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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Yeah u r my man! 70 Charger. 70 Super Bee 69 Coronet! Great!!! I just bought a 69 R/T Charger !!! Yeah! Will join my other cars: 50 Ford F4 Stake Truck 57 Bel Air Coupe 55 Chevy Nomad 59 El Camino 65 Buick Wildcat Coupe and Convertible 65 Riviera 74 Riviera GS Stage 1 68 GTO 69 GTO 67Olds 442 and other Junkers.... Pictures are about to come soon!
  2. The worst thing is, that again a lot of old Chargers get crashed. Just for a damn movie. Just that dumb people can watch it. That's real a shame. Since the USA have just built crap cars after let's say '72 they need their old hereos everywhere, to make a dollar, or to tell the world, look what cool cars we used to built. Shame! When I see movies of u'r Dukes fest, where a Charger gets killed, and everybody claps their hands, I just wanna clap or slap their ...... Stupid! I am a classic car fan and I hate people who destroy old cars!
  3. Thanks! Yes the show was dubbed, but very badly.... I used to hat e the Dukes, loved only the car, until I saw a american original. that damn southern slang is much cooler..
  4. Just bought this Couch. bumper is there, too. There is a bench seat inside. The Trunk opens to the back. The perfect couch for the soccer world champion ship here in Germany this year! 8) Cheers!
  5. Yeah man, that's a shame! I hate all those trendies! I always wanted a Charger never had enough money. know that I could afford the prices they had some years ago, the damn prices went up and up! Did u know what engine was in the car? maybe it was a hemi.... :-( Then the 9000 would have been cheap.
  6. Although I 'm not into modern cars, u'r Jeep is pretty neat. Looks like a bunch of fun! Waht about the rest here? Only Girls who are into them stupid 80's looking actors, or what?!?!
  7. Yeah!!! Seems there was an invasion there! By the way, do u know any 68-70 Charger for sale. Maybe also 2 Door Coronets, Bee's, Satelites..Can be a project also. (I know they are on ebay, but I don't like ebay!)
  8. What cars do u drive or have sitting around u'r house ;-) ? I wanna see pictures! But real stuff, not a 90's BMW or a 2000 sth. plastic american whatever! Where are the Cruisers Rodders Truckers, old Pick Uppers and Muscle Car Guys? C'mon! 8)
  9. My friend has a 69 General Lee over here. It's not an R/T though and has only a 400 in it, but it still is a b****in' car. Check out:
  10. Thanx!!! I like it more every day.... I wanted a Muscle Car rilly bad, but then the Chevy came along. In summer, I will probably fly over to the states, to get me a few new toys! A 69 El Camino a 68-70 Charger and other neat stuff! I also have a 65 Buick Wildcat Coupe and that little Opel hardtop, which soon will wear the General Lee colors! Heehaw!
  11. Keep the 68 stuff! Looks cooler! Make it triple black and do the Bullit style!
  12. http://download.ifilm.com/qt/portal/2677652_200.mov
  13. wanted a 67 GTO, but the seller tried to fool me... The I came across this baby here...... 57 2 door H/T 350 4 bolt. "Winter" LT 1 intake, headers, built heads, cam, Edelbrock carb. 4 Speed Muncie. Must 'been built in Texas in the 70's sometime.... Has a weird interior with small steel knobs everywhere... Will get some Torq Trust rims pretty soon... Charger is next!
  14. Yes, he did it too! It's on the CD "One Of You". Another Version of that way cool Song was recorded live by a band called "Cross Canadian Ragweed"
  15. Thanks!
  16. Well, might just fit rite in here. I'm the guy with the white hat in the background. It's my Band "The Hustlers" On this evening we renamde into "The Good Ole Boyz". And added a Banjo Player. The General belongs to my buddy Michael. Ah yes our "DAISY".... http://www.stillruns.com/other/1128636475/post.php
  17. Howdy I had thrown a Dukes Party earlier this year, and here are some pictures from it.... Hope u like 'em... http://www.stillruns.com/other/1128636475/post.php
  18. I've seen a copy of it, and I must say I love it. There'S some stuff that could be better, but wahtthehell. i'm glad ( but also sad, that they crashed Dodge Chargers again) that finally a movie has come out, that is rilly interesting for me. Country Rock, Muscle Cars and Hillbilly lifestyle. That' my fetish. That's what I rilly dig. It's not easy in Germany when u are a freak like me. There's noc "Boars Nest" where u can hang out and drink a cold Coors. Yes I got me some american Budweisers (damn x-pensive her in Germany) and tomorrow we will invade the Cinema with 20 of my friends. Hope the German translation won't be too bad. The original Series was so bad translated, that I couldn't watch it when I was a kid, because I thought it was stupid. Liked only the Waylon Song, Daisy and the General. As for Sean William Scott, i must say this was best role I have seen from him, and I can't understand why he's worriing. He is rilly cool there Just think of Dude where's my car s***. But I hope they won't damage another Chargers for a second part... Rock on..
  19. Thanks fo da nice words, I hope it will be a full house. There's room for 7000 people in there. I will post some cool pictures when the party is over! Rock on!
  20. Thanks fo da nice words, I hope it will be a full house. There's room for 7000 people in there. I will post some cool pictures when the party is over! Rock on!
  21. Howdy folks. On August the 14th I will make a Dukes Party here in Bavaria/Germany. We will have a General Lee clone, as well as other Muscle Cars and Hot Rods. Two (one featuring myself) Killbilly bands, playing, while Hot Pants Go Go's dancing on stage.....it will be a wild patry nite.... 8) Check it out:
  22. Howdy folks. On August the 14th I will make a Dukes Party here in Bavaria/Germany. We will have a General Lee clone, as well as other Muscle Cars and Hot Rods. Two (one featuring myself) Killbilly bands, playing, while Hot Pants Go Go's dancing on stage.....it will be a wild patry nite.... 8) Check it out:
  23. YEEEEEEEEEEEE-------HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW! From Germany!!! By the way, anybody wants to come to my Birthday Party in Dec.? Check here for more information, though it might be a little far for most of u! http://www.ki.tng.de/~ankelisabeth/mup/flyerA.jpg this is the front side of the flyer, and check here for the backside. Check out the forum as well. I'm "FATHAND DE LUXE" My friend Toby posted the flyer for me. http://www.osg-forum.de/viewtopic.php?p=6297#6297 Rock on! or larger: http://www.ki.tng.de/~ankelisabeth/mup/flyerB.jpg
  24. I wish I was able to see it. U know I'm from f.... Germany, and we do not get CMT here. Is there a chanche to get it as a DVD or mpeg somewhere?
  25. Hi Sven. Here's another "Eurobilly".....ups sorry I've posted it twice...
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