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Status Updates posted by HossC

  1. Just order for me if I'm running late :).

  2. Mark, your inbox is full, so I can't send you a PM. You'll have to backup and/or delete some old messages.


  3. MaryAnne (one of the moderators) is the expert on The Greatest American Hero, but from a quick look at the intro on YouTube it looks like it's the wooden bridge that's located in what is now the Disney Golden Oaks Ranch near Santa Clarita - you can view it here on Google Maps and see if it's the one you want.

    If not, then I'd post your question in the forums as not many people will get to see it here. Remember that your first few posts are moderated and don't appear immediately.

  4. Missed you by minutes last night :(.

  5. Most of the patrol cars in SATB were Pontiacs.

    I found this in under 30 seconds on Google:


  6. Most of the text is done from scratch, but for the black/gold signs on the patrol cars I used Compacta and the bold version.

  7. Neither. I'm doing a bit of proofreading, and I have non-Dukes stuff as well.

  8. Nice car - I haven't got a Coronet in my model collection: http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/showthread.php?p=187335#post187335 I think they only do '67, '69 and '70 in 1:18. Sadly the models are as close as I'm likely to get to owning a car like this due to finances and living in Ireland.

  9. No plans at the moment, although it's been ages since I've been back to England - maybe later in the summer.

  10. No problem - I meant to offer the other day when you said you were building it as Dixie. Do you want both styles of 'Dixie' lettering?. Did I send you a PDF last time?, I can't remember. Let me know and I'll sort it out in the morning.


  11. Not much - just having a pizza ATM. I'm also helping a friend transfer his website to a new host and I'm finding it really frustrating :(. Luckily there's some good TV on Friday nights for the next few weeks, so I'm sorted for a couple of hours :). What's happening over in the US of A?.

  12. Not much. I should have another post for the Patrol Cars in Pictures thread in the next couple of days, but there's not a lot to interest you. I've been adding to Hazzard Square and doing other stuff recently.

  13. OK - couldn't see from the small pictures. It would still be nice to send people this way if they like Dukes stuff.

  14. Ok - I'm just giving chapters 1-5 a last read through before I send them back.

  15. PS. It's after midnight, so Happy Birthday :).

  16. Sorry - I was AFK when you sent your message. The normal way to get a CD out is to find the small hole on the front of the drive and stick something like a paper clip into it. You probably didn't need to know that as it sounds like you're sorted :).

  17. Sorry for the delay in answering your question. You need to get to the member's home page to post a message. If you're in the main forum, click on their name at the top of a post and select 'View public profile'. To reply to me you can just click directly on my name in this message.

    Please feel free to introduce yourself in this thread. As you've probably read, your first few posts are moderated and you'll only be able to add an avatar after this period is over (usually about 10 posts).

  18. Sounds like we had the same weather. No holiday plans ATM.

  19. Sweetwater is the same as Hazzard, but with 'Sheriff' under the star instead of 'Hazzard County'. I can't make out any detail on the badge of the ATF car in 'Follow That Still', although the one from 'Hughie Hogg Strikes Again' looks very similar to this:


    I'm sure you can do the State Penitentiary badge yourself - it's just plain black text (something like Arial bold).

    As for the others, I may do them if I get a good screengrab.

  20. HossC

    T'as le blues en toi,

    Dans tes yeux ça se voit,

    Le blues c'est bien joli d'accord mais faut mettre aussi

    Du country dans ta vie

  21. Thanks - hope you're enjoying life in Hazzard :).

  22. Thanks for getting back to me about the crossword - I hope you got more than 37 across (you did get 37 across, right?).

    I feel really dumb 'cos I've only just found out what a Meadow Muffin is :oops:. It's one of those little phrases that hasn't made it across the Atlantic (we have our own terms for them). I guess if Jimmie gives you a name - go with it :).

    Just checked out your acknowledgement in my copy of The Unofficial Companion - that's pretty cool.

  23. Thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning with your blatant cheating in 'Dukes Game II'. Sadly Mufn spotted it.

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