Brian--- Does the courthouse building have a broom closet? *chuckles* Besides she cant put me there, it'd be cruel and unusual punishment. But then again after spending time with RL, the closet is just fine! Alex
*gets tugged up...flexing jaw a moment from the kick to the face, walking slowly with MaryAnne's help* Thanks MaryAnne... I think you're right about it being safer behind bars...
See...this is who I was referring to! And now I'm under arrest...The right to remain silent huh? Well hows this? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont I get a phone call??? HELP!!!!
Kin...blood is thicker than water, how true! And besides RL, theres only one female law enforcement officer that can intimidate me and make me skip town fast... and its not you! *chuckles* Alex
OOOOO someone is cranky tonight! *chuckles* Brian you said you know a good deal with you see it.. by all means! You can let Ye Olde Towne Female Sheriff threaten you! Alex
Who me?? Shoot anyone?? Oh no! Not me... and who is the one with a tanned hide RL, me or Brian? *chuckles* You need to be clearer about who youre threatening to tan! Alex
Brian--- I dont all depends if your cousin MaryAnne is going to shoot me or not! *chuckles* Or if another lady law enforcement officer is also armed... Alex