Brian--- Ah the good ol' days... I remember them well, and youre right, back then I did tend to shoot first and ask questions later. I'm thinking about our first meeting.. *Ahem* Yes we did have a hatred for each other but after awhile that shaky beginning has turned into a solid friendship and beyond! We did have some awesome plans together didnt we? Man we had some corkers! *chuckles* Thanks for the walk down Memory Lane Brian, I do appreciate you throwing in your two cents and your support. And thanks for the offer of the floral arrangement, hopefully I wont need it! *crossing fingers* And yes my latest adventure thats landed me in Crowbar City has been annoying a certain Deputy. What can I say? She's a heckuva Deputy and I'm letting my admiration for her show a little bit...but surely I dont deserve my current view through bars nor...something else... Ahem... Is this what you meant Brian when you say reform is hell? Because yes it is...and its even harder sitting in jail. Alex