life. I gulped as he started to say;

    "BO, I don't know quite how to tell you this, but.........but....."

    Cue anyone?

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