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Everything posted by Rosco83522

  1. I don't remember for sure when but it was either season 1 or 2 and they were showing the Dukes twice a day so they ended up coming in 1st and 2nd in the Nelson ratings for that week.
  2. There are a lot more pics of Tom with Dennis here, https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.354401034581837.94353.183806768307932&type=1
  3. My friend Dennis McVay got Tom to stop at his house on his way to the Canton show!!
  4. This should be an easy one for you hard core Dukes fans so i'm going to make this a two part question. On the episode "Follow that still", What was the name of Jesses' friend who always got caught by the revenue agent and what was the agents name?
  5. I heard somewhere that the Starsky & Hutch Torino Cooter drove was a leftover from filming the series. I thought John said this in an interview somewhere, possibly in the series DVD extras?
  6. I can't remember what episode it was, but it was back in '84 when I first seen it. My mom said "hey, come watch this show, they crash a bunch of cars!" Never missed a show after that and I was about 13 at the time. Not long after that Catherine came to a local car show and my dad took me, that's when I found out she and I were born on the same day.
  7. Hey Tim, If it does snow and you need help cleaning the car or setting up let me know. If not, I'm sure i'll see you there!
  8. Not a Dukes actor but I did get him to sign my dash!
  9. Myself, Dennis, John and Cameron.
  10. John jumping in the window. He said it's a whole lot harder when there's a full cage. We have video of this at 01fun dot net
  11. I was there the whole weekend with my friend Dennis and his General. I'm the guy in front of the stage with the black cowboy hat.
  12. Rosco83522


    Crew and stuntmen looking over what was left of Daisy's car!
  13. Rosco83522


    The semi trailer jump where Corey Eubanks got hurt.
  14. Rosco83522


    I borrowed this from another site
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