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Everything posted by JESSI DUKE

  1. today was first in while that I've been on. I got back yesterday :)

    I just wanted to say hi!!!

  2. NO!!!!

    Every thing is not ok and won't ever be ok.

    No really cares. I just want to say maybe I'll see ya around, but more then like

    i won't. it was nice knowing you.

  3. (Sorry Roger that was the first thing that pop in my head in I read 3 points)
  4. Much to young to feel this dam old- garth brooks
  5. What happen? Where did you go?

  6. Next train to Clarksville -- the Monkees
  7. earthobate is worms. Which they put in some brands of hot dogs and It's cured meats and a few other foods to preserve their flavor and color when exposed to air.
  8. We did Friday. My b-day is this month. The weekend of my birthday there will be fireworks at islandfest. Which is a blast to go to.

  9. Friday nights where awesome they where like 30 minutes long, but Saturday was 15minutes long and not as good. I love 4th of July. Then again July is my favorite month of year.

  10. It was good. We saw fireworks both Friday and Saturday night. What about you?

    Things ok with you.

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